Shell Oil Company: "Global Warming is a Reality-Nation Needs a Public Policy"

Louisiana and Texas typically have amoung the cheapest gas, and that's where a lot of refineries are.
Another point not discussed here, California pays the most because they have the most money and can afford too.
They WILL be the first to pay $4 gallon. Yeah baby:clink:
Of course, but not for "THAT reason.

They seem to think more addirives make less smog. what they need to do is regulate deisel trucks and trains.
Duhla and counrty bumkin USC what a couple.
Gas sales will hit record volumes this driving season.
People are sooo pisssed their just packing up the faminly and taking a vacation to California.
Duhla, you should take a class in economics. Then you wouldn't look like a total ass when the water is over your head.:tongout:
and like I said--- "YOU" are simply riding for a Humpty dumpty Fall. within two years
Duniston, your in the moron club too!!
what do I care where it is in two years?
It'll likely be much higher, if not I buy more and in 7 yrs I'm double where I am today. Dipshit:clink: