Shell Oil Company: "Global Warming is a Reality-Nation Needs a Public Policy"


Will work for Scooby snacks
Shell Oil Company: "Global Warming is a Reality-Nation Needs a Public Policy"

Odd, that the CEO of one of the world's largest oil companies sounds like a tree-hugger compared to Bush

Touting the importance of a "culture of conservation" and investment in alternative fuels, John Hofmeister sounded less a leader of the world's third-largest oil company as much as a speaker at an Earth Day celebration.

The Shell Oil Co. president, addressing a group in St. Louis Thursday, said as far as the company was concerned, the debate over the science of global climate change is over

"It's a waste of time to debate it," he said. "Policymakers have a responsibility to address it. The nation needs a public policy. We'll adjust."
What ever the reason, you can be CERTAIN that his reason is for the betterment of his company.

That's just seems.

You can be certain that it won't kill his company. Everyone has bias based on personal reasons. Maybe he's just a green, though. There's more to most businessmen than simply being a businessman.
He doesn't seem to be saying it is true as much as it is the goverments responsibility to address the problem.
You can be certain that it won't kill his company. Everyone has bias based on personal reasons. Maybe he's just a green, though. There's more to most businessmen than simply being a businessman.

yes watermark, but SOMEWHERE LOGIC must come in to play, no? lol

He would never, ever be a GREEN and be the president of a major oil conglomerate...that is just plain ole logic....imho!
You can be certain that it won't kill his company. Everyone has bias based on personal reasons. Maybe he's just a green, though. There's more to most businessmen than simply being a businessman.
The law requires you, in a public owned corporation, to make decisions solely based on the good of the company. It would be illegal to make them for another purpose.
You can be certain that it won't kill his company. Everyone has bias based on personal reasons. Maybe he's just a green, though. There's more to most businessmen than simply being a businessman.

He's says he's speaking FOR the company.

Not for himself.
The law requires you, in a public owned corporation, to make decisions solely based on the good of the company. It would be illegal to make them for another purpose.

And where is he hurting the company? The world getting greener isn't going to kill of Shell, they know oil's going to die sometime and probably have a backup plan.
And where is he hurting the company? The world getting greener isn't going to kill of Shell, they know oil's going to die sometime and probably have a backup plan.
My point wasn't that he was hurting the company, it was in agreement with Care. He cannot work against the company and keep himself from jail. What he is doing will be seen as good for his company and it is why he did it.
While y'all knock yourselves out trying to evaluate the state of Hofmeister's conscience and soul -- without any real data, I might add -- I'll be content with the effects of this development. The case against public regulation of greenhouse gas emissions becomes weaker and weaker each day. Even the Captains of Industry now recognize that voluntary "controls" simply aren't effective.

The only fair way to deal with this is in the public sector and with regulations that apply to all competitors in a given industry.
All this environementalism crap is just a way to put wetern economies in the shitter. The death of the west is the main goal of the new world order, and you idiot libs jump to their crazy beat like fools.
While y'all knock yourselves out trying to evaluate the state of Hofmeister's conscience and soul -- without any real data, I might add -- I'll be content with the effects of this development. The case against public regulation of greenhouse gas emissions becomes weaker and weaker each day. Even the Captains of Industry now recognize that voluntary "controls" simply aren't effective.

The only fair way to deal with this is in the public sector and with regulations that apply to all competitors in a given industry.

Shell is very forward looking on this issue.
Even exxon is admitting to GW, but they may be the last holdouts into alternative energy.
Chevron owns 50% of the Hybrid battery inventor and is building biodiesel plants in Texas.
Part of their speaking out is the stupid attitude that oil companies have to do something. LOL
Oil isn't going anywhere till it runs out, demand will go up year after year.
The alternatives can meet higher percentages of our growing needs but we'll all be dead before any gets bigger than oil.:clink:
Shell oil is one of the few oil companies whose name you can spell upside down on a calculator...

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Shell oil is one of the few oil companys whose name you can spell upside down on a calculator...

710 77345

Sounds like proof of demonic posession or involvment in AHZ's new world order for sure ;)

btw isn't the great gas 1 day boycott today ? I will have to go fillup I guess ...
btw for AHZ don't buy a diamond for a lady. The diamond industry is controlled by the jooos. If you buy a diamond you are helping the new world order to accompolish their goals.
"What ever the reason, you can be CERTAIN that his reason is for the betterment of his company."

You mean like when Shell sponsored the eco-marathon this year?