She Is Back For More

I've heard several theories:

1) She gave him herpes that she contracted from Jay-Z
2) She actually got beat up by Chris Brown's ex girlfriend
3) They had an argument and he just beat the shit out her in the car and he's been doing it for quite some time

I'm still shocked. And in some small way hoping #2 is correct and not that he hit her b/c it means my douchebag radar is way off. I'd have NEVER pictured him hitting a female.

Or better said:


How sexy is she now?
I've heard several theories:

1) She gave him herpes that she contracted from Jay-Z
2) She actually got beat up by Chris Brown's ex girlfriend
3) They had an argument and he just beat the shit out her in the car and he's been doing it for quite some time

I'm still shocked. And in some small way hoping #2 is correct and not that he hit her b/c it means my douchebag radar is way off. I'd have NEVER pictured him hitting a female.

Yeah I always figured that if Chris Brown and Rihanna got into it she would win. Chris Brown does not even try to act tough. He is the anti-gangster.
Yeah I always figured that if Chris Brown and Rihanna got into it she would win.

I guess you were wrong. It just sucks though. He seemed like such a nice refreshing R&B singer. Now I don't even want to hear him.
As I expressed in my post, I have absolutely no idea whether it is true or not because I haven't heard it from very reputable sources.

If it's not true (which it most likely isn't), then he is just another limp dick who likes to hit women. But if she did have it and gave it to him without telling him, then she deserves that and more.

I lost a lot of respect for you with that, and it won't come back.
I lost a lot of respect for you with that, and it won't come back.

Well, the truth is that no one knows what happened. they are keepign it really quiet. I even heard a rumor that it wasn't even him that did it.
I lost a lot of respect for you with that, and it won't come back.

Well I don't see why. I said that I don't pretend to know the details of this case. I'm just discussing hypotheticals.

What I said was that IF she knowingly gave him an STD without informing him ahead of time, she absolutely deserved it.

This is not a sexist thing. A woman would have every right to feel that same way about a man who had knowingly afflicted her with an incurable disease. Likewise with a gay man and his partner.

I guess I don't understand what you think the proper reaction should be to learning that your partner knowingly deceived you and endangered your health.

However, this whole discussion is probably pointless as I doubt that is really what happened.
Well I don't see why. I said that I don't pretend to know the details of this case. I'm just discussing hypotheticals.

What I said was that IF she knowingly gave him an STD without informing him ahead of time, she absolutely deserved it.

This is not a sexist thing. A woman would have every right to feel that same way about a man who had knowingly afflicted her with an incurable disease. Likewise with a gay man and his partner.

I guess I don't understand what you think the proper reaction should be to learning that your partner knowingly deceived you and endangered your health.
However, this whole discussion is probably pointless as I doubt that is really what happened.

Two parts: First. Leave him. Second. Sue his ass so that it hurts -- a lot. There is no justification, ever, for a man beating up a woman. There are socially (and legally) acceptable means of dealing with problems.
Two parts: First. Leave him. Second. Sue his ass so that it hurts -- a lot. There is no justification, ever, for a man beating up a woman. There are socially (and legally) acceptable means of dealing with problems.

Hey Thorn!!!!!

I don't know. I think I have to side with Epi on this one. If someone knowingly did that to me, I'm pretty sure I'd get violent.
Two parts: First. Leave him. Second. Sue his ass so that it hurts -- a lot. There is no justification, ever, for a man beating up a woman. There are socially (and legally) acceptable means of dealing with problems.

Well I am not advocating that any man in this situation should beat the shit out of his partner. My original statement that seems to have enflamed Darla was hyperbole.

What I am saying is that if this is really how things went down, then I refuse to feel much sympathy for Rihanna. Certainly Chris Brown should have handled it in a more mature way, but she should have too by maybe warning him that she wasn't clean. That is unbelievably fucked up that she would do that knowingly.

At the end of the day both people have done wrong, but Rihanna's bruises will heal in a few days while Chris Brown will still have herpes. I refuse to feel too sorry for her.
Two parts: First. Leave him. Second. Sue his ass so that it hurts -- a lot. There is no justification, ever, for a man beating up a woman. There are socially (and legally) acceptable means of dealing with problems.

