Seething with HATRED for muslims. (Among others)

You hate all religions but you really hate scumbag Muslims. Interesting. Haters vary but they are all united in their hatred of other human beings.

"Violence begets violence; hate begets hate; and toughness begets a greater toughness. It is all a descending spiral, and the end is destruction — for everybody. Along the way of life, someone must have enough sense and morality to cut off the chain of hate." -Martin Luther King Jr.

Give post #19 a whirl loverboy.
Interesting. That is one of the screwiest replies I've seen in a while. Of course religion is the problem. As for an unorganized religion, there is no difference between just believing whatever you want and unorganized religion. Next, despite what you say, ALL religions are pure filth. From what I have seen, they contain both good and evil. Which makes them utterly useless. And about as far from any "beauty" as you can get. You could probably put a drop of poison into a spoonful of honey and it would still taste pretty good. It will kill you. But it would taste pretty good.

As for being an atheist, there is an example of unorganized religion. Because I have been to atheist websites. They are as much a follower of some cult as any religious person is. But getting back to muslims, I will show you a couple pictures of what they are capable of. One is of a muslim woman who had acid thrown on her face by some muslim gaf's for apparently not covering it. That example is far from an isolated one. I will also include a picture of some muslims committing human sacrifice. I don't know if it will be too much for this forum. You think any "beauty" can make up for such things?



Oh I see

You hate the world

It won’t get you far
Religion is the problem. It only takes one lunatic to kill people.

Then religion isn’t the problem

You hate atheist too

You just hate everyone

It’s a plan for a really shitty life

You seem to think ONLY YOU are correct

I’m guessing you are around 19 years old
Oh I see

You hate the world

It won’t get you far

No. I don't hate the world. In this case, I hate muslims. For good reasons. FAR more than I listed. You know, life is full of unpleasant things. Shit stinks. You have to work hard to get ahead. You also have to kill to eat. Etc. etc. etc. That's just the way things are. To be permissive and to love, love, love your way through life us unrealistic. (Some might say delusional)
And ultimately, it is impossible to end well.
Dude you just said all religions are bad

And that those who don’t believe in religion are just as bad

You hate everyone

You choose hate

Or is hate just a reflection of your entire being?

You are one lost pathetic fool that actually thinks hate is a sign of intelligence

Hate makes you alone

It’s what you seek

So don’t come to places like this hoping to find your path to a life filled with hate

You need to seek in Ernest the path of hate will take you

Away from all other humans

There are humans here

So it’s the wrong place for you
No. I don't hate the world. In this case, I hate muslims. For good reasons. FAR more than I listed. You know, life is full of unpleasant things. Shit stinks. You have to work hard to get ahead. You also have to kill to eat. Etc. etc. etc. That's just the way things are. To be permissive and to love, love, love your way through life us unrealistic. (Some might say delusional)
And ultimately, it is impossible to end well.

So you hate the Muslims lying in our nations military graves

The ones who sacrificed their lives to protect your freedom?
No. I don't hate the world. In this case, I hate muslims. For good reasons. FAR more than I listed. You know, life is full of unpleasant things. Shit stinks. You have to work hard to get ahead. You also have to kill to eat. Etc. etc. etc. That's just the way things are. To be permissive and to love, love, love your way through life us unrealistic. (Some might say delusional)
And ultimately, it is impossible to end well.

Seems like a reincarnation of SCOTUS Rehnquist Bicentennial Christiananality pedophilia "serve the Pope as Islam & die" just as those burning National Archives US Constitution Bill of Rights "it's just a God dam piece of paper" Bush's 9/11 arsonists Islam "death to the infidels" health care plan patriot act "serve the Pope or die" Rehnquist Fourth Reich July.
The stabbing of Salman Rushdie is just another reason. To me, all religions are a farce. But anybody who would follow the teachings of mohammed are worse than dogs. In my highly considered opinion, (if I am allowed an opinion) mohammed was a total scumbag. That means that anybody who follow his teachings are scumbags too. So the only good muslim is a dead one.

Why would I say these things? Well let's just take a look at islam. It is a religion of violence. Mohammed himself personally cut the heads off 600 to 900 peoples heads with a knife. It is impossible to call the religion that such a person created a religion of peace. Maybe if you're stupid enough you could. And muslims apparently capable of stupidity to that degree. Also, mohammed was a pedophile. (Can I say anything negative against pedophiles around here) He married a 6 year old girl. Though from what I read, she continued to live with her parents for a while. But mohammed screwed that little girl for all she was worth when she was 9 years old. And people worship that "thing?!"

