Settling the Biological Virus Debate

I don't need evidence.

You're right, you don't. But you may find it hard to persuade others that your points of view are right without it.

Nah. I just can't change your religion.

It's not me that is so cavalier as to not need evidence for my beliefs. This made me think of a quote from one of Frank Herbert's Dune books:

Religion is the emulation of the adult by the child. Religion is the encystment of past beliefs: mythology, which is guesswork, the assumptions of trust in the universe, those pronouncements which men have made in search of personal power, all of it mingled with shreds of enlightenment. And always the ultimate unspoken commandment is "Thou shall not question!" But we question. We break that commandment as a matter of course. The work to which we have set ourselves is the liberating of the imagination, the harnessing of imagination to humankind's deepest sense of creativity.
Unsubstantiated assertions don't help your position.
You are correct. Unsubstantiated assertions don't help your position.

You have not substantiated what causes the diseases if not viruses.
You have not substantiated where the RNA comes from that is attributed to viruses
You have not substantiated why each virus has a unique RNA sequence.
You have made assertions that viruses don't exist and viruses do exist but remain in the body in an inert state until electromagnetism activates them. Those cannot both be true.
You have made an unsubstantiated assertion that de novo assembly of virus sequences is just guessing when it has nothing to do with guessing and is the exact same process used for all genomic sequencing.
You have made an unsubstantiated assertion that because Pastuer is guilty of some fraud then he must be guilty of fraud for all his claims. You have used the same false logic to try to discredit others.

The simple fact of the matter is is that the theory that viruses exist fits all the evidence and the claims they don't exist fail when it comes to trying to explain the evidence.
From Wikipedia:
Koch's postulates (/kɒx/ KOKH)[2] are four criteria designed to establish a causal relationship between a microbe and a disease.


There's no mention that it was designed specifically for bacteria, only microbes. Alleged viruses certainly qualify there.
LOL. There is no mention that it applies to viruses either. Viruses were unknown at the time so it certainly wasn't created with viruses in mind.

I never said it did. Unicorns might be real too. The issue is not whether applying Koch's postulates on a microbe and coming up empty proves that the microbe doesn't exist, but it -does- strongly suggest it.
It doesn't suggest it at all. All the other evidence points to viruses existing. Picking out one thing and claiming that is proof of non existence is false logic on your part. Bacteria is invisible to the naked eye. Does that mean everything visible to the naked eye doesn't exist?
What I wanted a few posts ago was to get to the point of Koch's postulates rather than being hung up on the postulates themselves. Their purpose is to try to find out whether or not a given microbe causes disease. At present, I just wanted to point out that Koch's postulates call for not just the isolation of a microbe, but the re-isolation of said microbe after going through some steps.
You are simply attempting to take facts in isolation. That is a common used by conspiracy nuts. They cherry pick the data that supports their idiocy and ignore all the other facts. Then they switch back and forth between which facts they ignore depending on which argument they are making. You are giving us a fine example of that.
You want us to use Koch's postulates for viruses. You want us to ignore Koch's postulates. You argue viruses don't exist and then to argue they do exist when you have to come up with an explanation for how disease spreads.

Agreed. They are not microbes either. Apparently you missed that part of Koch's postulates.
Apparently you are not familiar with logic or history or fact or fiction. Science changes when the preponderance of facts no longer fit the theory.

You may have noticed that proving -anything- is pretty hard to do. The signatories of the statement referenced in the opening post never claim that they have proven that an alleged virus has never been isolated. Instead, they challenge anyone in the world to try to ascertain that a virus anywhere has ever been isolated. So far, it appears that no one's been able to do this.
The signatories of the statement have simply ignored many known facts and used equivocation and ignorance to advance their "theory." In science, nothing is ever really proven. Instead they use the theory that best fits the evidence. The best theory that fits the facts is that viruses exist. Claiming they don't exist without presenting an alternative theory that fits the facts better is nothing but bullshit. You seem to thrive on bullshit, eating it morning, noon and night and regurgitating it those times as well.
What is ridiculous is that they can't explain reality better than virus theory.
What is ridiculous about them is they rely on fallacies.
What is ridiculous about them is you can't defend them with any facts or logic.