Btw Thorn, the law is just a way for upper-middle class people to beat the shit out of each other via the police. I'm not sure it's any more morally superior to take someone's house and their kids' chance at education than it is to pop them one in the face.

Well I am not advocating that any man in this situation should beat the shit out of his partner. My original statement that seems to have enflamed Darla was hyperbole.

What I am saying is that if this is really how things went down, then I refuse to feel much sympathy for Rihanna. Certainly Chris Brown should have handled it in a more mature way, but she should have too by maybe warning him that she wasn't clean. That is unbelievably fucked up that she would do that knowingly.

At the end of the day both people have done wrong, but Rihanna's bruises will heal in a few days while Chris Brown will still have herpes. I refuse to feel too sorry for her.

Oh, I certainly don't mean to sound as if I am defending what she did -- if she did give him an STD, an incurable one at that. If she's really that stupid (her photo shown in this thread doesn't do much to make her look as if anything's working behind those eyes), perhaps she wasn't even aware that she was infected -- if she was -- or what consequences to a partner might be. If that's the case, unfortunately stupidity is incurable.
Hey Thorn!!!!!

I don't know. I think I have to side with Epi on this one. If someone knowingly did that to me, I'm pretty sure I'd get violent.

-It's bothering me that this is even being taken seriously. She didn't give him any STDs. Anytime a man hits, rapes, or murders a woman, a slew of accusations will be made against the victim. Never believe them.

-He did it. He came from an abusive childhood, his mother's bf or husband used to beat her up, he has publically discussed this. He of course learned from that how to solve disputes in relationships. He needs to get professional help, because without he is going to do it again and again and again. He is young enough for someone to intervene and get him that help. This campaign going on to make him an innocent victim of Rihanna's is not helping him either.

-Even if a different woman did "give a man an STD" that is not an excuse or reason for her to be beaten. Many people don't even know they have an STD and even more are completely ignorant of how it can be passed on, particularly with Herpes as many believe you can only pass it on or catch it during an outbreak. Most importantly, when you choose to have sex with someone you are responsible. You may get pregnant, if you are a man you may end up a father and you have no say in whether you do or not. You may end up with an STD including HIV, especially if you choose unprotected sex. YOu did this to yourself, no one did it to you.

-Epic is wrong to present beating a woman as some form of feminism. IE: a woman has a right to fuck up a man who gave her an STD too.

She really doesn't, but in the end, she won't. This is simply a sad defense for women beating.
I am not defending beating a woman. How do you not grasp this?

It really speaks to your preconceptions that you assume every instance where STDs are alleged must be false. I don't know that it's true, and I think that it's probably not but the fact that you dismiss is without consideration speaks volumes. I won't know the circumstances until the court date, and neither will you.

In any case, I am not defending spousal abuse, negligent spread of STDs, Chris Brown or Rihanna. If the situation actually did play out this way, they are both at fault. You are going into knee-jerk feminist mode. Chris Brown was wrong to beat Rihanna if that was the way this actually played out, and Rihanna was wrong to not admit she had an STD if that part was actually true. And as for being "unaware that you have an STD" I refuse to accept that someone as rich and presumably sexually experienced as Rihanna is unaware of the need for regular tests.
As an aside, I actually have a male friend who, and this is recently, was actually bitching up a storm to me about a mutual friend of ours he had f'd, complaining that she called him up out of the blue while he was driving and said: "Bad news, I have herpes".

He actually said to me "wtf is wrong with her? wasn't she ever tested? she knows I'm f'ing married".

It was her fault that he might have given his wife herpes.

I'm not making this shit up, I couldn't. We were actually sitting in the parking lot at the train station where I had left my car to go into the city, and he drove me home. What amazes me is after all this time, out of all the men I know, only my bf really seems to understand there is some shit you don't say to me. It's as if, men don't hear me. He thought that I was going to be sympathetic to this message? I wonder if the guys here hear me, I think they do more than the men I know. I will bet not two men on here would come to me with this story and think I was going to pat them on their backs. And I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that here, you only see my words and they can appear harsher than my spoken words because of my damned voice.

Well, either way, he won't be telling me that story again, trust me.
I am not defending beating a woman. How do you not grasp this?

