Sexy AOC Makes A Statement

More strawmen and deflections. It's obvious that you are not merely an ugly, fat, lying hypocrite and a thread trolling hack, but suffer from an incredibly low IQ lacking reading comprehension skills. :thumbsup:

Attacking me is not going to help your case.

You're just upset that you have been caught in a lie. Now you're shifting the goalpost to "have you ever seen her degree???"
Dude you changed from "AOC never took the economics courses" to "well have you ever seen the alleged degree"?

:rofl2: That is you flailing all over. :laugh:

That's because the TD twins* have two things in common; both are Truly Demented and both are Truth Deflectors.

*Text Driver and Truth Detector
Dude you changed from "AOC never took the economics courses" to "well have you ever seen the alleged degree"?

:rofl2: That is you flailing all over. :laugh:

Are you retarded? Seriously? Here is exactly what I said: "ANYONE bloviating that we need to tax the rich has ZERO knowledge about economcis or how the REAL world works."

Can you find the parft where I say she didn't take economics courses? Dude, you fabricate your own reality and then demand we debate it. That is a strawman claim and argument. Straman claims and arguments are made by brainless scarecrows like you who cannot defend their positions with facts or the truth.

Dismissed junior. You're not here for serious debate. You just want to remove any dounbt what a fat, dumb, lazy, ugly, lying hyocritical asshole you really are.
Nancy is schooling her

Most of the time she listens

Once in awhile Bernie takes her astray into his fantasy land of the impossible for the impossible sake

But she is learning

Pretending you have the votes does not work

No matter how good or bad your ideas is

Post 247
That's because the TD twins* have two things in common; both are Truly Demented and both are Truth Deflectors.

I R O N Y!!!!

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
Hello evince,

AOC is her own person. She can learn from both Nancy and Bernie. Bernie is a gem, and we are lucky to have him. Bernie took the pox off the word socialism. Bernie made it OK to talk about it, admit we use it, and that socialism has merit.

Post 249

AOC wearing that at a dinner party for the elite is either highly controversial, or highly hypocritical.

Metinks it's the latter, because she ate that dinner.

Hair like

I've had some good girls with hair like that..I can't stand it!

That's a personal thing, I suppose.

I like the other kind of hair.. like mine..

Straight and silk.

Do take note: They are not wearing any kind of masks. ;)

Or bras. :good4u:
He’s a self serving doink

He USED the Russian lies to lose us an election to an insane evil TV REALITY SHOW STAR

I will NEVER forgive the man for lying about being cheated by my party that he USES when he wants to run

He damaged this nation

All for his OWN gain

Post 255
Are you retarded? Seriously? Here is exactly what I said: "ANYONE bloviating that we need to tax the rich has ZERO knowledge about economcis or how the REAL world works."

I know what you said. In other words, she has ZERO knowledge about economics, therefore she never took those courses. See it's the same argument, dumbass.

Can you find the parft where I say she didn't take economics courses? Dude, you fabricate your own reality and then demand we debate it. That is a strawman claim and argument. Straman claims and arguments are made by brainless scarecrows like you who cannot defend their positions with facts or the truth.

Sure. Here

AOC knows NOTHING about economics. She never took any of these courses, or if she did, she was absent during lecture periods and cheated to pass. :palm:

Dismissed junior. You're not here for serious debate. You just want to remove any dounbt what a fat, dumb, lazy, ugly, lying hyocritical asshole you really are.

I told you that attacking people is not going to help your case.
So how did she get the degrees? :palm:

She got a single degree. A BA in International Relations and Economics. If she had actually taken the classes you listed above, it would have been a BS degree, not a BA. I posted a link to her degree program. The mandatory classes in economics are two generalized freshman ones, and one upper class one that is math lite. The rest of the degree is courses in international relations that require little, if any, math.
I'd start with Pelosi--retard there. Then there's Tim Kayne the grinning ass. There's plenty of stupid in Congress to go around.

TBH, I have very little respect for politicians as a class. Too much like Hollywood flakes for my taste. Yes, that applies double for the Republican leadership.

LWers are expected to be a little wacky, RWers are supposed to be the adults in the room. I'm not seeing it.