Sexy AOC Makes A Statement


I hadn’t even really looked at it

I’m not that into fashion

It’s a crap dress on hard look
Austrian Economics

Overview – A “heterodox” school of economics grounded primarily in the work of Mises, Hayek, Menger and Rothbard that advocates the purposeful economic decisions of the individual.

Mission Statement – The free market can solve most of our problems and the more we reduce government or eliminate government the better off we will all be.

General view of the economy – The less the government is involved in the economy the better it will perform.

How to fix the economy – We can fix the economy by reducing government and central bank involvement in free market forces.

What they love – Austrian Business Cycle Theory, free markets, individual freedoms and unfettered capitalism.

What they hate – Paul Krugman, the Federal Reserve, “Keynesians” and anyone who advocates for government intervention in markets.

Notable Pundits – Peter Schiff, Robert Murphy& Tom Woods.

Famous Dead Economist Associated with School – Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Carl Menger & Murray Rothbard.

Political Associations – Libertarians, conservatives, extreme conservatives and just about anyone who dislikes the government.

Preferred form of communication – Generally aggressive promotion of anti-government views through blog comments and conservative media.

Further Reading:

1 – What is Austrian Economics? –

2- Understanding “Austrian” Economics – Hazlitt

3 – Austrian Business Cycle Theory, A Brief Explanation – Mahoney

4 – Austrian School of Economics – Boettke

So tell us folks

Where do these ideas diverge from Republican economic theory?
Hello Dutch,

No argument from me that each party serves themselves first and Americans last.

What principles do you think the Democrats represent?

Serving the citizens of America in a responsible way.

Fighting the pandemic in a coordinated way.

Taking meaningful action on the Climate Crisis.

Building a stronger fairer economy.

Universal quality affordable healthcare. (I differ from the party here. I favor universal government run healthcare.)

Reforming the criminal justice system to be more equal.

Strengthening our Democracy.

Modernizing immigration.

Creating a world-class education system.

The Democratic Party Platform.
You can? Show us. ;)

Hell no

I hate sewing

But I could make it

A rack dress ( means a common style of the day and not expensive)

White netting attached to the inside bottom

And cloth paint

If you tried you could make it

She was raised poor

Poor chicks don’t pay designer prices for shit

That’s for lazy rich girls
Hello Dutch,

Serving the citizens of America in a responsible way.

Fighting the pandemic in a coordinated way.

Taking meaningful action on the Climate Crisis.

Building a stronger fairer economy.

Universal quality affordable healthcare. (I differ from the party here. I favor universal government run healthcare.)

Reforming the criminal justice system to be more equal.

Strengthening our Democracy.

Modernizing immigration.

Creating a world-class education system.

The Democratic Party Platform.

People who insist the Democratic Party is not full of good decent humans who love their country are people who just don’t believe Democracy actually works
OMG I went through the whole thing with a cashier at a supermarket when I was a bagboy.

:laugh: She was kinda chunky and in the school orchestra, but we had fun! Yessir!
I was partial to chunky cashiers myself back in the day.

Austrian Economics

Overview – A “heterodox” school of economics grounded primarily in the work of Mises, Hayek, Menger and Rothbard that advocates the purposeful economic decisions of the individual.

Mission Statement – The free market can solve most of our problems and the more we reduce government or eliminate government the better off we will all be.

General view of the economy – The less the government is involved in the economy the better it will perform.

How to fix the economy – We can fix the economy by reducing government and central bank involvement in free market forces.

What they love – Austrian Business Cycle Theory, free markets, individual freedoms and unfettered capitalism.

What they hate – Paul Krugman, the Federal Reserve, “Keynesians” and anyone who advocates for government intervention in markets.

Notable Pundits – Peter Schiff, Robert Murphy& Tom Woods.

Famous Dead Economist Associated with School – Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Carl Menger & Murray Rothbard.

Political Associations – Libertarians, conservatives, extreme conservatives and just about anyone who dislikes the government.

Preferred form of communication – Generally aggressive promotion of anti-government views through blog comments and conservative media.

Further Reading:

1 – What is Austrian Economics? –

2- Understanding “Austrian” Economics – Hazlitt

3 – Austrian Business Cycle Theory, A Brief Explanation – Mahoney

4 – Austrian School of Economics – Boettke

Not one righty will tell me what the don’t like about the Austrian ideas

Because it’s a right wing dreamland