As for muslims themselves, they are mostly (if not completely) gay. (Insert your own hateful slur of gays there) Sucking each other off under islam is ok. You just can't do it up the butt. It's no wonder they treat their women like shit. Treating them like cattle and often cutting off their clits. Also, in at least one muslim country, pederasty is openly practiced. Just like it was in ancient Rome and Greece. The lowlife perverts. Anything Salmon Rushdie may have said against mohammed in his book "The Satanic Verses" probably wasn't as bad as he deserved.

Ohai smasha! :D
Dude you just said all religions are bad

And that those who don’t believe in religion are just as bad

You hate everyone

You choose hate

Or is hate just a reflection of your entire being?

You are one lost pathetic fool that actually thinks hate is a sign of intelligence

Hate makes you alone

It’s what you seek

So don’t come to places like this hoping to find your path to a life filled with hate

You need to seek in Ernest the path of hate will take you

Away from all other humans

There are humans here

So it’s the wrong place for you

From what I have found, both the religious and atheists are full of shit. Atheists have rid themselves of one form of shit. But there are other forms of shit they are victimized by. Why? Because they're still brainwashed. Victims of a sort of Stockholm syndrome. Sure, they are humans. But those kinds of humans are worthless. As for myself, I would rather be alone and right than be popular and wrong.

I would like to tell people why they are wrong. But there isn't a worthwhile forum out there that will allow it. Why? As a metaphor, those who control you as well as every forum are "people" like this.

obey 2.jpg

This is how most people are. I think it is wrong to be that way. I would ask what you think of it. But your ability or willingness to think in a meaningful way has been stripped away from you. I don't say this to be mean. That just happens to be the way things are.

The OP doesn't like towelheads. Fair enough. They have been a pain in the ass since Israel was artificially carved out of the Middle East.
I neither know nor care who is in the right, there. Fuck both sides.

Who are the "good people?" That's the real question.

Is there any reason to believe that good people exist?

Americans certainly don't qualify, but does anybody else? Danes, maybe?
Are we a species that evolution forgot to replace? That would be my bet.
The OP doesn't like towelheads. Fair enough. They have been a pain in the ass since Israel was artificially carved out of the Middle East.
I neither know nor care who is in the right, there. Fuck both sides.

Who are the "good people?" That's the real question.

Is there any reason to believe that good people exist?

Americans certainly don't qualify, but does anybody else? Danes, maybe?
Are we a species that evolution forgot to replace? That would be my bet.

You're a real..shitty human being, huh?
So you hate the Muslims lying in our nations military graves

The ones who sacrificed their lives to protect your freedom?

Yes, I hate even those muslims. There are a number of reasons why they would have been in the military to begin with. They may have been drafted. They may have been acting as spies for other muslims. They may have just needed a job. Or they could have joined to become citizens. That aside, islam is a religion of violence. Look at what Christians have done in the past. And that is with jesus preaching love and forgiveness. Imagine what things would be like if he was a blood thirsty warlord. Like mohammed was. Muslims themselves know this. But they would never tell infidels like you. One reason is because the koran promotes deception.
America is an ideologically diverse place where large segments of people viscerally hate one another.

What can't all the Pollyannas out there just admit it?

How sick and dysfunctional can one be made by true believerism?
The OP doesn't like towelheads. Fair enough. They have been a pain in the ass since Israel was artificially carved out of the Middle East.
I neither know nor care who is in the right, there. Fuck both sides.

Who are the "good people?" That's the real question.

Is there any reason to believe that good people exist?

Americans certainly don't qualify, but does anybody else? Danes, maybe?
Are we a species that evolution forgot to replace? That would be my bet.

Yes, there are some good people. I will show you a meme of one who was at least truthful.


Need proof of what he said? I have some of that too. There is MUCH more besides. I doubt if this forum would allow me to tell you.

jewish filth 3.jpg
America is an ideologically diverse place where large segments of people viscerally hate one another.

What can't all the Pollyannas out there just admit it?

How sick and dysfunctional can one be made by true believerism?

Oh, the things I could tell you. Truthful things. If only I were allowed to.
Oh, the things I could tell you. Truthful things. If only I were allowed to.

Nobody is stopping you from anything but doxing or promoting child abuse..
Those are the only rules as far as I know.

The real problem is that nobody will believe you...but you can say whatever you want.