Second degree murder

I think manslaughter would be fitting. The more I learn about this case, the more I feel it was an accident. Things simply got out of control. Even Trayvon's mother yesterday said that she believes it was an accident. Based on Zimmerman's history, there's no reason to believe it was racially motivated.

I could be wrong, but that's how it looks to me.

What I find interesting is how quickly a Hispanic man becomes "white" when it is politically convenient.
I fail to see the relevence of your question. If I walk up and provoke you and walk away am I suddenly no longer provoked? What an irrational question Damo. What does it even have to do with my comment. We only know of two facts for certain. Zimmerman provoked Trayvon and then Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon. What happened in between we don't know a hell of a lot about.

When you begin to leave confrontation is averted, unless I then decide to confront you. If Zimmerman stopped the search and was returning the full confrontation was not of his making.
Here's an article about crime in Sanford and race isn't even mentioned.

One of the flashpoints of the Martin – Zimmerman case is Zimmerman’s so-called profiling of young black strangers and his irrational reaction in interpreting Trayvon Martin as being up to no good. The question is whether or not Zimmerman’s was actually an irrational interpretation of a strange person walking through his neighborhood. Of course, it is impossible to determine the breakpoint at which rational interpretation becomes irrational. But the general sentiment in Sanford, Florida among citizens in the months leading up to Martin’s death seemed to be an awareness and fear of crime. A September 2011 article from the Sanford Herald highlights this:

Residents say there is a rising tide of crime in their neighborhoods, and they are blaming the homeless population for much of it.
Homelessness has been a mainstay on the streets of Sanford for decades, but the tattered economy has worsened the problem. At the last City Commission meeting, about 50 citizens turned out to voice their protest against the increased number of criminal incidents occurring every day, victimizing people and property.
“I live in the historic district and I have never seen it so bad,” said Linda Surdin, who is a leader in her Neighborhood Watch group.
She said residents have been harassed and attacked by the homeless and citizens are afraid, in their homes and in the community.

So it is your belief that things in a neighborhood can't change, within say 5 MONTHS?
Regardless of that, we knew it would not be 1st Degree charges because they did not call a Grand Jury. One cannot face the death penalty unless he is indicted by a Grand Jury. It's that whole Constitution thing.

The Second Degree charges will be almost impossible to prove considering they must prove, per FL law, that he had a "depraved mind". Overcharging like this is usually done with somebody whom you believe you can force into a plea.

And this is apparently what the prosecuter is hoping for; the truth be damned.
FORCE was a good choice of words.
That's hardly an assumption. There's clear undisputed evidence that he provoked a confrontation. There are only really two clear facts to this case. Zimmerman provoked a confrontation and he shot and killed Trayvon. Anyone who tries to rationalize that Zimmerman didn't provoke a confrontation is playing mental masturbation.

Would you care to present your "undisputed evidence" that he provoked the confrontation?
I fail to see the relevence of your question. If I walk up and provoke you and walk away am I suddenly no longer provoked? What an irrational question Damo. What does it even have to do with my comment. We only know of two facts for certain. Zimmerman provoked Trayvon and then Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon. What happened in between we don't know a hell of a lot about.

Prove he provoked him; don't just keep using it as a mantra, to make yourself feel better.
I think manslaughter would be fitting. The more I learn about this case, the more I feel it was an accident. Things simply got out of control. Even Trayvon's mother yesterday said that she believes it was an accident. Based on Zimmerman's history, there's no reason to believe it was racially motivated.

I could be wrong, but that's how it looks to me.

What I find interesting is how quickly a Hispanic man becomes "white" when it is politically convenient.

How do you think manslaghter would fit?
I think manslaughter would be fitting. The more I learn about this case, the more I feel it was an accident. Things simply got out of control. Even Trayvon's mother yesterday said that she believes it was an accident. Based on Zimmerman's history, there's no reason to believe it was racially motivated.

I could be wrong, but that's how it looks to me.

What I find interesting is how quickly a Hispanic man becomes "white" when it is politically convenient.

