Seething with HATRED for muslims. (Among others)

Not sure of the meaning of "doxing."

Exposing person information about other posters.

For example, if you knew my real name and address and posted them in the forum, that would be doxing.
Its prohibition is strictly enforced. You would receive up to a permanent ban.

That or advocating child abuse or posting child pornography.
These things are not tolerated either.

Other than that, though, it's pretty wide open.
The OP doesn't like towelheads. Fair enough. They have been a pain in the ass since Israel was artificially carved out of the Middle East.
I neither know nor care who is in the right, there. Fuck both sides.

Who are the "good people?" That's the real question.

Is there any reason to believe that good people exist?

Americans certainly don't qualify, but does anybody else? Danes, maybe?
Are we a species that evolution forgot to replace? That would be my bet.

And yet the Guineas have a homeland , go figure
The stabbing of Salman Rushdie is just another reason. To me, all religions are a farce. But anybody who would follow the teachings of mohammed are worse than dogs. In my highly considered opinion, (if I am allowed an opinion) mohammed was a total scumbag. That means that anybody who follow his teachings are scumbags too. So the only good muslim is a dead one.

Why would I say these things? Well let's just take a look at islam. It is a religion of violence. Mohammed himself personally cut the heads off 600 to 900 peoples heads with a knife. It is impossible to call the religion that such a person created a religion of peace. Maybe if you're stupid enough you could. And muslims apparently capable of stupidity to that degree. Also, mohammed was a pedophile. (Can I say anything negative against pedophiles around here) He married a 6 year old girl. Though from what I read, she continued to live with her parents for a while. But mohammed screwed that little girl for all she was worth when she was 9 years old. And people worship that "thing?!"

As for muslims themselves, they are mostly (if not completely) gay. (Insert your own hateful slur of gays there) Sucking each other off under islam is ok. You just can't do it up the butt. It's no wonder they treat their women like shit. Treating them like cattle and often cutting off their clits. Also, in at least one muslim country, pederasty is openly practiced. Just like it was in ancient Rome and Greece. The lowlife perverts. Anything Salmon Rushdie may have said against mohammed in his book "The Satanic Verses" probably wasn't as bad as he deserved.

So - to you - every, single Muslim is worse than dogs.

And - to me - you seem as dumb as a dog.

Bye now.
Thank you for clarifying my point.

Who's ass did you have to kiss to post a picture of a lynched negro. Well if you can do it, shouldn't I be able to? Let's find out. Here is what christians were also capable of.

lynched negro pic..jpg good negro.jpg good negroes.jpg

Lynched negro.jpg strung up negro.jpg

Now, I have a "what if" proposition for you. What if those lynched blacks deserved what they got. And it could be proven. But you wouldn't be allowed to do so here or at any other major forum. What would you think of any "freedom" you supposedly have. In actuality, it shows that you are as much of a slave as any black person ever was. The question is, do you enjoy being a slave.
Who's ass did you have to kiss to post a picture of a lynched negro. Well if you can do it, shouldn't I be able to? Let's find out. Here is what christians were also capable of.

View attachment 23051 View attachment 23052 View attachment 23053

View attachment 23054 View attachment 23055

Now, I have a "what if" proposition for you. What if those lynched blacks deserved what they got. And it could be proven. But you wouldn't be allowed to do so here or at any other major forum. What would you think of any "freedom" you supposedly have. In actuality, it shows that you are as much of a slave as any black person ever was. The question is, do you enjoy being a slave.

Hi cultsmasher
So - to you - every, single Muslim is worse than dogs.

And - to me - you seem as dumb as a dog.

Bye now.

Tell it to the hundreds of people they never did show who fell from the World trade Center Towers on 9-11. Oh, you can be sure that they were filmed. They did show a few. But they could have showed hundreds more. But they didn't want to get suckers like you too upset. Unless you're muslim. That would explain things. Or how about telling it to the 136 innocent children who were killed in the Beslan school siege. I have some pictures of some of them for you to spit on. (These pictures should be enough) Need more examples?

Beslan school seige aftermath.jpg BSSA 2.jpg BSSA 3.jpg
Tell it to the hundreds of people they never did show who fell from the World trade Center Towers on 9-11. Oh, you can be sure that they were filmed. They did show a few. But they could have showed hundreds more. But they didn't want to get suckers like you too upset. Unless you're muslim. That would explain things. Or how about telling it to the 136 innocent children who were killed in the Beslan school siege. I have some pictures of some of them for you to spit on. (These pictures should be enough) Need more examples?

View attachment 23056 View attachment 23057 View attachment 23058

Thanks for have so improved my day.
Who's ass did you have to kiss to post a picture of a lynched negro. Well if you can do it, shouldn't I be able to? Let's find out. Here is what christians were also capable of.

View attachment 23051 View attachment 23052 View attachment 23053

View attachment 23054 View attachment 23055

Now, I have a "what if" proposition for you. What if those lynched blacks deserved what they got. And it could be proven. But you wouldn't be allowed to do so here or at any other major forum. What would you think of any "freedom" you supposedly have. In actuality, it shows that you are as much of a slave as any black person ever was. The question is, do you enjoy being a slave.

Why are you defending murder by Christians then condemning murder by Muslims, Dingo boy?
If you weren't an idiot, you would know that you have to click on the image to enlarge it. It would be readable then.

The second picture is still too small, dumbass, but I think evince was referencing your jumbled words.

Are you the cultsmasher psycho? I heard he was convicted of sex crimes. Probably a weenie wagger or something psychotic like that. If a father ever caught some dipshit like that with their kid, do you agree sticking a gun in the pervert's mouth and pulling the trigger is justified?

Do you know your IP address is a matter of record?