Seething with HATRED for muslims. (Among others)

Religions grow unlike a corporation which is built.

Most human beings have spiritual needs and beliefs. Religions start as an idea or shared belief and grow from there. Sure, some are silly due to archaic rules such dietary restrictions or how to treat one's slaves, but even if all the dogma was removed, most people will still need a spiritual outlet.

No offense.

But all major religions are based on utter nonsense.
There is no scientific evidence to back up ANY of them.
They are ALL based solely on 'leaps of faith'.
In other words - nothing.

No one needs to believe in nonsense.
They just want to.

Weak people want to believe that there is something 'bigger' out there.
That there is some 'hero' or 'mommy/daddy-figure' looking out for them.
Because they have not got the guts/strength to face the truth...that they are alone.
At least, so far as we know.

So, like the wimps and/or idiots they are, they make leaps of faith and deliberately choose to believe in utter nonsense so they feel 'safe and protected'.

ALL, major religions are for the weak and/or the ignorant and/or the desperate.
NO exceptions.
No offense.

But all major religions are based on utter nonsense.
There is no scientific evidence to back up ANY of them.

They are ALL based solely on 'leaps of faith'.
In other words - nothing.

No one needs to believe in nonsense.
They just want to.

Weak people want to believe that there is something 'bigger' out there.
That there is some 'hero' or 'mommy/daddy-figure' looking out for them.
Because they have not got the guts/strength to face the truth...that they are alone.
At least, so far as we know.

So, like the wimps they are, they make leaps of faith and deliberately choose to believe in utter nonsense so they feel 'safe and protected'.

ALL, major religions are for the weak and/or the ignorant and/or the desperate.
NO exceptions.

Really? You believe Moses, Jesus, Muhammed and Siddhartha never existed? What other things in the past are you claiming are "utter nonsense"?
Really? You believe Moses, Jesus, Muhammed and Siddhartha never existed? What other things in the past are you claiming are "utter nonsense"?

I have no idea who the last dude was supposed to be in fiction.

But as for the other three?
You are the one - apparently - claiming they exist.
Where is your link to unbiased, scientific evidence that ANY of those 'people', EVER existed as stated in their respective 'God Club Manuals'?

And please save the spin jobs.

Either post the links, admit you cannot or I bolt.
I am not wasting time on silly arguments about nonsensical religion(s) with weak and/or ignorant and/or desperate people who believe in that 'God-Club', fairy tail blather.
The stabbing of Salman Rushdie is just another reason. To me, all religions are a farce. But anybody who would follow the teachings of mohammed are worse than dogs. In my highly considered opinion, (if I am allowed an opinion) mohammed was a total scumbag. That means that anybody who follow his teachings are scumbags too. So the only good muslim is a dead one.

Why would I say these things? Well let's just take a look at islam. It is a religion of violence. Mohammed himself personally cut the heads off 600 to 900 peoples heads with a knife. It is impossible to call the religion that such a person created a religion of peace. Maybe if you're stupid enough you could. And muslims apparently capable of stupidity to that degree. Also, mohammed was a pedophile. (Can I say anything negative against pedophiles around here) He married a 6 year old girl. Though from what I read, she continued to live with her parents for a while. But mohammed screwed that little girl for all she was worth when she was 9 years old. And people worship that "thing?!"

As for muslims themselves, they are mostly (if not completely) gay. (Insert your own hateful slur of gays there) Sucking each other off under islam is ok. You just can't do it up the butt. It's no wonder they treat their women like shit. Treating them like cattle and often cutting off their clits. Also, in at least one muslim country, pederasty is openly practiced. Just like it was in ancient Rome and Greece. The lowlife perverts. Anything Salmon Rushdie may have said against mohammed in his book "The Satanic Verses" probably wasn't as bad as he deserved.

I agree with the highlighted part - and nothing else.

Making INCREDIBLY, negative assumptions about a billion+ people.
Just because they belong to one, particular 'God Club'?
Is totally and utterly ridiculous.

Even more ridiculous than the religions you hate.
I have no idea who the last dude was supposed to be in fiction.....
That's the first step off Mount Stupid; "I have no idea..."

That's the first step off Mount Stupid; "I have no idea..."

5vfnhh.jpg have no links to ANY sources or unbiased, factual evidence that any of those fictional people, EVER existed as stated in their 'God Club Manuals'.

EXACTLY as I thought.

We are done here.

I agree with the highlighted part - and nothing else.

Making INCREDIBLY, negative assumptions about a billion+ people.
Just because they belong to one, particular 'God Club'?
Is totally and utterly ridiculous.

Even more ridiculous than the religions you hate.

Well then. Just piss off. Everything I said was true. have no links to ANY sources or unbiased, factual evidence that any of those fictional people, EVER existed as stated in their 'God Club Manuals'.