Unsubstantiated assertions don't help your position.

You are correct. Unsubstantiated assertions don't help your position.

Nice deflection, but it doesn't change the fact that you haven't substantiated the 3 assertions you made in your last post that I've quoted above.
Apparently not always:
Even Robert Koch himself had difficulty with his own Postulates which led him to wiggle around some of them in attempts to “prove” pathogenicity of certain bacteria.

Thomas Rivers Revision of Koch’s Postulates (1937) |

True, but they are still microbes, which is what Koch's postulates were for. I think that the article from viroliegy referenced above provides a good summation for why Koch's Postulates were ditched for viruses:

By 1937, it was very clear that virologists were unable to satisfy any of Koch’s Postulates in order to prove invisible particles assumed to be “viruses” existed and could cause disease. Even Robert Koch himself had difficulty with his own Postulates which led him to wiggle around some of them in attempts to “prove” pathogenicity of certain bacteria. Instead of accepting that the Postulates, as originally stated, worked and disproved the Germ Theory, virologists looked to various indirect immunological methods to prove their claims.

This led to Thomas Rivers and his own attempts to water down Koch’s Postulates by revising them to allow virologists even more wiggle room and expanding the 4 Postulates to 6. Unfortunately for all of virology, Koch had unintentionally trapped them in a logical prison for which they still can not free themselves from. If virologists deny Koch’s original Postulates, they are denying logic itself.


Ignoring that science moves forward seems to be your shtick.
Koch's postulates are not logic. They are a way to identify certain microbes. They didn't work in all cases so as science does, it revised them. Not because they wanted to invent viruses but because something existed that couldn't be grown in a petri dish.
Until you come up with a better theory than viruses for the RNA sequences found, the illnesses they cause and the way the RNA replicates you are not providing us with anything but conspiracy theory bullshit.
Yes, physics predicted it, but it's also been said that physics break down in black holes:
How physics breaks down in a black hole |

Clearly, the laws of physics can't be the complete picture if they break down there- that's what I was trying to get at, that Koch's postulates should work for any microorganism regardless of the fact that they weren't discovered until after Koch formed his postulates. In any case, as an aside, just found this interesting article on black holes that came out about a week ago:
Scientists find first evidence that black holes are the source of dark energy |
If we follow your logic, since the current theory breaks down in a black hole then we should not believe any physics.
If we follow your logic since the original theory of gravity has been modified by Einstein's work then gravity can't exist.
Science simply applies the best answer they have to the facts.
The best answer to the facts of why RNA sequences are found, of how those RNA sequences multiply, of how sickness alleged to be caused by viruses occurs is that viruses do exist. You have not given us a better theory. You have only pointed out that you don't believe it. All you are doing is feeding us bullshit.

I think you're confusing Rivers with Koch. As to River's conclusions that a new set of postulates were needed for alleged biological viruses, I think that the viroliegy article sums up the reason for that quite aptly in the last bit that I quoted in it:

All Rivers did was deliberately weaken Koch’s Postulates in order to make life easier for virologists to skirt around established rules of logic. Anyone claiming that they fulfilled Koch’s Postulates by using the criteria laid forth by Rivers are outright lying and being intentionally fraudulent…which in all honesty, sums up virology to a T.

Thomas Rivers Revision of Koch’s Postulates (1937) |

Science moving forward isn't a problem for me. Newton's original theory of gravity didn't predict black holes. Is that evidence that black holes don't exist? You seem to be arguing that it would be since you claim we have to apply old science in our modern world.
You have not substantiated what causes the diseases if not viruses.

For those not familiar with the term substantiate in this context, here's the definition that applies from Merriam-Webster:
to establish by proof or competent evidence


I don't think I've ever claimed to have proof of evidence, so I'd be using the 'competent evidence' meaning.

I believe I've provided competent evidence that diseases attributed to viruses are in fact caused by environmental factors such as toxins [albeit in another thread post, this one: The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated |, Post #43) and EMFs (Post #502).

