Diversity Makes Greatness
Hello Damo,
Everyone at the MET gala was required to show proof of vaccination and wear a mask when not eating or drinking.
Only one NFL season football franchise required vaccination, and it was a bit soft at that. Fans were allowed in if they could show proof of vaccination or if they agreed to get their first shot on site prior to entry and then wear a mask once inside. All of the rest of the football games with thousands of animated people in close proximity and lots of yelling, screaming and heavy breathing required no proof of vaccination nor mask wearing. Some of the games did require / suggest mask wearing in the hallways, bathrooms and concessions.
I estimated that many stadiums contained over 3500 Active Cases of COVID-19.
Being outdoors was a big help in reducing transmission as long as it was windy enough to keep the air moving, but if any of those games was played with no wind, the risk of transmission went up by many factors. But the fact that so many people remained in such close proximity for so many hours increased the risk of transmission. It is probable that COVID-19 has been spread at most games. Hope nobody dies because of it. And, of course, just because somebody got it doesn't mean that's where it ends. They will likely go on to spread it to someone else, particularly if they don't even know they are a carrier. Others could die who didn't even go to any of the games.
I remain untriggered. Just wondering if the sound of their own hypocrisy ever reaches their ears... You! With the mask on! Bring me another Mimosa!
Everyone at the MET gala was required to show proof of vaccination and wear a mask when not eating or drinking.
Only one NFL season football franchise required vaccination, and it was a bit soft at that. Fans were allowed in if they could show proof of vaccination or if they agreed to get their first shot on site prior to entry and then wear a mask once inside. All of the rest of the football games with thousands of animated people in close proximity and lots of yelling, screaming and heavy breathing required no proof of vaccination nor mask wearing. Some of the games did require / suggest mask wearing in the hallways, bathrooms and concessions.
I estimated that many stadiums contained over 3500 Active Cases of COVID-19.
Being outdoors was a big help in reducing transmission as long as it was windy enough to keep the air moving, but if any of those games was played with no wind, the risk of transmission went up by many factors. But the fact that so many people remained in such close proximity for so many hours increased the risk of transmission. It is probable that COVID-19 has been spread at most games. Hope nobody dies because of it. And, of course, just because somebody got it doesn't mean that's where it ends. They will likely go on to spread it to someone else, particularly if they don't even know they are a carrier. Others could die who didn't even go to any of the games.