CAS MA 123 and 124 Calculus I & II, or 127, or 129, or equivalent
CAS EC 101 Introductory Microeconomic Analysis and EC 102 Introductory Macroeconomic Analysis
CAS EC 201 Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis
CAS EC 202 Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis
CAS EC 303 Empirical Economic Analysis 1 or MA 213 Basic Statistics and Probability
CAS EC 304 Empirical Economic Analysis 2
CAS EC 501 Microeconomic Theory
CAS EC 502 Macroeconomic Theory
Electives: three other 4-credit courses from CAS EC 320 to EC 599
The following is a typical program for an Economics major:
9 optional courses in economics or other disciplines
6 divisional studies courses; two courses each in the areas of humanities, natural sciences (one natural science course must have a laboratory component), and mathematics/computer science for those students who entered CAS in or after the Fall 1995 Semester. Information on which courses fulfill the divisional studies requirement may be found in the Undergraduate Programs Bulletin. Students who entered the College of Arts & Sciences prior to the Fall 1995 Semester should refer to the Undergraduate Programs Bulletin issued in the year of their entrance to the College for information on specific divisional studies requirements
Freshman year: EC 101, 102, MA 121, WR 100/150, 4 other courses**
Sophomore year: EC 201, 202, 203/303, 204/304, 4 other courses**
Junior/senior years: 6 courses from EC 320 to 599, 10 other courses**