She Is Back For More

I think that would be my reaction as well.

I'd like to think I'd be more calm about it but I really don't know.

IMO, knowingly infecting someone is the worst thing you can do to someone. Murder is morally superior in my eyes. At least with murder you are ending their life right there. By infecting knowingly infecting someone, you are basically damning that person to live out the rest of their existence as a diseased person no one would ever sleep with as they die slowly from the virus you gave them.

It is FUCKED UP. One of my friends got an STD from his bitch of an ex. She knew she had it and didn't tell him. I don't know what I would have done in that situation.

I think the first thing to do is not to assume that the person "knew they had it" and gave it to you on purpose. That's a pretty rare circumstance and I'd have to see real evidence or a confession before I'd believe it. And if it's not intentional and they didn't get it as a result of cheating on you, then there's really no one to blame. Like I said, we could all insist on mutual and broad STD testing before having sex with a new partner. How many of us do?
I wonder if this has anything to do with his temperament.

Well, wouldn't you be mad at the world/Be a conservative, if that's what you were working with?

I mean, I just kind of always assumed that's what was up conservatives' asses.
I think the first thing to do is not to assume that the person "knew they had it" and gave it to you on purpose. That's a pretty rare circumstance and I'd have to see real evidence or a confession before I'd believe it. And if it's not intentional and they didn't get it as a result of cheating on you, then there's really no one to blame. Like I said, we could all insist on mutual and broad STD testing before having sex with a new partner. How many of us do?

When it is convenient, appropriate, or prudent I certainly do. I get tested every 3-4 months at least, and more if I feel particularly nervous about something. I have literally presented my clean lab results to a girl who had heard some rumors about me and was nervous. I don't understand people who don't get tested. It's not just you that it affects.

And you're right it's hard to prove that someone knew.
I'll openly admit it takes a good and righteous person to be level headed enough to be an adult about that type of situation.

I don't think I could be.

I know I could! :D


WM! The calm STD-New-Reee-seee-ver!
When it is convenient, appropriate, or prudent I certainly do. I get tested every 3-4 months at least, and more if I feel particularly nervous about something. I have literally presented my clean lab results to a girl who had heard some rumors about me and was nervous. I don't understand people who don't get tested. It's not just you that it affects.

And you're right it's hard to prove that someone knew.

it's still kinda funny that you have papers on hand. i imagine you going to parties with them in your back pocket just in case you need to provide validation.
Two parts: First. Leave him. Second. Sue his ass so that it hurts -- a lot. There is no justification, ever, for a man beating up a woman. There are socially (and legally) acceptable means of dealing with problems.

if the woman is 300 pounds and the guy is 150 then it is ok O_O

I remember a case at the courthouse i used to work at. This meek man was married to this cow of a wife. She was huge and kind of built. The husband I guess hit her, but only because she would routinely beat the shit out of him and throw plates at him and stuff, and pushing him against walls. So he decided to stand up for himself for once. All the judges were laughing about it behind the doors cause they thought it was funny that this guy was always getting the shit beat out of him by his wife. It was kind of sad.
As an aside, I actually have a male friend who, and this is recently, was actually bitching up a storm to me about a mutual friend of ours he had f'd, complaining that she called him up out of the blue while he was driving and said: "Bad news, I have herpes".

He actually said to me "wtf is wrong with her? wasn't she ever tested? she knows I'm f'ing married".

It was her fault that he might have given his wife herpes.

I'm not making this shit up, I couldn't. We were actually sitting in the parking lot at the train station where I had left my car to go into the city, and he drove me home. What amazes me is after all this time, out of all the men I know, only my bf really seems to understand there is some shit you don't say to me. It's as if, men don't hear me. He thought that I was going to be sympathetic to this message? I wonder if the guys here hear me, I think they do more than the men I know. I will bet not two men on here would come to me with this story and think I was going to pat them on their backs. And I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that here, you only see my words and they can appear harsher than my spoken words because of my damned voice.

Well, either way, he won't be telling me that story again, trust me.

did you give him a good ear full? Also why are you friends with this guy that is cheating on his wife.

Another also: Do you know his wife? Must be interesting when you guys all hang out.
did you give him a good ear full? Also why are you friends with this guy that is cheating on his wife.

Another also: Do you know his wife? Must be interesting when you guys all hang out.

Do you think I want to be friends with people like this? It happens before you know about it. I know his wife only to say hi how are you at social events. I met him through my activist work. When I first met him I didn't even know he was married. HE doesn't wear a ring and never mentioned his wife to me, way past the time it would have been normal to. Someone else told me he was married. This is several years later and I found after the fact that he and a close friend of mine were having an affair for the past year or a little less. Then they obviously broke up and it was nasty. Then she tells me he also had an affair with his daughter-in-law! He has no kids, but his wife does, and his stepson moved into their house with his new wife about 8 years ago. They were married six months and he starts screwing her right there in his wife's house!