EXACTLY as I thought.

We are done here.


Jesus fucking Christ, you are stupid, kid. Muhammed was real. Why do you hate religion so much?

You're also a petty and immature asshole. Are you over 18?

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Religions grow unlike a corporation which is built.

Most human beings have spiritual needs and beliefs. Religions start as an idea or shared belief and grow from there. Sure, some are silly due to archaic rules such dietary restrictions or how to treat one's slaves, but even if all the dogma was removed, most people will still need a spiritual outlet.

Another election cycle while this Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 Freudian slip & national religion mass neuroses of fascism towards Muslims from Arab flying flaming carpeted Mohammed chariots to Valhalla martyrdom certainly has a patriot act seething from failure to uphold "man is God" business contracts for Christiananality pedophilia Islamidiotocracy.
The stabbing of Salman Rushdie is just another reason. To me, all religions are a farce. But anybody who would follow the teachings of mohammed are worse than dogs. In my highly considered opinion, (if I am allowed an opinion) mohammed was a total scumbag. That means that anybody who follow his teachings are scumbags too. So the only good muslim is a dead one.

Why would I say these things? Well let's just take a look at islam. It is a religion of violence. Mohammed himself personally cut the heads off 600 to 900 peoples heads with a knife. It is impossible to call the religion that such a person created a religion of peace. Maybe if you're stupid enough you could. And muslims apparently capable of stupidity to that degree. Also, mohammed was a pedophile. (Can I say anything negative against pedophiles around here) He married a 6 year old girl. Though from what I read, she continued to live with her parents for a while. But mohammed screwed that little girl for all she was worth when she was 9 years old. And people worship that "thing?!"

As for muslims themselves, they are mostly (if not completely) gay. (Insert your own hateful slur of gays there) Sucking each other off under islam is ok. You just can't do it up the butt. It's no wonder they treat their women like shit. Treating them like cattle and often cutting off their clits. Also, in at least one muslim country, pederasty is openly practiced. Just like it was in ancient Rome and Greece. The lowlife perverts. Anything Salmon Rushdie may have said against mohammed in his book "The Satanic Verses" probably wasn't as bad as he deserved.

Wow, this is a really racist fucking OP.
The stabbing of Salman Rushdie is just another reason. To me, all religions are a farce. But anybody who would follow the teachings of mohammed are worse than dogs. In my highly considered opinion, (if I am allowed an opinion) mohammed was a total scumbag. That means that anybody who follow his teachings are scumbags too. So the only good muslim is a dead one.

Why would I say these things? Well let's just take a look at islam. It is a religion of violence. Mohammed himself personally cut the heads off 600 to 900 peoples heads with a knife. It is impossible to call the religion that such a person created a religion of peace. Maybe if you're stupid enough you could. And muslims apparently capable of stupidity to that degree. Also, mohammed was a pedophile. (Can I say anything negative against pedophiles around here) He married a 6 year old girl. Though from what I read, she continued to live with her parents for a while. But mohammed screwed that little girl for all she was worth when she was 9 years old. And people worship that "thing?!"

As for muslims themselves, they are mostly (if not completely) gay. (Insert your own hateful slur of gays there) Sucking each other off under islam is ok. You just can't do it up the butt. It's no wonder they treat their women like shit. Treating them like cattle and often cutting off their clits. Also, in at least one muslim country, pederasty is openly practiced. Just like it was in ancient Rome and Greece. The lowlife perverts. Anything Salmon Rushdie may have said against mohammed in his book "The Satanic Verses" probably wasn't as bad as he deserved.

I agree that it's a shit religion. But that doesn't mean all religion is shit.
I agree that it's a shit religion. But that doesn't mean all religion is shit.

Wonder where else in Christiananality pedophilia could demagoguery of SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 "one nation under God with equal justice under law" lynch Washington, D.C. born USA citizens with fabricated Islam misnomers after Federal lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations a couple more times followed by stealing & burning a recently purchased National Archives US Constitution Bill of Rights thereby adding a few more to the total just as for the Bicentennial where more than $500 of National Archives US Constitution Bill of Rights; which were in all probability stolen & burned over decades in their master plan more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" with Islam "death to the infidels" monopoly of Islamidiotocracy as the national religion under color of law.
What about the higher percentage of pedos in the teacher's union?

Couldn't provide a statistical percentage chart off hand, but considering this so called teacher's union taught it's a democracy which chose to have Islam attack the USA to put on a patriot act for over the past 20 years could theorize their Islamidiotocracy Christiananality pedophilia is rite up there with those Klues Klucks duh Klans suicidal super egos of the crooks on Capital Hill political pseudoscience.