Sex offender---NUTS

Folks, I cannot believe what I am reading? The Diaper Don is a sponser of old men running around school tracks naked, and says So What? So, if it was my 13 year old girl who had to look at your johnson,. I would track you down and chop it off, like in that commercial for the ginzu, that is what? And it would not matter how much you begged, you would be skewered, and this time, not just cyberly? Folks this Diaper Don is more disturbed than I originally thought, I felt sorry for him, following me around like a shoe shine boy, with his obvious jealousy, butt, this shines a whole new light on his mental problems, which are severe even for a lib? At least the lib Beefy who has been following me around telling me about his lib mental problems in an attempt to garner some sympathy so I will not cyber-skewer him, only has problems with bugs and is not trying to get teenaged girls to look at his johnson?
More Jackassicity.
Do not go running around my school track waiving your pee-wee, pee-wee, or you will not have it to enjoy your first lay with, capise?
You talk big, but you don't have the moxy, or anything else to take action.
You talk big, but you don't have the moxy, or anything else to take action.

I am not as big a man as you Chester the molester, which, is what I will call you from now on, I do not have the moxy to get near 13 year old girls and tell them that they have to look at my dick, because I have decreed it's natural. Butt...You just come near me or mine.
So a teen-age girl happens to see him. SO WHAT. there is nothing indecent about the human body

Jesus christ you're a wierdo. If some old man ran around naked at our high school, in view of 13-year old girls he'd get his ass beat. Its not appropriate on school grounds, you dummy. I don't care what time of day it is.

Just, like its not appropriate to walk around naked in a kindergarten class room - even if you think no kids are around.
Cypress, you have already made your biasness quote clear. I will pay no more attention to you or your arguements. Maybe someone else will, but I am now gatting a better Idea of your ilk. You are the weirdo. You can't even look at a mans' bare chest. Good thing you aren't around me. You would have long ago gouged your eys out. The only time I wear a shirt is when I leave my premises. It's summer here.
I am going to do my best to forget I ever read this thread, which has made me feel, literally as if I was going to vomit, put Doniston back on IA, try to forget I ever read what Water said, and state, without apology, neither of you would get within a mile of my niece, and if you did, I'd kill you where you stood for looking at her.

And that is all I will ever say again about this disgusting, creepy, and nearly illegal thread.
I am going to do my best to forget I ever read this thread, which has made me feel, literally as if I was going to vomit, put Doniston back on IA, try to forget I ever read what Water said, and state, without apology, neither of you would get within a mile of my niece, and if you did, I'd kill you where you stood for looking at her.

And that is all I will ever say again about this disgusting, creepy, and nearly illegal thread.


I do not think that streakers should be put into the same registry as child molesters and rapists

You and right-wing wacko RJS respond with "WHY DO YOU WANT TO MOLEST CHILDREN!?"

The point me and Damo were making that this crime was in no way of a sexual manner.

I think Don's posts threw everyone off, but please tell me, where have I made a single sexual comment?
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So a teen-age girl happens to see him. SO WHAT. there is nothing indecent about the human body. Besides, there are often streakers at highschool games. But you have definitely answered my previous question about being prudish. I don't know if you have kids, but I bet if you had any you wouldn't have diapered or bathed them. It's not the thread that is screwed up, it is YOU.

Yeah, this is the post you guys are talking about.

Had nothing to do with me. I don't know why you would single me out whenever Damo was saying this guy shouldn't be considered a sex offender just as much.
Why would I look at your niece? Fuck you, you goddamn bitch. Why are you launching an ad-hominem smear campaign at me?

You woldn't look at her...for long.

Ad-hominem? Your posts on this subject have gone from slightly odd, to creepy.

Yes, it is Doniston, who told BB that he had " a friend" who was sex offender and was crying about how it was a bad rap, and I now realize who that "friend" is, who claims that he makes the decision about what is "natural" for underaged girls to see. Well, he don't make that decsion for MY underage girl, and that sick bastard is in for one big shock.

But that you would even state that it is not sexual for a grown man to run naked around a SCHOOL track, you better wake up boy. You can't even have a joint around a school, do you understand that? And, some girls father will put you in the hospital, for pulling it out at a school, and I for one, would say, good for him.

Added to your insistence that 1 in 4 men want children, and that adults who want children but resist actting on it are some kind of heros, and I have serious concerns about you.

And, I'll state them. Got it? If you don't like it, cry on the sex offender, Doniston's shoulder.
Cypress, you have already made your biasness quote clear. I will pay no more attention to you or your arguements. Maybe someone else will, but I am now gatting a better Idea of your ilk. You are the weirdo. You can't even look at a mans' bare chest. Good thing you aren't around me. You would have long ago gouged your eys out. The only time I wear a shirt is when I leave my premises. It's summer here.

Donnie, come to our high school and run naked around the track. I don't care if its 5 in the morning or not. We have girls who come way early before school, for track or swim practice.

I promise you, you'll get your skull kicked in, if you run around our school naked.

As for half-naked porno men. I just don't like looking at them. That picture is like something from a Village People reunion tour.
I am going to do my best to forget I ever read this thread, which has made me feel, literally as if I was going to vomit, put Doniston back on IA, try to forget I ever read what Water said, and state, without apology, neither of you would get within a mile of my niece, and if you did, I'd kill you where you stood for looking at her.

And that is all I will ever say again about this disgusting, creepy, and nearly illegal thread.
I really wish you would keep your word
Yeah, this is the post you guys are talking about.

Had nothing to do with me. I don't know why you would single me out whenever Damo was saying this guy shouldn't be considered a sex offender just as much.
that post had nothing to do with anyone but Cypress.
Donnie, come to our high school and run naked around the track. I don't care if its 5 in the morning or not. We have girls who come way early before school, for track or swim practice.
now why in hell would I want to do a stupid and ollegal thing like that. Would that give you a kick???

As for half-naked porno men. I just don't like looking at them. That picture is like something from a Village People reunion tour.
Yup, and like proof thatyou are a absolute 17th century prissy ass. as I said, and you are one of the only two men on the site who's opinions mean absolutely nothing to me.
Let me repeat a certain rule:

"11. Flaming is cool - So long as it remains within the bounds set above. No threats folks. That can be illegal and if I allow them to continue it is possible for me to be held accountable... This does not mean you have free reign to follow somebody around and flame incessantly, let's keep it reasonable and within actual debate. This site is made for debate, not to test your alacrity at insults and test your ability to incite anger in others."
Let me repeat a certain rule:

"11. Flaming is cool - So long as it remains within the bounds set above. No threats folks. That can be illegal and if I allow them to continue it is possible for me to be held accountable... This does not mean you have free reign to follow somebody around and flame incessantly, let's keep it reasonable and within actual debate. This site is made for debate, not to test your alacrity at insults and test your ability to incite anger in others."
I don't know iF you posted this and the previous one, or someone else did, but the previous one is very dishointed, and confused, and this one would seem more appropriately posted by Damo rather than by Watermark which is indicated.