Sexy AOC Makes A Statement

Hello Damo,

I remain untriggered. Just wondering if the sound of their own hypocrisy ever reaches their ears... You! With the mask on! Bring me another Mimosa!

Everyone at the MET gala was required to show proof of vaccination and wear a mask when not eating or drinking.

Only one NFL season football franchise required vaccination, and it was a bit soft at that. Fans were allowed in if they could show proof of vaccination or if they agreed to get their first shot on site prior to entry and then wear a mask once inside. All of the rest of the football games with thousands of animated people in close proximity and lots of yelling, screaming and heavy breathing required no proof of vaccination nor mask wearing. Some of the games did require / suggest mask wearing in the hallways, bathrooms and concessions.

I estimated that many stadiums contained over 3500 Active Cases of COVID-19.

Being outdoors was a big help in reducing transmission as long as it was windy enough to keep the air moving, but if any of those games was played with no wind, the risk of transmission went up by many factors. But the fact that so many people remained in such close proximity for so many hours increased the risk of transmission. It is probable that COVID-19 has been spread at most games. Hope nobody dies because of it. And, of course, just because somebody got it doesn't mean that's where it ends. They will likely go on to spread it to someone else, particularly if they don't even know they are a carrier. Others could die who didn't even go to any of the games.
I was partial to chunky cashiers myself back in the day.


Dude, we just had a moment with "Eine Klein Nachtmusik" singing. It was fun.

Me and the hot blonde were a thing.
God she was hot, but her parents were mysterious.

She left and never came back.
Her parents may have been criminals or something.

She’s going to be mega famous now

All for letting AOC wear one of her pieces

Silly menfolk don’t know designers even pay celebs to wear their crap

And yeah

That dress is very simple and thrown together
Dude, we just had a moment with "Eine Klein Nachtmusik" singing. It was fun.

Me and the hot blonde were a thing.
God she was hot, but her parents were mysterious.

She left and never came back.

That wasn’t about her parents

More likely your performance
Yet the designer says it is worth well over $2K.
The dress was borrowed by AOC and the ticket to the event was free. AOC shops at thrift shops, rents or borrows clothes for her fancy engagements. Representatives are often invited to events and not required to purchase a ticket.
The dress was borrowed by AOC and the ticket to the event was free. AOC shops at thrift shops, rents or borrows clothes for her fancy engagements. Representatives are often invited to events and not required to purchase a ticket.


Poor chicks don’t waste money on dresses like this

I could thrift shop a better one in no time
Hello Damo,

I'll watch for that in the future. If you are posting a new thread so you can opine on a subject you are banned from use something to tell me so I don't just merge stuff...

Usually they say something like "Part 2" or something at the end. But you can just add a "because I was banned" or something like that at the top of the post and I'll figure it out.

It would be better to simply forbid copy cat threads. They make the thread ban feature useless and confuse discussions with two nearly identical threads. I appreciate having minimal rules but there doesn't seem to be much point in a thread ban feature if copy cat threads are allowed.

Naturally, it is ever so easy for me to sit here and create more work for you...

I'll have no beef if you blow my suggestion right off.

I thank you and appreciate what you do.
Austrian Economics

Overview – A “heterodox” school of economics grounded primarily in the work of Mises, Hayek, Menger and Rothbard that advocates the purposeful economic decisions of the individual.

Mission Statement – The free market can solve most of our problems and the more we reduce government or eliminate government the better off we will all be.

General view of the economy – The less the government is involved in the economy the better it will perform.

How to fix the economy – We can fix the economy by reducing government and central bank involvement in free market forces.

What they love – Austrian Business Cycle Theory, free markets, individual freedoms and unfettered capitalism.

What they hate – Paul Krugman, the Federal Reserve, “Keynesians” and anyone who advocates for government intervention in markets.

Notable Pundits – Peter Schiff, Robert Murphy& Tom Woods.

Famous Dead Economist Associated with School – Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Carl Menger & Murray Rothbard.

Political Associations – Libertarians, conservatives, extreme conservatives and just about anyone who dislikes the government.

Preferred form of communication – Generally aggressive promotion of anti-government views through blog comments and conservative media.

Further Reading:

1 – What is Austrian Economics? –

2- Understanding “Austrian” Economics – Hazlitt

3 – Austrian Business Cycle Theory, A Brief Explanation – Mahoney

4 – Austrian School of Economics – Boettke

So dudes

Is this a Republican wet dream or what?
Hello Damo,

It would be better to simply forbid copy cat threads. They make the thread ban feature useless and confuse discussions with two nearly identical threads. I appreciate having minimal rules but there doesn't seem to be much point in a thread ban feature if copy cat threads are allowed.

Naturally, it is ever so easy for me to sit here and create more work for you...

I'll have no beef if you blow my suggestion right off.

I thank you and appreciate what you do.

I do it because someone has banned me

There was a time nearly all of the right would thread ban me

I really hate that KATZGAR is banned from my threads


Hello Dutch,

Serving the citizens of America in a responsible way.

Fighting the pandemic in a coordinated way.

Taking meaningful action on the Climate Crisis.

Building a stronger fairer economy.

Universal quality affordable healthcare. (I differ from the party here. I favor universal government run healthcare.)

Reforming the criminal justice system to be more equal.

Strengthening our Democracy.

Modernizing immigration.

Creating a world-class education system.

The Democratic Party Platform.

Awesome goals which I support. Both the Republican and Libertarian Platforms are below. I support them too but, like the Democratic Platform, it's not the ideal that matters as much as the execution.

Example: Ideal - Reduce Poverty.

Nice, eh? But there's a big difference between "Kill all the poor" and "educate poor to make better workers." Both solutions would effectively work, but by very divergent means.

Also, one is a lot cheaper than the other. As Jim Jones, the Khmer Rouge and Rwanda proved, mass murder is pretty cheap to do financially but the long terms costs are substantial both financially and culturally. Civilized people don't commit mass murder. Not everyone agrees.

We can agree on the ideals but disagree on the solutions.
Awesome goals which I support. Both the Republican and Libertarian Platforms are below. I support them too but, like the Democratic Platform, it's not the ideal that matters as much as the execution.

Example: Ideal - Reduce Poverty.

Nice, eh? But there's a big difference between "Kill all the poor" and "educate poor to make better workers." Both solutions would effectively work, but by very divergent means.

Also, one is a lot cheaper than the other. As Jim Jones, the Khmer Rouge and Rwanda proved, mass murder is pretty cheap to do financially but the long terms costs are substantial both financially and culturally. Civilized people don't commit mass murder. Not everyone agrees.

We can agree on the ideals but disagree on the solutions.

Then why did you lie to me about the Democratic platform of 1968?

I bet long ago you believed the right wing lies huh

But never bothered to realize they were lying back then about Democrats too