Sexy AOC Makes A Statement

What's your favorite beverage, evince? I like Hawaiian Punch, Milk, Fresca and unsweetened tea. Coffee in the morning and Jagermeister in the afternoon, of course.

Ok I’ll play

I’m stoned and it hot outside

But when we go back to serious I hope you will answer my questions and accept the documented facts I present you

I like seltzer and fruit juice on ice

Any booze makes me want to heave now

Back in the day I could shot for shot any man I knew

It helps when you run the party house

No worry about driving home

Let me help you. International relations and economics ARE TWO SEPARATE MAJORS.

Have you ever heard of double majors?

Look at the International relations major. There are functional areas within it that place emphasis on it. She took international relations with a focus on economics, not two separate degree programs. A double major would have resulted in her getting two degrees.
Look at the International relations major. There are functional areas within it that place emphasis on it. She took international relations with a focus on economics, not two separate degree programs. A double major would have resulted in her getting two degrees.

Why are you so reluctant to accept the woman credentials
Look at the International relations major. There are functional areas within it that place emphasis on it. She took international relations with a focus on economics, not two separate degree programs. A double major would have resulted in her getting two degrees.

Wrong. It is a double major in international relations and economics. The University has already explained that.

A spokesperson for the university told us: “She graduated in 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts degree with two majors in International Relations and Economics. Latin Honors awarded was cum laude that is not tied to an individual major but the degree.”

A spokesperson for the congresswoman added: “She was awarded a double major [degree] in both International Relations and Economics.”
Look at the International relations major. There are functional areas within it that place emphasis on it. She took international relations with a focus on economics, not two separate degree programs. A double major would have resulted in her getting two degrees.
Ocasio-Cortez attended Boston University, where she double-majored in international relations and economics, graduating cum laude. She was previously an activist and worked as a waitress and bartender before running for Congress in 2018.

wzhDIC9UYsU1MAAAAASUVORK5CYII= › wiki › Ale...

[h=3]Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia[/h]

I have been posting with some of these people for two decades

A year or two some other places but back here they CAN NOT pretend I didn’t tell them something

They have seen me prove what I said before

Some links in example in my signature
Wrong. It is a double major in international relations and economics. The University has already explained that.

A spokesperson for the university told us: “She graduated in 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts degree with two majors in International Relations and Economics. Latin Honors awarded was cum laude that is not tied to an individual major but the degree.”

A spokesperson for the congresswoman added: “She was awarded a double major [degree] in both International Relations and Economics.”

$20 says those screaming AOC's degrees are fake can be linked to Birthers and other assorted conspiracy theorists. $$$
I have been posting with some of these people for two decades

A year or two sue other place but back here they CAN NOT pretend I didn’t tell them something

They have seen me prove what I said before

Some links in example in my signature
My apologies for not being able to follow the conversation, but people can change. It's a question of motivation...which a lot of people lack because they are stupid and lazy.

That point aside, who is dumber: the person who associates with the never-changing or the person seeking and/or supporting forward looking people?
I don’t waste my time with the real human trumpster

The ones here are just billboards for me to repeat the truth over

Lies run a marathon before the truth gets up in the morning

Truth is my bo

I try to help my bos