Sexy AOC Makes A Statement

Austrian Economics

Overview – A “heterodox” school of economics grounded primarily in the work of Mises, Hayek, Menger and Rothbard that advocates the purposeful economic decisions of the individual.

Mission Statement – The free market can solve most of our problems and the more we reduce government or eliminate government the better off we will all be.

General view of the economy – The less the government is involved in the economy the better it will perform.

How to fix the economy – We can fix the economy by reducing government and central bank involvement in free market forces.

What they love – Austrian Business Cycle Theory, free markets, individual freedoms and unfettered capitalism.

What they hate – Paul Krugman, the Federal Reserve, “Keynesians” and anyone who advocates for government intervention in markets.

Notable Pundits – Peter Schiff, Robert Murphy& Tom Woods.

Famous Dead Economist Associated with School – Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Carl Menger & Murray Rothbard.

Political Associations – Libertarians, conservatives, extreme conservatives and just about anyone who dislikes the government.

Preferred form of communication – Generally aggressive promotion of anti-government views through blog comments and conservative media.

Further Reading:

1 – What is Austrian Economics? –

2- Understanding “Austrian” Economics – Hazlitt

3 – Austrian Business Cycle Theory, A Brief Explanation – Mahoney

4 – Austrian School of Economics – Boettke

That is the Republican Party dream world huh
The Austrian school DOESN'T USE MATH


The answer is you can’t

It’s a fucking clown show
Austrian Economics

Overview – A “heterodox” school of economics grounded primarily in the work of Mises, Hayek, Menger and Rothbard that advocates the purposeful economic decisions of the individual.

Mission Statement – The free market can solve most of our problems and the more we reduce government or eliminate government the better off we will all be.

General view of the economy – The less the government is involved in the economy the better it will perform.

How to fix the economy – We can fix the economy by reducing government and central bank involvement in free market forces.

What they love – Austrian Business Cycle Theory, free markets, individual freedoms and unfettered capitalism.

What they hate – Paul Krugman, the Federal Reserve, “Keynesians” and anyone who advocates for government intervention in markets.

Notable Pundits – Peter Schiff, Robert Murphy& Tom Woods.

Famous Dead Economist Associated with School – Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Carl Menger & Murray Rothbard.

Political Associations – Libertarians, conservatives, extreme conservatives and just about anyone who dislikes the government.

Preferred form of communication – Generally aggressive promotion of anti-government views through blog comments and conservative media.

Further Reading:

1 – What is Austrian Economics? –

2- Understanding “Austrian” Economics – Hazlitt

3 – Austrian Business Cycle Theory, A Brief Explanation – Mahoney

4 – Austrian School of Economics – Boettke

Hey republicans

Where do you differ from these core ideas?
Because That shit is Republican bullshit

Let's be honest, evince. You might old enough to remember the 1968 election which epitomized the Democratic mindset which we still see today; populist and anti-military.

What's changed from then to now is that the Republicans are now also populist and anti-military, but now they are doing worse than just spitting on the troops; they are constantly demeaning and eroding it as an institution for political aims.
What school of economics does the Republican Party adhere to?

You right wing posters have no idea huh?

See why we call you stupid dupes
Let's be honest, evince. You might old enough to remember the 1968 election which epitomized the Democratic mindset which we still see today; populist and anti-military.

What's changed from then to now is that the Republicans are now also populist and anti-military, but now they are doing worse than just spitting on the troops; they are constantly demeaning and eroding it as an institution for political aims.

What crap

I was 10 or 11

And being anti military industrial complex is not what you claim it is
Let's be honest, evince. You might old enough to remember the 1968 election which epitomized the Democratic mindset which we still see today; populist and anti-military.

What's changed from then to now is that the Republicans are now also populist and anti-military, but now they are doing worse than just spitting on the troops; they are constantly demeaning and eroding it as an institution for political aims.

What school of economics do you adhere to dutch?
Dutch Uncle said:
LWers are expected to be a little wacky, RWers are supposed to be the adults in the room. I'm not seeing it.
Thinks he acts like an adult.

Jeez, dude. Now all the adults can see your logic resembles a pretzel.

Where in my post did I claim to be an adult? Ask any idiots who agreed with you for help because you'll need it. :laugh:
Hello Dutch,

Let's be honest, evince. You might old enough to remember the 1968 election which epitomized the Democratic mindset which we still see today; populist and anti-military.

What's changed from then to now is that the Republicans are now also populist and anti-military, but now they are doing worse than just spitting on the troops; they are constantly demeaning and eroding it as an institution for political aims.

EVERYTHING is political for Republicans.

They have no platform. They have nothing they stand for. No principles laid out on a platform.

All they are about is opposing Democrats. That's it.

Democrats have principles. They have a platform. They take positions on issues.

Republicans are all about image. They dodge critical questions with whataboutism. All they want to do is be the person to stir up hatred for Democrats, government, liberals, immigrants.

It's not about issues for Republicans. It is totally about getting poorly informed people angry at Democrats. They are only after the votes.

Democrats are issue-focused.

Republicans are emotion focused.

Republicans get votes because their voters are angry and afraid.

Democrats get votes by making the responsible tough choices on things that matter.
Austrian Economics

Overview – A “heterodox” school of economics grounded primarily in the work of Mises, Hayek, Menger and Rothbard that advocates the purposeful economic decisions of the individual.

Mission Statement – The free market can solve most of our problems and the more we reduce government or eliminate government the better off we will all be.

General view of the economy – The less the government is involved in the economy the better it will perform.

How to fix the economy – We can fix the economy by reducing government and central bank involvement in free market forces.

What they love – Austrian Business Cycle Theory, free markets, individual freedoms and unfettered capitalism.