And this is a guy who runs around saying "we do it because it is right". So now i can't even look at him, I mean this story was too much for me. Every time he opens his mouth or I read something he wrote I want to yell out "shut up you fucker of daughter in laws!" Even my s/o was like, what! he did what?! So now he is mad at me because I picked a fight with him over supporting the troops. He's an ex-marine and I knew that would get him going. I said I've thought about it and I've decided I can't really support the troops when I don't support their actions. Who told them to join up to go kill people anyway? And he went bugfuck nuts. I was laughing behind my computer screen. So now we're not friends anymore. I mean, I couldn't tell him I don't want to be friends with you because you f'd your daughter inlaw, because then my girlfriend, who I really do care about, would get mad at me. So I did this instead.

Wow, I went on and on again.
You should let the girl get mad at you and tell him what you think of him. People like that need to hear it.
You should let the girl get mad at you and tell him what you think of him. People like that need to hear it.

She's a good friend of mine. I can't. I would like to though. It could come out if he gets me pissed off enough, and he could, because he never shuts up, and he's soooo sanctimonious. We'll see what happens.
if the woman is 300 pounds and the guy is 150 then it is ok O_O

I remember a case at the courthouse i used to work at. This meek man was married to this cow of a wife. She was huge and kind of built. The husband I guess hit her, but only because she would routinely beat the shit out of him and throw plates at him and stuff, and pushing him against walls. So he decided to stand up for himself for once. All the judges were laughing about it behind the doors cause they thought it was funny that this guy was always getting the shit beat out of him by his wife. It was kind of sad.

This is actually a serious issue. There are a lot of situations in which the husband is attacked or beaten up by his wife.

If he calls the cops and goes to court, he is a laughing stock.

Also, if the wife starts the physical fight and he hits back the cops will rarely take the wife. It is almost always the husband who goes to jail.

It boils down to stereotypes and the nonsense that goes with it.
She's a good friend of mine. I can't. I would like to though. It could come out if he gets me pissed off enough, and he could, because he never shuts up, and he's soooo sanctimonious. We'll see what happens.

Would it be so bad to tell her what is going on? Ok, she will be pissed at you at first, and it will probably end her marriage.

But isn't that what is best for your friend? It will at least give her a chance at a decent life where she isn't the butt of a joke.
Would it be so bad to tell her what is going on? Ok, she will be pissed at you at first, and it will probably end her marriage.

But isn't that what is best for your friend? It will at least give her a chance at a decent life where she isn't the butt of a joke.

Noo noo, his wife is not a friend of mine, just a passing aquantance. I mean that my close friend had an affair with him recently that ended badly because she found out she had Herpes (I swear to God I am starting to feel like I'm writing scripts for Jerry Srpinger) and when she told him, he went nuts, because after all didn't she get herself tested, she knew he was married? So it was HER fault that he might have given his wife herpes.

Please I cant' even explain this anymore. Who you know is who you are, and i must look like a real trailer trash nut. I will tell you something, they both live in homes on the north shore worth big money. Way nicer than my condo. It just goes to show...
Noo noo, his wife is not a friend of mine, just a passing aquantance. I mean that my close friend had an affair with him recently that ended badly because she found out she had Herpes (I swear to God I am starting to feel like I'm writing scripts for Jerry Srpinger) and when she told him, he went nuts, because after all didn't she get herself tested, she knew he was married? So it was HER fault that he might have given his wife herpes.

Please I cant' even explain this anymore. Who you know is who you are, and i must look like a real trailer trash nut. I will tell you something, they both live in homes on the north shore worth big money. Way nicer than my condo. It just goes to show...

Never thought it was a trailer trash story. Economics has nothing to do with it.

My bad for misunderstanding. He needs to be outed and then bitch-slapped.
Never thought it was a trailer trash story. Economics has nothing to do with it.

My bad for misunderstanding. He needs to be outed and then bitch-slapped.

I never really would have thought that anybody but trailer trash would sleep with any in-law, no less a daughter in law. I guess I am naive or something. Whatever, it's just gross stuff.
Noo noo, his wife is not a friend of mine, just a passing aquantance. I mean that my close friend had an affair with him recently that ended badly because she found out she had Herpes (I swear to God I am starting to feel like I'm writing scripts for Jerry Srpinger) and when she told him, he went nuts, because after all didn't she get herself tested, she knew he was married? So it was HER fault that he might have given his wife herpes.

Please I cant' even explain this anymore. Who you know is who you are, and i must look like a real trailer trash nut. I will tell you something, they both live in homes on the north shore worth big money. Way nicer than my condo. It just goes to show...
He probably gave her the herpes, he is knee deep in the good stuff.
I never really would have thought that anybody but trailer trash would sleep with any in-law, no less a daughter in law. I guess I am naive or something. Whatever, it's just gross stuff.

The kind of guy that is looking for a "conquest fuck" or just looking for any piece they can find is not going to be bothered by something as trivial as the fact that she is his daughter-in-law.

It happens in high dollar neighborhoods and trailer parks.
I never really would have thought that anybody but trailer trash would sleep with any in-law, no less a daughter in law. I guess I am naive or something. Whatever, it's just gross stuff.
That's more like soap opera territory. I would never sleep with one of my brother's wives, let alone my son's (if I had one). In fact, if she offered I'd tell my brother.