Manslaughter would be a slam dunk charge. Zimmerman acted negligently, resulting in the death of Martin, and it's a super easy case to make.

Murder 2 is going to be a nearly impossible case to sell to the courtroom, and Zimmerman's lawyers are probably going to be gleeful that they only have to beat Murder 2 and not Manslaughter, giving them another victory for their case records...
1) Following him is not provoking a confrontation, especially if the cops are asking for a description and direction he was headed etc...
2) according to Zimmerman, when the cops told him not to follow Martin, he went back to his car... ie.. he was walking away from Martin

So again... you don't have 'undisputed' evidence that Zimmerman was the one that provoked him.
You're nuts!
Dear Mutt... no, here on earth following someone is not 'confrontational as hell'. People 'followed' me on the way to work today. I didn't get out of my car and start beating them for it. It is most certainly not cause for you to start a fight. You have no idea how long Zimmerman was following him, how long Zimmerman was following him while talking to the cops etc...

You are just making up shit to try and back up your absurd claim.
I think manslaughter would be fitting. The more I learn about this case, the more I feel it was an accident. Things simply got out of control. Even Trayvon's mother yesterday said that she believes it was an accident. Based on Zimmerman's history, there's no reason to believe it was racially motivated.

I could be wrong, but that's how it looks to me.

What I find interesting is how quickly a Hispanic man becomes "white" when it is politically convenient.
I wouldn't dispute that. I don't have a problem with 2nd/3rd degree murder charges either.
When you begin to leave confrontation is averted, unless I then decide to confront you. If Zimmerman stopped the search and was returning the full confrontation was not of his making.
Well fine but what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? As I've said. There are only two facts that we are certain of. Zimmerman confronted Trayvon and he Shot and killed Trayvon. That Zimmerman may have walked away from the initial confrontation and may have been confronted later by Trayvon, does not change those two facts. Zimmerman confronted Trayvon and then shot and killed him.
Dear Mutt... no, here on earth following someone is not 'confrontational as hell'. People 'followed' me on the way to work today. I didn't get out of my car and start beating them for it. It is most certainly not cause for you to start a fight. You have no idea how long Zimmerman was following him, how long Zimmerman was following him while talking to the cops etc...

You are just making up shit to try and back up your absurd claim. you are saying that on a dark street at night, following someone wouldn't appear "confrontational" to the person being followed.

It's also hysterical how you feel you can lecture others for having "no idea how long Zimmerman was following him" when you don't know either.

Looks like we found another "do as I say and not as I do" Rightie.
We were discussing profiling. How is it a diversion to ask a question on the topic being discussed?

That is the problem with you liberals. One of you shouts something out and you all tend to jump on the bandwagon without realizing where it is going. So do tell us, what about my question on profiling was a diversion from the discussion on profiling?

No...the discussion is regarding the 2nd degree murder charge facing Zimmerman...Y-O-U were "discussing" profiling.

You keep trying to divert the thread by diverting the topic of dicussion to "profiling."
YEAH, heaven forbid that Zimmerman be tried by the truth; something that liberals reject, unless it supports their AGENDA.

Yeah, the truth...the same "truth" Zimmerman didn't bother to ask Martin about, before he shot him in cold blood.

Funny how that's the one "truth" none of you bloodthirsty Righties want to talk about.
When you begin to leave confrontation is averted, unless I then decide to confront you. If Zimmerman stopped the search and was returning the full confrontation was not of his making.

Total nonsense.

When you confront someone you don't just get to walk away and expect the other to just do the same.

If Martin feared for his life, he has just as much right to defend himself from the person who followed and then approached him on a dark street.
Total nonsense.

When you confront someone you don't just get to walk away and expect the other to just do the same.

If Martin feared for his life, he has just as much right to defend himself from the person who followed and then approached him on a dark street.

Had he actually confronted him before walking away I may agree with you. But according to the statements he was returning after a fruitless search. No confrontation had happened at that point. If Martin had come up behind him as was reported then that portion of the confrontation was not begun by Zimmerman, nor was it defense at that point.