Material energy exists in a flux of 3-modes (as per Vedanta):
Maintenance, Creation, destruction
[literally, Goodness, passion, ignorance. Sanskrit: Satva, Raja, Tamas]
All matter and energy transition and transmutes ceaselessly through
the "three modes" of material energy
[similar to Chinese Ying/Yang duality principle...but extended to three]
All the above is call "Manifest" energy.
The "un-Manifest" energy [as per Vedanta] has three aspects,
the "un-Manifest" energy is called "Sat-chit-ananda" [aka, eternal-conscious-blissful]
When all varigated phenomena is erased,
when all Space is erased,
when all time is erased . . .
A] there still exists the potential for "Three-Dimensions".
B] there still exists the potential for "Locomotion"
By my use of the appellation "Potential", I am saying that even in a situation devoid of matter & energy & time & Space . . . there is still Potential for "Three-Dimensions" along with "Locomotion" ---irregardless of who/what/how initiates creation or whether there is an absolute state that transcends material phenomena ---there exists as a pre-creation/substratum/pre-requisite meta-physical blank page that ALLOWS for even empty space to occupy itself before its creative play:
"Three-Dimensions" along with "Locomotion" lay fallow until it is utilised ---yet interestingly, never are these "3-Dimensions" along with "Locomotion" actually a manifest; they don't manifest as entities unto them selves and yet they underlie all potential possibilities.
You can't measure "Three-Dimensions" along with "Locomotion".
You can't make them under your control ---they are a nuetral state that allows even the void to come and go as epochs pass into oblivion again and again.
When all is erased there sits "Three-Dimensions" along with "Locomotion"; selflessly, or as the prime self?
C] there still exists the potential for "onomatopoeia"
[onomatopoeia = the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (such as buzz or hiss). Onomatopoeia may also refer to the use of words whose sound suggests the sense.
from Gk. onomatopoiia "the making of a name or word" (in imitation of a sound associated with the thing being named), from onomatopoios, from onoma (gen. onomatos) "word, name" (see 'name') + a derivative of poiein "compose, make" (see 'poet').]
According to the Vedas the soul is part and parcel of the "Supreme-Soul".
The Grand surprise is the the "Supreme-Soul" is a Person ['Bhagavan' ('the possessor and source of all opulences')]. According to the Vedas the soul is a person. According to the Vedas the soul is active by nature ---so the buddhist sense of Nirvana as the "Goal of merging the soul into a state of non-being" is a myth borne of a lack of knowledge that the "nature of the soul(s)", of all living entities, is "Persona".
The life-force in all animate bodies is the precence of a "Soul", and that soul is striving birth-after-birth seeking the supreme soul ---this is the mystery of life.