Seething with HATRED for muslims. (Among others)

Why are you defending murder by Christians then condemning murder by Muslims, Dingo boy?

If you are too stupid to tell the difference between guilty people being killed and innocent people being killed, don't bother replying to me again. I have better things to do than waste my time on idiots.
If you are too stupid to tell the difference between guilty people being killed and innocent people being killed, don't bother replying to me again. I have better things to do than waste my time on idiots.
You're clearly an insane loser, Cultsmasher. Fine. Regardless if you choose to do this or, more likely, have no choice, there is nothing I can do to help you.

Your fate is in your own hands, loser.
Who is the new troll. Obviously another one looking for attention.

Every year, Jewish people celebrate the passover, the most horrific case of infanticide in the history of the world. Because their God threw a hissy fit. But yeah, sure, it's ONLY muslims who preach violence in the name of religion.

Crusades. Inquisition. Witch hunts. Northern Ireland. I could go on and on, but you get the point.
The second picture is still too small, dumbass, but I think evince was referencing your jumbled words.

Are you the cultsmasher psycho? I heard he was convicted of sex crimes. Probably a weenie wagger or something psychotic like that. If a father ever caught some dipshit like that with their kid, do you agree sticking a gun in the pervert's mouth and pulling the trigger is justified?

Do you know your IP address is a matter of record?

They come out the way they come out. There isn't much I can do about it. Try enlarging your screen.

Next, how about pissing off. I wonder what would happen if I were allowed to PROVE around here that you were GUILTY of sicking baby dick. That you are GUILTY of human sacrifice. That you were GUILTY of the greatest genocide in human history. That you were GUILTY of murdering tens of thousands of White children here in the U.S. (And I'm not talking about fetuses) Go ahead and dance on this mine field asswipe. Because the only way you could win any of those arguments is if I was banned first.


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You're clearly an insane loser, Cultsmasher. Fine. Regardless if you choose to do this or, more likely, have no choice, there is nothing I can do to help you.

Your fate is in your own hands, loser.

In post number #65 you can find out what a "winner" you and most of the other people on this forum are.
Who is the new troll. Obviously another one looking for attention.

Every year, Jewish people celebrate the passover, the most horrific case of infanticide in the history of the world. Because their God threw a hissy fit. But yeah, sure, it's ONLY muslims who preach violence in the name of religion.

Crusades. Inquisition. Witch hunts. Northern Ireland. I could go on and on, but you get the point.

Strange combination. You call me a "troll' but agree with what I posted.
Strange combination. You call me a "troll' but agree with what I posted.

No, I don't 'agree'. I think your post demonstrates massive hypocrisy and utter ignorance. The provocative nature of the post is clear indication that you are a troll looking for attention.
They come out the way they come out. There isn't much I can do about it.....

LOL Proving you're a weak-minded, spineless little shit who blames others for your own ineptitude. How about finding a bigger example, Cultsmasher?
If you are too stupid to tell the difference between guilty people being killed and innocent people being killed, don't bother replying to me again. I have better things to do than waste my time on idiots.

You're a fucking moron. IF a civil war starts, I have no doubt your own neighbors will shoot you in the back of the head just to be rid of your dumb ass.
No, I don't 'agree'. I think your post demonstrates massive hypocrisy and utter ignorance. The provocative nature of the post is clear indication that you are a troll looking for attention.

Hypocrite. I posted a couple truthful memes about the jews. Then you brought up the supposed massive infanticide that happened on the supposed "passover." Which jews still celebrate to this day. Next, you call me ignorant. Tell me anything I said anywhere that you think is untrue. Next, you are a criminal living in a criminally insane world. How can I say anything against it without it appearing to be "provocative" to people like you.
LOL Proving you're a weak-minded, spineless little shit who blames others for your own ineptitude. How about finding a bigger example, Cultsmasher?

You are a worm. Also, what's up with all this "cultsmasher" stuff. Seeing how you have such a hard on for him, how about digging up some of his posts and leave a reply in them. That would be interesting.
Hypocrite. I posted a couple truthful memes about the jews. Then you brought up the supposed massive infanticide that happened on the supposed "passover." Which jews still celebrate to this day. Next, you call me ignorant. Tell me anything I said anywhere that you think is untrue. Next, you are a criminal living in a criminally insane world. How can I say anything against it without it appearing to be "provocative" to people like you.

If you can't figure out a less provocative title, you need to go back to grade school.

'Kill all Fetuses'

Dude, take a fucking chill pill. Anyone who claims to be 'seething with anger' against a group of anonymous people they've never met has an emotional age of five and serious rage issues. But I think the real answer is that you're a troll.
Why are you defending murder by Christians then condemning murder by Muslims, Dingo boy?

For that "one nation under God with equal justice under law" in all probability due to their not so master race Christiananality pedophilia economic Nazism condemning Muslims for not upholding their master plan business contract to nuke Temple Mount for 9/11 along with Arab flying carpeted flaming Mohammed chariots to Valhalla martyrdom for SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July national religion.
If you can't figure out a less provocative title, you need to go back to grade school.

'Kill all Fetuses'

Dude, take a fucking chill pill. Anyone who claims to be 'seething with anger' against a group of anonymous people they've never met has an emotional age of five and serious rage issues. But I think the real answer is that you're a troll.

Take a chill pill? How about you take the "red pill." By doing as I challenged you to. Find anything I said anywhere that you think is untrue. Tell me all about it.
Religion is not the problem

Oganized religion is the problem

Believe whatever is in your heart

Stop organizing

Organized religion creates the perfect scaffolding for sociopaths to climb to power over others

Without the big organization they have to appeal to people one by one with logic and maybe scripture

They don’t get the power of the organization to fool people into being evil for the organizations sake

All religions who attract people with the ideas alone have many merits

Including the Muslim religion

In recent history evil people are using the religion

It’s not inherently evil

The original leaders of all the major religion are some of the great philosophers of man kind

Im an atheist

And can still recognize the beauty in many religions

They need to stop making them huge powerful organization

It destroys the ideas of meaning in them

Very, well said.

Religion is humanities DUMBEST, mass invention.
If you can't figure out a less provocative title, you need to go back to grade school.

'Kill all Fetuses'

Dude, take a fucking chill pill. Anyone who claims to be 'seething with anger' against a group of anonymous people they've never met has an emotional age of five and serious rage issues. But I think the real answer is that you're a troll.

Great post.

Though - having looked at several of his threads?
I think he is less a troll and more just MASSIVELY PISSED at....everything.
Though...I could be wrong.

I just hope he reserves his venting to his writings/speaking.
Very, well said.

Religion is humanities DUMBEST, mass invention.
Religions grow unlike a corporation which is built.

Most human beings have spiritual needs and beliefs. Religions start as an idea or shared belief and grow from there. Sure, some are silly due to archaic rules such dietary restrictions or how to treat one's slaves, but even if all the dogma was removed, most people will still need a spiritual outlet.