You have not substantiated where the RNA comes from that is attributed to viruses

RNA is everywhere life is. From Wikipedia:
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a polymeric molecule essential in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes. RNA and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are nucleic acids. Along with lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates, nucleic acids constitute one of the four major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life.


The onus is on virologists to provide competent evidence that the RNA they find actually comes from any alleged virus.
Not biological ones, no. You're confusing my belief on this with that of Arthur Firstenberg's, at least at the time that he published his Invisible Rainbow book. Apparently you either didn't read or forgot about how I prefaced my quote from his book. Once more:

Note that the author still believes in viruses, but believes that the triggering factor is not the alleged flu virus, but rather EMFs

The fact that Mr. Firstenberg believed and perhaps still believes that biological viruses exist doesn't take away from the evidence he presented that in the case of the flu, EMFs apparently play the most important role in the flu disease.

In other words, you have no explanation for how disease spreads if viruses don't exist. I asked you for a credible explanation for how disease spreads of viruses do NOT exist. Your answer it so give us an alternate way if viruses DO exist.

Can we all agree you have no explanation for how disease spreads if viruses don't exist? That seems to be the only conclusion we can make.
Again with the insults -.-. I'll let this one go, but you're pushing it.

I never said that proteins could be "grown" in a culture. I simply said that they can be isolated or purified. Wikipedia has an article on this here:

Feel free to look for an equivalent process for biological viruses.

Funny since the same processes are used for isolating and purifying viruses.
Virus removal processes using nanofiltration techniques[4] remove viruses specifically by size exclusion. This type of process is typically used for parvoviruses[5] and other viruses containing a protein coat. A typical HIV virion is 180 nm and a typical parvovirus can vary between 15 and 24 nm, which is very small. One great advantage of filtration, as opposed to methods involving extremes of temperature or acidity, is that filtration will not denature the proteins in the sample. Nanofiltration is also effective for most types of proteins.
Chromatographic methods of removing viruses are great for purifying the protein and are also effective against all types of viruses, but the level of virus removal is dependent on the column composition and the reagents that are used in the process.

Membrane chromatography is increasingly popular for virus purification and removal.

Let me ask you. Can viruses be purified the same way as proteins? If you think proteins can be purified why do you claim viruses can't?
You have not substantiated why each virus has a unique RNA sequence.

It is actually you who hasn't substantiated that any alleged "unique" RNA sequence comes from any alleged virus.

Dr. Mark Bailey gets into the deceptions involved in the alleged sequencing of viruses in his essay A Farewell to Virology-Expert Edition. Quoting from it:



It is pointed out that with regard to virology, a far bigger concern than "computing resources" is that a process that can be employed for sequencing genetic material of known provenance (e.g. human, bacterial, and fungal cells) has morphed into algorithmic assembly of genetic fragments of unknown provenance. This is the virus hunters' basis of identifying what they claim are viruses. Computing resources are no longer a problem for the virologists as they mine informaEon from their completely anti-scienEfic "wet-lab pipeline" methodologies involving crude samples and feed these generated unfiltered reads into their theoretical "dry-lab pipeline" and its in silico models.

It would seem that the combination of massively reduced sequencing costs and shortened time frames have accelerated the descent of virology into further anti-science, for which humanity is paying a very dear price for non-existent viruses that are invented at will and used as excuses for spurious interventions and enslavement. An October 2019 publication in Critical Reviews in Microbiology claimed that, "mNGS [metagenomic NGS] performs well in identifying rare, novel, difficult-to-detect and co-infected pathogens directly from clinical samples.”198 However, "performs well" with regards to identifying novel “viral pathogens” is meaningless as they too have fallen into virology’s circular reasoning vortex. Most of the "novel pathogens" they listed in their paper were viruses derived from the purportedly advantageous “culture-independent" modern technique of mNGS. Once again however, if nobody can culture or physically isolate alleged viruses, how can various genetic sequences in environmental samples be claimed to come from them? As has been outlined, the declaration by Fan Wu et al. of a “new coronavirus” in Wuhan was based entirely on such proffered genetic sequences. Virology’s agempt to pass off this methodology as proof of virus particles has introduced an unfalsifiable hypothesis that is inconsistent with the scientific method.

