Scientific Poll

I'd prefer __________ to be the next president of the USA

  • Gore

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • H. Clinton

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Obama

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
"That would be extremely difficult to beat"

Not that difficult at all.

Rudy beats Gore.
Romney beats Gore.
McCain beats Gore.
Thompson beats Gore.
Bloomberg beats Gore.
Hagel beats Gore.

Hell, if Bush can beat the Bore... who CAN'T?
"You forgot to add that we know he could beat a bush/cheney matchup.

Since you know, he already has."

That point is moot yet debatable... given that thankfully Bush cannot run again. Regardless, Bore is not nearly as electable as the left wing pundits would have you believe.
Bush didn't beat Gore, and no matter how many times someone says he did and calls for a "tinfoil hat", the history books will show that, because that is what happened. and if Gore gets the nomination, none of those guys are going to be our next President. So the day you see him nominated SF, get used to hearing "President Gore" because it is a done deal.
"You forgot to add that we know he could beat a bush/cheney matchup.

Since you know, he already has."

That point is moot yet debatable... given that thankfully Bush cannot run again. Regardless, Bore is not nearly as electable as the left wing pundits would have you believe.

It's not left wing pundits SF. I wrote an article almost two years ago, maybe over two years ago now, calling for a Gore/Obama ticket, which was published on a "left wing" site. So, maybe I am the left wing "pundit" but I was way ahead of that pack, and in fact, wrote it because I was so amazed one Sunday morning that not one pundit would even mention Gore's name when discussing possible Democratic candidates.

I have always believed the Gore/Obama ticket cannot be beaten, and will not be close enough to steal.
Lay the pipe down... and slowly back away... Crack is bad... umkay?

Bush beat Gore. History will show that Bush was the President and Gore was the whiny little sore loser who would proceed to go off the deep end over the ensuing six years. Gore will be hard pressed to win the dem nod. If he does, he loses the general election. Gore would galvanize the right and he doesn't play as well to the independents. Barring a far right candidate from the Reps... the Bore loses AGAIN.
Lay the pipe down... and slowly back away... Crack is bad... umkay?

Bush beat Gore. History will show that Bush was the President and Gore was the whiny little sore loser who would proceed to go off the deep end over the ensuing six years. Gore will be hard pressed to win the dem nod. If he does, he loses the general election. Gore would galvanize the right and he doesn't play as well to the independents. Barring a far right candidate from the Reps... the Bore loses AGAIN.
You really don't think HillBilly would as well?
"It's not left wing pundits SF. I wrote an article almost two years ago, maybe over two years ago now, calling for a Gore/Obama ticket, which was published on a "left wing" site. So, maybe I am the left wing "pundit" but I was way ahead of that pack, and in fact, wrote it because I was so amazed one Sunday morning that not one pundit would even mention Gore's name when discussing possible Democratic candidates."

Ok... so perhaps you agree, but it IS the left wing that thinks the Bore is so unstoppable. He would get hammered by a moderate rep. He is deemed more electable right now because no one is bringing up his weaknesses. No one is running ads with the Bore's rants and exaggerations. They will shred him if he enters... and by "they" I mean the other Dem candidates. You think Hillary is going to let the bore come in without drawing a LOT of blood? Not a chance. He won't make it to the general election.
"It's not left wing pundits SF. I wrote an article almost two years ago, maybe over two years ago now, calling for a Gore/Obama ticket, which was published on a "left wing" site. So, maybe I am the left wing "pundit" but I was way ahead of that pack, and in fact, wrote it because I was so amazed one Sunday morning that not one pundit would even mention Gore's name when discussing possible Democratic candidates."

Ok... so perhaps you agree, but it IS the left wing that thinks the Bore is so unstoppable. He would get hammered by a moderate rep. He is deemed more electable right now because no one is bringing up his weaknesses. No one is running ads with the Bore's rants and exaggerations. They will shred him if he enters... and by "they" I mean the other Dem candidates. You think Hillary is going to let the bore come in without drawing a LOT of blood? Not a chance. He won't make it to the general election.

The Clinton machine is one big reason he would make a very late entry. They can run nearly anyone over, I agree.

But, the base does not want Hillary. She might not get what she wants no matter how much money she has.
"You really don't think HillBilly would as well?"

oh, Hillary would as well. I really don't think Gore would survive the primaries against her. The HillBilly team will shred him if he enters. It would actually be quite entertaining as I am sure they have quite a bit of dirt on each other. But in a fight between the two... Hillary will kick Bores ass while Billy sits back and laughs.
"The Clinton machine is one big reason he would make a very late entry. They can run nearly anyone over, I agree."

With the primaries getting earlier and earlier, he has to enter by October at the latest. I would be willing to bet, the HillBilly team already has the attack schedule ready to roll should he enter.

"But, the base does not want Hillary. She might not get what she wants no matter how much money she has."

Perhaps that is true. But if the Dems want a win, they better not go as far left as Gore. That is what cost them the past two elections.
You forgot to add that we know he could beat a bush/cheney matchup.

Since you know, he already has.


At this point, I don't see anyone beating a Gore/Obama ticket. I really hope Gore runs, like you have suggested. But, I have my doubts. :(
"The Clinton machine is one big reason he would make a very late entry. They can run nearly anyone over, I agree."

With the primaries getting earlier and earlier, he has to enter by October at the latest. I would be willing to bet, the HillBilly team already has the attack schedule ready to roll should he enter.

"But, the base does not want Hillary. She might not get what she wants no matter how much money she has."

Perhaps that is true. But if the Dems want a win, they better not go as far left as Gore. That is what cost them the past two elections.

That's your opinion of what cost them the last two elections. I don't share it.

Yes, if he's running he will enter in October right after he wins the Nobel Peace Prize.
"It's not left wing pundits SF. I wrote an article almost two years ago, maybe over two years ago now, calling for a Gore/Obama ticket, which was published on a "left wing" site. So, maybe I am the left wing "pundit" but I was way ahead of that pack, and in fact, wrote it because I was so amazed one Sunday morning that not one pundit would even mention Gore's name when discussing possible Democratic candidates."

Ok... so perhaps you agree, but it IS the left wing that thinks the Bore is so unstoppable. He would get hammered by a moderate rep. He is deemed more electable right now because no one is bringing up his weaknesses. No one is running ads with the Bore's rants and exaggerations. They will shred him if he enters... and by "they" I mean the other Dem candidates. You think Hillary is going to let the bore come in without drawing a LOT of blood? Not a chance. He won't make it to the general election.

No one is running ads with the Bore's rants and exaggerations.

Oh, I see. You think the way to beat Gore is too swift boat him.

I'm suprised you'd express faux outrage at gore's "exaggerations". Guiliani, McCain, and Romney have been the king of flip floppers, and routinely lie or exaggerate about Iraq. On an almost daily basis.

Personally, I think the campaign should be about issues. I don't think either side should play the phony swift-boating game. But, swift-boating may be the only was for republicans to win. ;) They sure don't win on most of the issues.
But are the people stupid enough to go for anothe swift boating campaign ? Or will it backfire on the swiftboaters ?
I figure it is a tossup, apparently the American people are by and large pretty stupid.
Well, the results are in: conclusively and scientifically Gore will win the nomination by a landslide if he runs.