Shell Oil Company: "Global Warming is a Reality-Nation Needs a Public Policy"

Horse puckey. They even admit that their costs at these refineries are no higher than elsewhere in California. Besides, that doesn't explain the differences in wholesale prices among deliveries from the same refinery.

Take, for example the Chevron refinery in Martinez. San Francisco is about 30 miles away by road -- far less in a straight line. Modesto is over a hundred miles away. Yet the wholesale price of gasoline delivered from that refinery is about 75 cents per gallon MORE in San Francisco. Same gas formulation. And the chains explicitly do not allow their franchisees to purchase out of their region and reship.
However your cost is much higher than mine because of the cost of the taxes at the pump.
Or all along San Pablo Bay here. Martinez, Benicia, Port Costa; we got more refineries than you can shake a fist at.

And yet we have the highest gas prices in the lower 48. Go figure. ;)

I think we have requirements for special blends of gasoline, due to our air quality problems, that drives the price up. I'm not sure if it accounts for all the price differential relative to other states, but I think it's a factor.
Let's get real here...

The oil companies are raping us all...after all with all our so called technology in the year 2007...why is the price going up it should be going down...back in the sixtees tech was how should I say it...oh yeah very low...but the price of needed products were not on the table for raping the general public...we need to get back to the days of old when needed essentials like food,fuel,housing,transportation etc were off the table for excessive profits...we are just killing the 'Middle Class' and below...but hey thats what elitist really want...'F' anyone not in their class...they need many houses all over the world and more money than anyone person needs...just food for thought as both parties are made up of elitist! Gluttony is one of the greatest sins!
I think we have requirements for special blends of gasoline, due to our air quality problems, that drives the price up. I'm not sure if it accounts for all the price differential relative to other states, but I think it's a factor.
But the wholesale prices for even the same gasoline blend is higher in the Bay Area than it is in other regions.
But the wholesale prices for even the same gasoline blend is higher in the Bay Area than it is in other regions.
Check into the Bay Area Partnership, the state allowed for a regional tax in your area. Wholesale prices would be higher because of that as gas tax is part of the wholesale price. It isn't tacked on at the end.
Louisiana and Texas typically have amoung the cheapest gas, and that's where a lot of refineries are.
Another point not discussed here, California pays the most because they have the most money and can afford too.
They WILL be the first to pay $4 gallon. Yeah baby:clink:
I wanna see $4/gal gas. The reaction of the American consumers will be interesting. Will it be $4 or $5 that trips the balance and prompts much more govt control of the oil companies ?
bullshit, we'll hit $4 in cali this summer but not the rest of the countr. Maybe next year.
And in a year or two a major disruption will cause a spike to $5, after that $4 will be the floor as $3 is now.

Saw the comical congress men questioning industry people on a hearing on CSPAN 2 days ago, and you can tell the republicans are smart enough not to take any action the leftwing nutjobs like Harry want.:tongout:
So I guess the trigger point will be between $4-5 nation wide average ....
If it happens within 1 year. Remember we have an election coming up ....
What would get more votes than appearing to stomp on "big oil" ?
there is no TRIGGER POINT
why? there is NO ALTERNATIVE
Only political junkies give two shits about doing something to oil companies.
Unless it gets over $5 in the next 18 months you won't even see a serious attempt.
That's why all you poor people should be investing in oil.
Uncle Jed:clink:
And when there is not any alternative ie monopoly is when the government has traditionally kicked in with regulations, breakups, etc.

More prople bitch about the cost of gas than do the Iraq war....
Politicos see this and want to get votes, so something will at least appear to be done to the oil companies, It will of course be cleared with the oil companies first.
"Yet the wholesale price of gasoline delivered from that refinery is about 75 cents per gallon MORE in San Francisco."

That is because they know that a lot of San Franciscans like bending over and taking it up the backside. :D
And when there is not any alternative ie monopoly is when the government has traditionally kicked in with regulations, breakups, etc.

More prople bitch about the cost of gas than do the Iraq war....
Politicos see this and want to get votes, so something will at least appear to be done to the oil companies, It will of course be cleared with the oil companies first.

Top is so freaking out of touch here, I can't believe what I just read. This guy thinks that people don't notice or care about gas prices? What a dumbass.

You're right usc, polls have shown they're more upset about gas prices than they are even about the Iraqi war. If Top was running for President he'd be laughed off the debate stage as an out of touch elite.
Duhla and counrty bumkin USC what a couple.
Gas sales will hit record volumes this driving season.
People are sooo pisssed their just packing up the faminly and taking a vacation to California.
Duhla, you should take a class in economics. Then you wouldn't look like a total ass when the water is over your head.:tongout:
I wanna see $4/gal gas. The reaction of the American consumers will be interesting. Will it be $4 or $5 that trips the balance and prompts much more govt control of the oil companies ?

Come visit San Francisco. We have $4.00/gal gas already. Plus we have environmentalists here calling for gas costs to go higher so as to get people out of their cars and into alternative means of transportation.

I was but a young tyke but I'm sure those who were around in the '70's remember quite well the gas lines caused by government involvement in the gas market. You will not see the federal government step in and try to take over big oil companies.
Come visit San Francisco. We have $4.00/gal gas already. Plus we have environmentalists here calling for gas costs to go higher so as to get people out of their cars and into alternative means of transportation.

I was but a young tyke but I'm sure those who were around in the '70's remember quite well the gas lines caused by government involvement in the gas market. You will not see the federal government step in and try to take over big oil companies.
Cypress' neighbor!

Anyway, you guys voted to add an extra regional tax, on top of already high state taxes, to your gasoline. I posted the regional group that was created above.
Come visit San Francisco. We have $4.00/gal gas already. Plus we have environmentalists here calling for gas costs to go higher so as to get people out of their cars and into alternative means of transportation.

I was but a young tyke but I'm sure those who were around in the '70's remember quite well the gas lines caused by government involvement in the gas market. You will not see the federal government step in and try to take over big oil companies.

Yeah that is CA though. It has always cost more to live in "paradise"

Lets just say nationwide avg of $4-5.
Odd, that the CEO of one of the world's largest oil companies sounds like a tree-hugger compared to Bush

Touting the importance of a "culture of conservation" and investment in alternative fuels, John Hofmeister sounded less a leader of the world's third-largest oil company as much as a speaker at an Earth Day celebration.

The Shell Oil Co. president, addressing a group in St. Louis Thursday, said as far as the company was concerned, the debate over the science of global climate change is over

"It's a waste of time to debate it," he said. "Policymakers have a responsibility to address it. The nation needs a public policy. We'll adjust."

So now you believe everything these fascists tell you?
Yes Cali will pay more because they are willing to pay more and, WE know they have the most money.
that is all.