The specialisation (and increasing automation) of the genomics process is leading to a situation where few people can appreciate the overall picture from the clinical assessment of a patient through to the generated nucleotide sequences on a computer screen. The virologists invalidate the ‘virus genome’ process from step one by never establishing that they have a parEcle that meets the definition of a virus. They certainly never demonstrate that the sequences they claim are ‘viral’ come from inside such an imagined particle. Instead they claim that such declarations can be made by consensus decisions, whether the sequences are labelled ‘non-human’ or ‘novel’ and by how much they happen to match ‘known viral’ sequences that were previously deposited on the genetic databanks. However, nature does not obey stories created by mankind.

The metagenomics process allows for the de novo invention of such viral sequences and has allowed virology’s merry-go-round to keep spinning into the 21st century. However, due to the inability of virology to fulfil its own postulates for the past century, its future is almost certainly going to be built entirely around this misuse, or at least misapplication, of metagenomics. One might hope that the recent failure of multiple organisations to prove they are performing valid control experiments indicates that viral pandemics are on their last legs scientifically. They can only be propagated for as long as this final fraud is hidden from the public. It could be expected in virology’s final gasp, metagenomics will continue to be deceptively sold as a ‘technological advancement’ conveniently claimed to have rendered the proper scientific proofs obsolete.

As has been outlined, the follies of such ‘technological advancement’ can usually be exposed with one simple question to check if is adhering to the scientific method. For example, in 2020, a Canadian team claimed that they were comparing various techniques for, “whole genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2,” from nasal swabs taken from two individuals alleged to have COVID-19.199 One of the authors was Dr Andrew McArthur, an associate professor of biochemistry and biomedical sciences at McMaster University, Canada. He was asked if they, “[tried] to extract RNA from healthy controls (healthy persons or PCR-negaEve samples) or from uninfected supernatant but virus-free,” to see if they could also assemble a “SARS-CoV-2 genome” through their methodology? McArthur responded that, “we did not have swabs from healthy controls but the study included negative controls for applicaEon/libraries, i.e. no sample RNA included.”200 Indeed, there was only one mention of a ‘control’ in the paper where it stated, “a negative control library with no input SARS-CoV-2 RNA extract was included using ARTIC amplification.” Once again, the lack of a valid control, being a human-derived sample sans the alleged “virus,” places this paper in the extensive archives of virology’s metagenomic nonsense. Ironically, their paper also claimed that, “COVID-19 is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV-2), a novel coronavirus, which emerged in December 2019,” with the citation being the Peng Zhou et al. paper, the fraud of which was exposed earlier in this essay.

Nice deflection, but it doesn't change the fact that you haven't substantiated the 3 assertions you made in your last post that I've quoted above.

What is ridiculous is that they can't explain reality better than virus theory.
Your explanation for how disease spreads without viruses existing relies on viruses actually existing. That is ridiculous. If viruses exist to be manipulated by electromagnetism then they have to exist.

What is ridiculous about them is they rely on fallacies.
I have repeatedly pointed out the logical fallacy that if a process can't be used to identify all life then it is a fallacy to claim its failure to identify a virus proves they don't exist.

What is ridiculous about them is you can't defend them with any facts or logic.
When your explanation for how disease spreads includes viruses existing then you are not defending your position with facts or logic.

There are many more instances of you using logical fallacies and denying reality but I have answered this claim by you. When are you going to provide support for your claims that can withstand scrutiny?
Claiming you don't believe something but you are just posting it here would indicate you are a troll simply posting bullshit.
It is actually you who hasn't substantiated that any alleged "unique" RNA sequence comes from any alleged virus.

