Scientific Poll

I'd prefer __________ to be the next president of the USA

  • Gore

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • H. Clinton

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Obama

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
"Yes, if he's running he will enter in October right after he wins the Nobel Peace Prize."

If they give Bore the Peace Prize for creating a bunch of propaganda, that will simply legitimize the claims that the Nobel committee is nothing more than a left wing pat yourself on the back piece of crap.

WHAT has bore done to promote peace? NOTHING. The lefts sudden love affair with Bore will be their undoing. All of you who thought he ran a good campaign in 2000 please stand up and be counted... my guess is that will be none of you. He may be good at selling his propaganda, but he sucks as a political leader. Please, by all means, nominate him. Then come back here after the election and you can provide me with the conspiracy theories on why he got his ass kicked.
WHAT has bore done to promote peace? NOTHING.

If you had voted for him it might be different.....

I suppose a world not suffering from global warming would be a bit more peaceful.
Not fighting over food, water and such as much.
"If you had voted for him it might be different....."

NO... it wouldn't. Making an overhyped propaganda piece, calling it a documentary and then playing spotlight whore with hollywood elites is not promoting peace.

"I suppose a world not suffering from global warming would be a bit more peaceful."

What a load of crap. Was the world more at piece when the globe was cooling? NO. But hey, if this is what you need to justify giving the peace prize to bore... more power to ya... like I said, they do that and the prize is meaningless.
Tiana does seem to have picked up on their tricks and made them her own. I think she should be our minister of Poopaganda, the position now held under bush, by Karl Rove.

Yes. Its taken me some time, but I think I've perfected the art. You take something that's not scientific and say it is. The sheer genius of it is its simplicity. Take ID.......its not scientific, but if you call it "philosophy", suddenly it has a "sciencey" feel too it, which makes it legitimate. The same goes for global warming......yes, real actual scientists who've studied the phenomenon for years believe that we are causing climate changes in our environment, but hire a few corporate voila: there are now two sides to the "debate" - the scientific debate.......

Yes. I'm the new Rove.........I should come up with a rap.
I just amended the question. Assume that you HAVE to pick one of them. I intentionally didn't list all the democratic candidates or possible candidates.
Very reluctantly I would pick Obama, I know too much about the other two.
Yes. Its taken me some time, but I think I've perfected the art. You take something that's not scientific and say it is. The sheer genius of it is its simplicity.

Take ID.......its not scientific, but if you call it "philosophy", suddenly it has a "sciencey" feel too it, which makes it legitimate. The same goes for global warming......yes, real actual scientists who've studied the phenomenon for years believe that we are causing climate changes in our environment, but hire a few corporate voila: there are now two sides to the "debate" - the scientific debate.......


"If you had voted for him it might be different....."

NO... it wouldn't. Making an overhyped propaganda piece, calling it a documentary and then playing spotlight whore with hollywood elites is not promoting peace.

"I suppose a world not suffering from global warming would be a bit more peaceful."

What a load of crap. Was the world more at piece when the globe was cooling? NO. But hey, if this is what you need to justify giving the peace prize to bore... more power to ya... like I said, they do that and the prize is meaningless.
Hey! That was the 70s and 80s! We are supposed to forget them and pretend that we were at peace! Don't ruin the myth!
I like what Obama claims to stand for, but his catering to religionists worries me a bit. He's obviously very bright, accomplished, and driven... and he seems to have some sense of what I would call true morality.

I worry about his "electability"...we are still nation chock full of racists.
Because the fingers remember. Muscle memorization plays far more of a part in type-written words than in hand-written words.
If they give Bore the Peace Prize for creating a bunch of propaganda, that will simply legitimize the claims that the Nobel committee is nothing more than a left wing pat yourself on the back piece of crap.

Yes SF, the committee who awarded that well known comrade of the left, Henry Kissenger the same prize, can certainly be considered "a left wing pat yourself on the back piece of crap". I remember one leftist in particular, so moved by Kissinger's award, proclaiming that now, satire, was truly "dead".

That claim certainly passes the laugh test. No, really. :)

Don't get so upset, he hasn't won it yet. You sound like David Brooks. You guys are really afraid of Gore, aren't you?
When Yassir Arafat got it, I was done with using that as a measure of any value.
I felt that way when Kissinger got it. Later, though, I calmed down and reconsidered.

The prize is given for a specific achievment or effort, not for character or citizenship. It still has merit, I think, even if some of the recipients seem a bit distasteful in hindsight.