It really speaks to your preconceptions that you assume every instance where STDs are alleged must be false. I don't know that it's true, and I think that it's probably not but the fact that you dismiss is without consideration speaks volumes. I won't know the circumstances until the court date, and neither will you.

In any case, I am not defending spousal abuse, negligent spread of STDs, Chris Brown or Rihanna. If the situation actually did play out this way, they are both at fault. You are going into knee-jerk feminist mode. Chris Brown was wrong to beat Rihanna if that was the way this actually played out, and Rihanna was wrong to not admit she had an STD if that part was actually true. And as for being "unaware that you have an STD" I refuse to accept that someone as rich and presumably sexually experienced as Rihanna is unaware of the need for regular tests.

Why the fuck wouldn't I dismiss it? I'm forty years old. I remember when Robert Chambers killed Jennifer Levine during "rough sex that she was begging him for" before you were born.

I have seen this a million times.

She gave him no std. She's being smeared because any time a man beats, rapes, or murders a woman, she must have been some whore who had it coming. Always. Every time. And you right now, are perpetuating that. Spare me your crap Epic.
Yes thank you, Damo.

Aren't you late for church choir practice? There is unquestionably someone there who would benefit more from your morally condescending lectures.
Wow. Somebody says your girl looks ugly to them because she'd walk back into that and prove she's not so smart and you get all "You're the church man."?
As an aside, I actually have a male friend who, and this is recently, was actually bitching up a storm to me about a mutual friend of ours he had f'd, complaining that she called him up out of the blue while he was driving and said: "Bad news, I have herpes".

He actually said to me "wtf is wrong with her? wasn't she ever tested? she knows I'm f'ing married".

It was her fault that he might have given his wife herpes.

I'm not making this shit up, I couldn't. We were actually sitting in the parking lot at the train station where I had left my car to go into the city, and he drove me home. What amazes me is after all this time, out of all the men I know, only my bf really seems to understand there is some shit you don't say to me. It's as if, men don't hear me. He thought that I was going to be sympathetic to this message? I wonder if the guys here hear me, I think they do more than the men I know. I will bet not two men on here would come to me with this story and think I was going to pat them on their backs. And I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that here, you only see my words and they can appear harsher than my spoken words because of my damned voice.

Well, either way, he won't be telling me that story again, trust me.

This kind of case comes up often during clinic hours on House. Personally, I view it as perfect retribution for being a douchebag and cheating (unless the spouse gets it as well). Personally, I don't understanding cheating anyway...
-It's bothering me that this is even being taken seriously. She didn't give him any STDs. Anytime a man hits, rapes, or murders a woman, a slew of accusations will be made against the victim. Never believe them.

I agree, that is probably not what happened.

He did it. He came from an abusive childhood, his mother's bf or husband used to beat her up, he has publically discussed this. He of course learned from that how to solve disputes in relationships. He needs to get professional help, because without he is going to do it again and again and again. He is young enough for someone to intervene and get him that help. This campaign going on to make him an innocent victim of Rihanna's is not helping him either.

Not after those photos were released. If my second rumor wasn't true, I think he's lost a huge part of his fan base. Plus some of the local DJs are saying they don't want to play any Chris Brown music. And I don't blame them.

Even if a different woman did "give a man an STD" that is not an excuse or reason for her to be beaten. Many people don't even know they have an STD and even more are completely ignorant of how it can be passed on, particularly with Herpes as many believe you can only pass it on or catch it during an outbreak. Most importantly, when you choose to have sex with someone you are responsible. You may get pregnant, if you are a man you may end up a father and you have no say in whether you do or not. You may end up with an STD including HIV, especially if you choose unprotected sex. YOu did this to yourself, no one did it to you.

Point taken.
I agree, that is probably not what happened.

Not after those photos were released. If my second rumor wasn't true, I think he's lost a huge part of his fan base. Plus some of the local DJs are saying they don't want to play any Chris Brown music. And I don't blame them.

Are they? I hadn't heard that. I'd like to call in to one and ask them that instead of boycotting this one man, they took the opportunity to educate all of the young men listening to them. Brown has abuse in his own background and he is still very young. Therapy can still help him. Maybe I will do that and rant to a DJ instead of on here. Listen for me Tiana!