She's finished.......

Perhaps you could just take a few of them into your trailer and allow them to live there, will Friday be too soon?

You should Google Haiti and Voodoo.

Please use a period to separate your sentences. Work on your use of capital letters. C~
Perhaps you could just take a few of them into your trailer and allow them to live there, will Friday be too soon?

You should Google Haiti and Voodoo.

Please use a period to separate your sentences. Work on your use of capital letters. C
No, Concarty, I enjoy exposing your lack of a Primary Education and your ignorance.

You are barely literate.
Primary education should not be capitalized. F
its a big deal because their illegal activities cost us 20% of our income over the last three's the stupid economy, stupid........
20 % of our income?
if you are talking about the US oil industry MOST of the damage to it was done by Trump and his inaction.
and seeing so many US oil companies went bankrupt and OUT of Business because of his inaction it took several YEARS to REBUILD it. and is NOW and has been producing record amounts of oil to sell on the world market.
Record amounts NEVER seen under trump
Please use a period to separate your sentences. Work on your use of capital letters. C~
Well, no, Concarty.

it's called a compound sentence and the two elements are separated by a comma.

This is taught at the middle school level.

PRIMARY EDUCATION definition in American English
Collins Dictionary › dictionary › primar...
British (in Britain) education for children below the age of 11.... Click for pronunciations, examples sentences, video.
do you have ANY idea just how many millions of acres of Federal lands oil companies have under lease already? And at the time he did this?
They have so many you could stop leasing any federal lands to them for over 5 years and they still could NOT drill on all the land they have under lease now.
and the courts stepped in and told him he could not do what he wanted, the ONLY thing he did do was stop the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, a pipeline that was only 8 % complete.
when he did that the right came out with their lie that he shut down a pipeline that was delivering oil and he did NOT.
they tried to say he shut down the Keystone pipeline when he didn't, the Keystone pipeline has ONLY ever been shut down for leaks ( a LOT of them ) and for maintenance.
and again he has since leased millions of acres of federal lands and has granted thousands of drilling permits. more land and permits then the oil companies could use for years.
have a nice day
Yes. Most morons who cite Keystone don't even know the difference between Keystone, and XL.

Further, Obama rescinded any stale permits because oil companies prefer private land with fewer enviro regulations over Fed. leases.
Well, no, Concarty.

it's called a compound sentence and the two elements are separated by a comma.

This is taught at the middle school level.

PRIMARY EDUCATION definition in American English
Collins Dictionary › dictionary › primar...
British (in Britain) education for children below the age of 11.... Click for pronunciations, examples sentences, video.
Nope. You were expressing two entirely different thoughts. Perhaps you should stick to your everyday trolling. This grammar Nazi stuff isn’t cutting it. You make far too many mistakes.

I on the other hand have multiple College Degrees.

:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
You can tell he’s feeling humiliated when he goes full grammar nazi.
Um...Nazi requires the upper case, dummy.

noun: Nazi; plural noun: Nazis

a member of the far-right National Socialist German Workers' Party.

View definition

a person who seeks to impose their views on others in a very autocratic or inflexible way.
"I learned to be more open and not such a Nazi in the studio"

adjective: Nazi

of or concerning the Nazis or Nazism.

German, abbreviation representing the pronunciation of Nati- in Nationalsozialist ‘national socialist’, probably by analogy with Sozi, from Sozialist ‘socialist’.
Use over time for: nazi
Um...Nazi requires the upper case, dummy.

noun: Nazi; plural noun: Nazis

a member of the far-right National Socialist German Workers' Party.

View definition

a person who seeks to impose their views on others in a very autocratic or inflexible way.
"I learned to be more open and not such a Nazi in the studio"

adjective: Nazi

of or concerning the Nazis or Nazism.

German, abbreviation representing the pronunciation of Nati- in Nationalsozialist ‘national socialist’, probably by analogy with Sozi, from Sozialist ‘socialist’.
Use over time for: nazi
I don’t give a fuck, Earl.