She Is Back For More

As an aside, I actually have a male friend who, and this is recently, was actually bitching up a storm to me about a mutual friend of ours he had f'd, complaining that she called him up out of the blue while he was driving and said: "Bad news, I have herpes".

He actually said to me "wtf is wrong with her? wasn't she ever tested? she knows I'm f'ing married".

It was her fault that he might have given his wife herpes.

I'm not making this shit up, I couldn't. We were actually sitting in the parking lot at the train station where I had left my car to go into the city, and he drove me home. What amazes me is after all this time, out of all the men I know, only my bf really seems to understand there is some shit you don't say to me. It's as if, men don't hear me. He thought that I was going to be sympathetic to this message? I wonder if the guys here hear me, I think they do more than the men I know. I will bet not two men on here would come to me with this story and think I was going to pat them on their backs. And I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that here, you only see my words and they can appear harsher than my spoken words because of my damned voice.

Well, either way, he won't be telling me that story again, trust me.

Words no one ever wants to hear.

But you are right in that they were both complicit in the spread. If you don't want an STD, don't have sex. Herpes can be spread even with the use of a condom btw.
Are they? I hadn't heard that. I'd like to call in to one and ask them that instead of boycotting this one man, they took the opportunity to educate all of the young men listening to them. Brown has abuse in his own background and he is still very young. Therapy can still help him. Maybe I will do that and rant to a DJ instead of on here. Listen for me Tiana!

Yeah, I think it was Z100 actually and it may have been 98.7 Kiss FM. It was like 2 or 3 days after the event.
Words no one ever wants to hear.

But you are right in that they were both complicit in the spread. If you don't want an STD, don't have sex. Herpes can be spread even with the use of a condom btw.

Yeah true. Or, you can just make it your own policy that you don't sleep with someone until you have both been tested and shared the results, for various STDs. It's a mood-killer, but man it beats getting something incurable.
Yeah, I think it was Z100 actually and it may have been 98.7 Kiss FM. It was like 2 or 3 days after the event.

Oh okay, I get both of those here. I will see if I can call in tomorrow morning. they will probably hang up on me. lol
Yeah true. Or, you can just make it your own policy that you don't sleep with someone until you have both been tested and shared the results, for various STDs. It's a mood-killer, but man it beats getting something incurable.


I have a confession: I'm still picturing finding out that my bf gave me something and I'm still throwing pans and slashing tires. And yes, I know it'd be wrong.

I have a confession: I'm still picturing finding out that my bf gave me something and I'm still throwing pans and slashing tires. And yes, I know it'd be wrong.

If my s/o gave me an STD I'd be heart broken because it'd mean he had cheated on me. I would tell him to move out, and I'd be lonely and hurt and it would be a very bad time because I love him and he's my best friend. I really can't imagine it.
If my s/o gave me an STD I'd be heart broken because it'd mean he had cheated on me. I would tell him to move out, and I'd be lonely and hurt and it would be a very bad time because I love him and he's my best friend. I really can't imagine it.

Yeah. I'd be heart broken too. Right after a kick to the groin.

I have a confession: I'm still picturing finding out that my bf gave me something and I'm still throwing pans and slashing tires. And yes, I know it'd be wrong.

I think that would be my reaction as well.

I'd like to think I'd be more calm about it but I really don't know.

IMO, knowingly infecting someone is the worst thing you can do to someone. Murder is morally superior in my eyes. At least with murder you are ending their life right there. By infecting knowingly infecting someone, you are basically damning that person to live out the rest of their existence as a diseased person no one would ever sleep with as they die slowly from the virus you gave them.

It is FUCKED UP. One of my friends got an STD from his bitch of an ex. She knew she had it and didn't tell him. I don't know what I would have done in that situation.
....oh that reminds may want to get tested.

Really SF? Do you know that SF hasn't spoken to me, not one word, ever since Dano accused him of liking me? Can you believe that? I'm kinda bummed.

So what's he like in bed?
Really SF? Do you know that SF hasn't spoken to me, not one word, ever since Dano accused him of liking me? Can you believe that? I'm kinda bummed.

So what's he like in bed?

It was 2 minutes and 3 inches I don't ever want to relive.
I think that would be my reaction as well.

I'd like to think I'd be more calm about it but I really don't know.

IMO, knowingly infecting someone is the worst thing you can do to someone. Murder is morally superior in my eyes. At least with murder you are ending their life right there. By infecting knowingly infecting someone, you are basically damning that person to live out the rest of their existence as a diseased person no one would ever sleep with as they die slowly from the virus you gave them.

It is FUCKED UP. One of my friends got an STD from his bitch of an ex. She knew she had it and didn't tell him. I don't know what I would have done in that situation.

I'll openly admit it takes a good and righteous person to be level headed enough to be an adult about that type of situation.

I don't think I could be.