Shell Oil Company: "Global Warming is a Reality-Nation Needs a Public Policy"

FYI Care... shell has been sponsoring eco car challenges for over 60 years. Always pushing engineers to better the miles per gallon (whether they use gas or not). Winner this year built a car that got about 1900 miles to the gallon... yes... 1900.
"You mean like when Shell sponsored the eco-marathon this year?"

Yes all for public Image, most of us seem to accept programming from corporate sources really well.
All this environementalism crap is just a way to put wetern economies in the shitter. The death of the west is the main goal of the new world order, and you idiot libs jump to their crazy beat like fools.
You betcha, running dog. Maybe the Tidee-Bowl man will throw you a life preserver on the way down. BUWAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahaha!

"You mean like when Shell sponsored the eco-marathon this year?"

Yes all for public Image, most of us seem to accept programming from corporate sources really well.
It may also be for engineering ideas. The idea that because they are a corporation they can see no end to oil profitability is simply erroneous. Those corporations that do not look to the future will die when their product becomes obsolete. They cannot, in perpetuity, keep scientific advances from reaching the public.
It may also be for engineering ideas. The idea that because they are a corporation they can see no end to oil profitability is simply erroneous. Those corporations that do not look to the future will die when their product becomes obsolete. They cannot, in perpetuity, keep scientific advances from reaching the public.

Boy! you sure read a lot into my reply. I had not even touched on the recent trend of corporate short term views....
But we know all the shareholder voting will take care of that ;)
Boy! you sure read a lot into my reply. I had not even touched on the recent trend of corporate short term views....
But we know all the shareholder voting will take care of that ;)
Once again, could and will are two different things.

This is a sign that they are forethinking regardless of the current trend.
Yep even Dixie might forethink a bit if you hit him in the head with a 2/4 enough ;)
This is just the oil companies trying to make the best of the situation. many years too late....
US.... that is the typical brainwashed... corporations only think short term bullshit that the left spits out.

Shell has been doing this for over SIXTY years. Trying to find ways to make the engines more efficient. In the past couple of decades that has gone on to include solar powered cars, fuel cells etc... But please, continue to ignore that... please spout off more "corporations are evil and shortsighted ramblings"... the left would be proud.
Yep "Detroit" has sure been farsighted. LOL
And the oil companies too. they have after all built more refineries to handle the demand for fuel , right ?
"And the oil companies too. they have after all built more refineries to handle the demand for fuel , right ?"

US... yes, they have increased capacity at the existing refineries... but no, they have not built new ones... because no one wants them in THEIR back yard. The politicians block them at every turn... so they gave up building them here and built them in other countries. On which we are now more reliant, simply because we refused to put them here.
"Yep "Detroit" has sure been farsighted. "

Trying to change the subject? No one said a thing about the auto companies. We can see the price they are currently paying for their inability to think ahead. Unions blame it on management, management blames the unions... bottom line, they both lose. The management lacked the foresight and the union workers are not as productive as their japanese counterparts. Because of that, you can now buy a house in Detroit for less than you can buy one of their over-expensive piece of shit cars.
Umm that brings up another question, should not people with refineries in their back yard get cheaper gas ? Why does others who live farther away seem to get the same prices as those who live close to the refinery ?
Transportation of fuel costs money so the farther transported the more it should cost , right ?

Also what happened to the Bush line of building refineries on abandoned military sites ?
US... price does depend on transportation to an extent. But with the variety of state gas taxes, it is not the deciding factor.

Again, building of refineries has consistently run up against blocks by local politicians... both parties do this. Everyone wants someone else to build them in their backyards.
Refineries stink. Ask the people that live next to the ones just South of Denver.
Or all along San Pablo Bay here. Martinez, Benicia, Port Costa; we got more refineries than you can shake a fist at.

And yet we have the highest gas prices in the lower 48. Go figure. ;)
Or all along San Pablo Bay here. Martinez, Benicia, Port Costa; we got more refineries than you can shake a fist at.

And yet we have the highest gas prices in the lower 48. Go figure. ;)
Look to your state government and the level of taxation kimosabe...
Look to your state government and the level of taxation kimosabe...
Horse puckey. They even admit that their costs at these refineries are no higher than elsewhere in California. Besides, that doesn't explain the differences in wholesale prices among deliveries from the same refinery.

Take, for example the Chevron refinery in Martinez. San Francisco is about 30 miles away by road -- far less in a straight line. Modesto is over a hundred miles away. Yet the wholesale price of gasoline delivered from that refinery is about 75 cents per gallon MORE in San Francisco. Same gas formulation. And the chains explicitly do not allow their franchisees to purchase out of their region and reship.