What they hate – Paul Krugman, the Federal Reserve, “Keynesians” and anyone who advocates for government intervention in markets.

Notable Pundits – Peter Schiff, Robert Murphy& Tom Woods.

Famous Dead Economist Associated with School – Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Carl Menger & Murray Rothbard.

Political Associations – Libertarians, conservatives, extreme conservatives and just about anyone who dislikes the government.

Preferred form of communication – Generally aggressive promotion of anti-government views through blog comments and conservative media.

Further Reading:

1 – What is Austrian Economics? –

2- Understanding “Austrian” Economics – Hazlitt

3 – Austrian Business Cycle Theory, A Brief Explanation – Mahoney

4 – Austrian School of Economics – Boettke

This proves it

Tell us what you don’t like here cons
Hello Dutch,

EVERYTHING is political for Republicans.

They have no platform. They have nothing they stand for. No principles laid out on a platform.

All they are about is opposing Democrats. That's it.

Democrats have principles. They have a platform. They take positions on issues.

Republicans are all about image. They dodge critical questions with whataboutism. All they want to do is be the person to stir up hatred for Democrats, government, liberals, immigrants.

It's not about issues for Republicans. It is totally about getting poorly informed people angry at Democrats. They are only after the votes.

Democrats are issue-focused.

Republicans are emotion focused.

Republicans get votes because their voters are angry and afraid.

Democrats get votes by making the responsible tough choices on things that matter.

And we adhere to a school of economics that actually uses math
Republicans FAKE understanding of economics

All bluster and no knowledge

I don't have any debt and a decent credit score, you?

Not even saying I'm a Republican. I might be a Democrat American. :dunno:

The keyword there is American.

Obviously I know how to stay out of debt and have a good credit score, though. :)
I don't have any debt and a decent credit score, you?

Not even saying I'm a Republican. I might be a Democrat American. :dunno:

The keyword there is American.

Obviously I know how to stay out of debt and have a good credit score, though. :)


Tell us what school of economics the Republican Party adheres to

If you can’t then you know nothing about the subject
Hello Dutch,

Oh yeah, but if she can't perform a Laplace Transform then she's 'a dummy.'


Despite the fact that 98% of Americans couldn't do one either, (even if they learned how to do it in college) and probably 85% of Americans never even heard of one.

If you asked them what it was they wouldn't even be able to identify it as mathematics.

AOC triggers RWNJs because she is young, beautiful, smart, and outspoken about what the world really needs.

And they know she's going to be around a long time, and that her power will only grow.

ps She will be old enough to run for president beginning in 2024.

I'm not so sure her physical capabilities are the trigger. I also disagree that AOC speaks for the world.

Being around for a long time is plausible, but she could implode and lose. Anyone know the average number of elections for our nation's 435 Representatives? At the moment, it's 4.5 terms.

Some data:
Membership of the 117th Congress: A Profile
Republicans (including 1 Delegate and the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico), and 3 vacant seats. The Senate has 50
Republicans, 48 Democrats, and 2 Independents, who both caucus with the Democrats. Additionally,

 The average age of Members of the House at the beginning of the 117th Congress was 58.4 years; of
Senators, 64.3 years.
 The overwhelming majority, 96%, of Members of Congress have a college education.
 The dominant professions of Members are public service/politics, business, and law.
 Most Members identify as Christians, and the collective majority of these affiliate with a Protestant
denomination. Roman Catholics account for the largest single religious denomination, and numerous other
affiliations are represented, including Jewish, Mormon, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Greek Orthodox,
Pentecostal Christian, Unitarian Universalist, and Adventist.
 The average length of service for Representatives at the beginning of the 117th Congress was 8.9 years (4.5
House terms); for Senators, 11.0 years (1.8 Senate terms).

 One hundred forty-seven women serve in the 117th Congress: 123 in the House, including 3Delegates and
the Resident Commissioner, and 24 in the Senate.
 There are 57 African American Members of the House and 3 in the Senate. This House number includes
two Delegates.
 There are 54 Hispanic or Latino Members (a record number) serving: 47 in the House, including 2
Delegates and the Resident Commissioner, and 7 in the Senate.
 There are 21 Members (16 Representatives, 3 Delegates, and 2 Senators) who are Asian Americans or
Pacific Islander Americans.
 A record five Native Americans(American Indians or Native Hawaiians) serve in the House
Austrian Economics

Overview – A “heterodox” school of economics grounded primarily in the work of Mises, Hayek, Menger and Rothbard that advocates the purposeful economic decisions of the individual.

Mission Statement – The free market can solve most of our problems and the more we reduce government or eliminate government the better off we will all be.

General view of the economy – The less the government is involved in the economy the better it will perform.

How to fix the economy – We can fix the economy by reducing government and central bank involvement in free market forces.

What they love – Austrian Business Cycle Theory, free markets, individual freedoms and unfettered capitalism.

What they hate – Paul Krugman, the Federal Reserve, “Keynesians” and anyone who advocates for government intervention in markets.

Notable Pundits – Peter Schiff, Robert Murphy& Tom Woods.

Famous Dead Economist Associated with School – Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Carl Menger & Murray Rothbard.

Political Associations – Libertarians, conservatives, extreme conservatives and just about anyone who dislikes the government.

Preferred form of communication – Generally aggressive promotion of anti-government views through blog comments and conservative media.

Further Reading:

1 – What is Austrian Economics? –

2- Understanding “Austrian” Economics – Hazlitt

3 – Austrian Business Cycle Theory, A Brief Explanation – Mahoney

4 – Austrian School of Economics – Boettke

What would the Republican Party find abjection to here?