Science from the other side of Climate Change

All vaccines are designed to infect you with a virus, Void.
Wrong. You don't get an infection from a vaccine. If you did, it would make vaccines useless because people will leave and infect people around them.

Literally, the entire point of a vaccine is to make your body react without the infection.

How do you not know this?
It is not true, and it is the virus being manufactured. The idea is that the virus manufactured slowly enough that your body can learn to fight it.
You ARE correct that the virus is not confined to the injection site.

Once your body has successfully fought off any virus, you are immune to that virus for life. It doesn't prevent infection, but it mitigates the effects of such infection since your body can fight it off much faster than before.

For Covid19, it's rather pointless, since this virus does not kill, and is instead the mildest variant of the Covid/SARS series so far discovered.

It's just the DEMOCRATS getting all twisted up about nothing (again). In this case, the purpose was to try to make Trump's successes look bad and to justify their election fraud.

This fear mongering by DEMOCRATS started the current economic depression. It DESTROYED quite a few businesses, and they are GONE. They are not coming back.
I don't what to beat a dead horse but YOU ARE WRONG.
Only the Spike Protein is being manufactured in the body.

mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Ingredients​

Based on the provided search results, the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine instructs your body to manufacture a specific protein called the “spike protein” of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This protein is found on the outer surface of the virus and is responsible for its ability to infect human cells.

The mRNA vaccine delivers genetic instructions to your cells, which then use those instructions to produce the spike protein. Your immune system recognizes this protein as foreign and mounts a response against it, generating antibodies and activating T-cells that can recognize and attack the virus if you are ever infected with COVID-19 in the future.

In other words, the mRNA vaccine trains your body to recognize and respond to the spike protein, thereby providing immunity against COVID-19. This process does not involve the actual replication of the virus or the production of infectious particles, making the mRNA vaccine a safe and effective way to prevent severe illness and hospitalization from COVID-19. Brave AI
Dictionaries give word definitions.
Nope. Dictionaries provide example word usages.

No, it's a legitimate use of "they" in modern English for a singular.
Nope. It's atrocious grammar, signalling your lack of education runs deeper than previously feared ... and to think you were trying to fool everyone into believing that you are some sort of PhD! Too funny. You can't even write a grammatically correct sentence.
Well, yeah, your mom isn't really a "friend", mostly just a fuckbuddy.

Wow, it's like you can't even read a simple sentence and get it right. How do you function in real life? Do you have assistance?

I know I don't. Which is why I believe EXPERTS.

But you do you. When has an influenza virus ever killed anyone? I mean, really. Well, just 50 million died from it in 1918-1919 alone, but I'm sure flu can't be considered "dangerous" if you are willing to ignore history.
Mantras 1a. 'Expert' worship. Void reference fallacy. The influenza series is not the covid/SARS series. Covid does not kill. In the influenza series, only a very few of them have found to kill (none are active right now).

This is 2024 (almost 2025!) not 1918. No currently active virus from the influenza series kills. No variant from the Covid/SARS series of viruses kills.

You fear mongering isn't working, Dimlight. It must suck to live in your kind of paranoia.
Dictionaries give word definitions.
No dictionary defines any word. That is not their purpose.
No, it's a legitimate use of "they" in modern English for a singular. I'm surprised this news missed you. It's been in common parlance for decades and is now generally considered "Ok".
It is YOU that doesn't know English. I have pointed out this before. DON'T TRY TO BLAME YOUR PROBLEM ON ANYBODY ELSE!
So you think that if you went to some kid and told him it was "OK" to drink lighter fluid and the kid was dumb enough to believe you, how would that make you feel about yourself?

I assume you don't have any morals or anything and that you'd be just as fine if your actions resulted in harm. But hey, not all of us are as evil as you are.
Mantra 30a. Stop making shit up.
Wrong. You don't get an infection from a vaccine.
All vaccines are designed to infect you with a virus.
If you did, it would make vaccines useless because people will leave and infect people around them.
Literally, the entire point of a vaccine is to make your body react without the infection.
All vaccines are designed to infect you with a virus.
How do you not know this?
Don't try to blame your illiteracy on anybody else.
Assumption of victory fallacy. What 'error'????
All vaccines are designed to infect you with a virus.


All vaccines are designed to infect you with a virus.

Don't try to blame your illiteracy on anybody else.
"All vaccines are designed to infect you with a virus."

Nope. they trick your body into believing it's infected to produce the antibody.

Again, if the vaccines caused an actual infection, they would be worthless because the person receiving the shot would leave the doctor/pharmacy, etc and spread the infection to others...which is the OPPOSITE of what we want to happen. We want the body to produce the antibody WITHOUT getting an infection. An infection of measles or rubella causes the red rash. The reason you don't get a red rash from a vaccine is because you don't have a viral infection.

If a person has a compromised immune system, they could get an infection.

Vaccines work by imitating an infection​

Vaccines work by imitating an infection—the presence of a disease-causing organism in the body—to engage the body's natural defenses. The active ingredient in all vaccines is an antigen, the name for any substance that causes the immune system to begin producing antibodies. In a vaccine, the antigen could be either

  • Weakened or killed bacteria or viruses
  • Bits of their exterior surface or genetic material, or
  • Bacterial toxin treated to make it non-toxic.