Dr. Mark Bailey gets into the deceptions involved in the alleged sequencing of viruses in his essay A Farewell to Virology-Expert Edition. Quoting from it:



It is pointed out that with regard to virology, a far bigger concern than "computing resources" is that a process that can be employed for sequencing genetic material of known provenance (e.g. human, bacterial, and fungal cells) has morphed into algorithmic assembly of genetic fragments of unknown provenance.

Since the very first sentence contains a falsehood, we can stop right there. The same process that is used to sequence viruses is used to sequence human, bacterial and fungal cells.
I have just provided you a link showing that viruses are isolated using the same methods used to isolate proteins. You can't claim proteins can be isolated but viruses can't.
It is actually you who hasn't substantiated that any alleged "unique" RNA sequence comes from any alleged virus.
The RNA sequences are unique. I have provided a link to the database that contains over 6,000,0000 of those sequences unique to the different viruses.
Since the sequences are unique and can't be reassembled in a different order to make the other viruses, it raises the question of where those sequences come from.
Viral theory says they come from unique viruses.
You have provided no logical source for those sequences. All you have provided is denial that they came from viruses.
For those not familiar with the term substantiate in this context, here's the definition that applies from Merriam-Webster:
to establish by proof or competent evidence


I don't think I've ever claimed to have proof of evidence, so I'd be using the 'competent evidence' meaning.

I believe I've provided competent evidence that diseases attributed to viruses are in fact caused by environmental factors such as toxins [albeit in another thread post, this one: The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated |, Post #43) and EMFs (Post #502).

RNA is everywhere life is. From Wikipedia:
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a polymeric molecule essential in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes. RNA and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are nucleic acids. Along with lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates, nucleic acids constitute one of the four major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life.


The onus is on virologists to provide competent evidence that the RNA they find actually comes from any alleged virus.

Because some illness is caused by toxins doesn't prove all diseases are caused by toxins. In disease that is caused by toxins, the toxin can be identified and is found in the ill organism.
No such toxin is found in people with Covid, the flu or a cold. Instead RNA is found in large quantities that is not the sequence of any known source other than a virus.

Because RNA is everywhere doesn't mean it doesn't follow rules. It clearly does follow rules and is encoded by DNA or other RNA according to those rules. Specific proteins have a specific sequence and are produced by specific sequences of DNA or RNA. When sequences of RNA are found in large quantities the must have been produced in some way. I guess the RNA being everywhere life is proves that virus RNA is an organism.

Virologists have met that standard. All evidence points to viruses existing.
The best answer to the facts of why RNA sequences are found, of how those RNA sequences multiply, of how sickness alleged to be caused by viruses occurs is that viruses do exist. You have not given us a better theory. You have only pointed out that you don't believe it. Provide us with something other than denial. You can't do that.
It's not me that is so cavalier as to not need evidence for my beliefs. This made me think of a quote from one of Frank Herbert's Dune books:

Religion is the emulation of the adult by the child. Religion is the encystment of past beliefs: mythology, which is guesswork, the assumptions of trust in the universe, those pronouncements which men have made in search of personal power, all of it mingled with shreds of enlightenment. And always the ultimate unspoken commandment is "Thou shall not question!" But we question. We break that commandment as a matter of course. The work to which we have set ourselves is the liberating of the imagination, the harnessing of imagination to humankind's deepest sense of creativity.

You're a liar. You do not question your religion. You're a fundamentalist. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
For those not familiar with the term substantiate in this context, here's the definition that applies from Merriam-Webster:
to establish by proof or competent evidence


I don't think I've ever claimed to have proof of evidence, so I'd be using the 'competent evidence' meaning.

I believe I've provided competent evidence that diseases attributed to viruses are in fact caused by environmental factors such as toxins [albeit in another thread post, this one: The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated |, Post #43) and EMFs (Post #502).

RNA is everywhere life is. From Wikipedia:
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a polymeric molecule essential in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes. RNA and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are nucleic acids. Along with lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates, nucleic acids constitute one of the four major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life.


The onus is on virologists to provide competent evidence that the RNA they find actually comes from any alleged virus.

False authority fallacies. Straw man fallacies. Viruses exist by definition.