Sex offender---NUTS

Cypress, you have already made your biasness quote clear. I will pay no more attention to you or your arguements. Maybe someone else will, but I am now gatting a better Idea of your ilk. You are the weirdo. You can't even look at a mans' bare chest. Good thing you aren't around me. You would have long ago gouged your eys out. The only time I wear a shirt is when I leave my premises. It's summer here.

Now, here was a great poster. Okay, he may have been a pedophile, but still...
that dude was on two other boards and man, that was one whacked guy....he might be dead by now, he claimed he was almost 90 or something
My guess is, if he is still alive, he is still stewing about how I wouldn't ban him.

LOL! He was going to live with some relatives, remember? Illinois or somewhere similar. He sounded as if nobody, neither he nor they, were particularly enthusiastic about the idea. As obnoxious as he was I couldn't help feeling sorry for him.