Sexy AOC Makes A Statement

Thank God she's not Che Guevara. Better to be cosplay than the real deal.

She might even wise up as she ages. Idk though, if they didn't provide them with the skills to think..

As is being done in the universities today. :palm:

I have this inner hope that the humans can break the social engineering of the left naturally.

Eventually people will realize all the bullshit they're being taught just doesn't add up.

Well, she shows up there pretending to be blue collar, wearing a dress that costs more than her constituents' monthly salary, unmasked she sits while the "little people" are forced to wear masks around her and the "important" people who are ignoring those dirty poor people wearing masks around them while cosplaying how "revolutionary" they are by wearing a sign that says they are "fighting" for the "workers"...

If they can't see the hypocrisy in their own actions in the middle of all the cosplay servants bringing them food, do the dirty masked unwashed around them really exist?
I'm missing this entire thread with "message hidden" notices.

Am I missing any ultra-revealing photos of Alexandria?
I hope not.
She's so cute, and a Boston U. grad at that.
Well, she shows up there pretending to be blue collar, wearing a dress that costs more than her constituents' monthly salary, unmasked she sits while the "little people" are forced to wear masks around her and the "important" people who are ignoring those dirty poor people wearing masks around them while cosplaying how "revolutionary" they are by wearing a sign that says they are "fighting" for the "workers"...

If they can't see the hypocrisy in their own actions in the middle of all the cosplay servants bringing them food, do the dirty masked unwashed around them really exist?

I see it. :dunno:

Not saying she's a bad girl.

I just wonder if she was taught to think, or indoctrinated.

Also..not in their eyes. Those people are non-humans. :eek:
Well, she shows up there pretending to be blue collar, wearing a dress that costs more than her constituents' monthly salary, unmasked she sits while the "little people" are forced to wear masks around her and the "important" people who are ignoring those dirty poor people wearing masks around them while cosplaying how "revolutionary" they are by wearing a sign that says they are "fighting" for the "workers"...

If they can't see the hypocrisy in their own actions in the middle of all the cosplay servants bringing them food, do the dirty masked unwashed around them really exist?

She did it to trigger you rightys and you all bit, every last one of you .
You asked me why I went in that thread. It isn't possible because Earl thread banned me. Damocles merged my thread with his.

I'll watch for that in the future. If you are posting a new thread so you can opine on a subject you are banned from use something to tell me so I don't just merge stuff...

Usually they say something like "Part 2" or something at the end. But you can just add a "because I was banned" or something like that at the top of the post and I'll figure it out.
I'll watch for that in the future. If you are posting a new thread so you can opine on a subject you are banned from use something to tell me so I don't just merge stuff...

Usually they say something like "Part 2" or something at the end. But you can just add a "because I was banned" or something like that at the top of the post and I'll figure it out.

Okay thank you. I can add my own opinions and statements and make the titles original.
Admit you lied about Congress not being looted or everyone will know you are a loon.

Congress wasn't looted you wacked out loony tune. What does Congress have to loot? :palm:

Admit you lied about me claiming to be an adult or quote the passage. Otherwise everyone will know you are a if they needed more evidence. :laugh:

Are you channeling LyingVagina426? Because you sound just as triggered.

Well, she shows up there pretending to be blue collar, wearing a dress that costs more than her constituents' monthly salary, unmasked she sits while the "little people" are forced to wear masks around her and the "important" people who are ignoring those dirty poor people wearing masks around them while cosplaying how "revolutionary" they are by wearing a sign that says they are "fighting" for the "workers"...

If they can't see the hypocrisy in their own actions in the middle of all the cosplay servants bringing them food, do the dirty masked unwashed around them really exist?

That was an old school dress dude

Second hand with an added bit of words on the back
Well, she shows up there pretending to be blue collar, wearing a dress that costs more than her constituents' monthly salary, unmasked she sits while the "little people" are forced to wear masks around her and the "important" people who are ignoring those dirty poor people wearing masks around them while cosplaying how "revolutionary" they are by wearing a sign that says they are "fighting" for the "workers"...

If they can't see the hypocrisy in their own actions in the middle of all the cosplay servants bringing them food, do the dirty masked unwashed around them really exist?

A divorced lady’s past wedding dress with spray paint