Science from the other side of Climate Change

What if someone reads this
Oh, the HORROR of someone reading an opposing opinion to your own!!! OH MY!!!!! 😱
and, shock, you are WRONG and they die?
Newsflash: Everyone will die eventually. But fret not! There's still time for you to believe in Jesus Christ and to accept him as your LORD and Savior. REPENT and BE SAVED!!
WIll you sleep well at night knowing your actions led to a person dying?
I ask that because you don't appear to have any morality. You seem to be devoid of humanity at any level.

Keep cheering on the killing of living humans inside of their mother's womb, why don't'cha.......
Oh, the HORROR of someone reading an opposing opinion to your own!!! OH MY!!!!! 😱

So you think that if you went to some kid and told him it was "OK" to drink lighter fluid and the kid was dumb enough to believe you, how would that make you feel about yourself?

I assume you don't have any morals or anything and that you'd be just as fine if your actions resulted in harm. But hey, not all of us are as evil as you are.

Newsflash: Everyone will die eventually. But fret not! There's still time for you to believe in Jesus Christ


YOU, telling someone about JESUS? LOL. LOLOLOLOL. I can't stop laughing long enough to actually address your stupid point.

What do YOU FUCKING CARE ABOUT JESUS???? SEriously! If you can't think how your actions could harm others then you clearly think Jesus is a big ol' joke.

and to accept him as your LORD and Savior. REPENT and BE SAVED!!

Ohgod, stop! You are hilarious! Why do you mock the faith of millions of AMericans????


Keep cheering on the killing of living humans inside of their mother's womb, why don't'cha.......

Oh now we're talkin'! The troll who couldn't care less how many people die from disease now "cares" about the widdle fetus.

"The vaccine makers say that it just stays in the muscle tissue at the site of the injection but THAT IS NOT TRUE."

You should stop getting your medical info from Alex Jones:
He didn't mention any Alex Jones.
Where does the vaccine go?
Throughout the body.
Here's a peer-reviewed study that shows where intramuscular vaccines (which all three of the COVID-19 vaccines are) travel in macaques (a type of monkey). Vaccines mostly remain near the site of injection (the arm muscle) and local lymph nodes.
Nope. They travel throughout the body. Ever hear of blood vessels??
This makes sense: Lymph nodes produce white blood cells and antibodies to protect us from disease.
Nope. Lymph nodes do not make white blood cells or antibodies.
White blood cells are made in bone marrow.
Antibodies are made in bone marrow and certain other sites around the body.

The lymph nodes act to program out any cells harmful to the body (essentially giving them a command to destroy themselves).
Antibodies make it through this filter and enter the bloodstream.

Obviously you have no idea how the immune system works at all.

A key part of the lymphatic system, lymph nodes also clean up fluids and remove waste materials.
Lymph nodes do not clean up any fluid at all. They do not route anything. They are effectively filters and programming centers for B cells produced in bone marrow.

The lymphatic system (which is much more than lymph nodes BTW!), drains excess fluid into the left subclavian vein. It's purpose is to 'sponge up' the fluid that cells tend to leak out and return it to the bloodstream.
Finding pieces of spike protein in the lymph nodes is completely normal, because lymph nodes act as the trash removal service for the body. That means the vaccine did its job (made spike proteins, which caused the creation of antibodies) and will be cleared from the body.
Nope. The lymphatic system is not 'trash removal' at all. The bloodstream is.
Another peer-reviewed study tested exactly where an mRNA vaccine went in mice.
Another no-name 'study' and yet another attempt to claim that consensus is used in science, is if it were some kind of voting bloc or politics.
I'll try this again, a different way, since you ignored it the last time...

Below is a picture of the measles. How many people get the measles FROM the measles vaccine?
Everyone that takes that vaccine.
Below is a picture of someone with Mumps. How many people get the mumps FROM the mumps vaccine?
Everyone that takes that vaccine.
Below is a picture of someone with Rubella. How many people get Rubella FROM the Rubella vaccine?
Everyone that takes that vaccine.

None of these are pictures of a virus.
Nope. Wrong again. The pics I posted were the result of a viral infection.
None of the pictures you posted are of a virus or and viral infection.
That is what it means to "have" measles or "have" mumps, etc. It means you have a virus infecting your body. This doesn't happen from a vaccine. Vaccines do not cause a viral infection. You do not "get" measles, mumps, etc from a vaccine.
All vaccines cause infection.
Okay, so you are going to keep playing dumb and pretend that vaccines actually infect you with the virus that they are trying to prevent. Cool. Go jerk off somewhere else.
All vaccines are designed to infect you with a virus, Void. No vaccine prevents infection either.