She's finished.......

keeping supply off limits as environmentalists desire causes fuel to be expensive due to supply constriction.

econ 101.
first of all the price of oil is determined by the world market NOT Presidents.
Your boy with his INACTION when the US oil drillers and producers went to him the FIRST time and asked for his help almost killed off most of the US oil drillers and producers.
It wasn't until OVER 100 US oil drilling and producing companies went bankrupt and a lot of them out of business FOR GOOD that he finally went to the Saudis and told them to cut their production and RAISE prices or he was going to STOP all US military aid and the did.
and just WHO is keeping supplies " OFF limits" ?
it isn't the US producers they are and have been producing oil at RECORD amounts , amounts NEVER seen under Trump for over a year now.
again oil is a world traded commodity and the world market sets the price NOT the President.
Have a nice day
a president can refuse to bomb a pipeline that supplies oil to all of Europe.

Nordstream attack eco-terrorism.

[QUOTE="CIA TOTALITARIANISM, post: 6137462, member: 123"] [/QUOTE]
I absolutely have more faith in him... I have zero faith in her...
and I suppose you have a lot of faith in him doing almost exactly what the 2025 project says to do?
I am glad you do I don't.
I like having my CONSTITUTIONAL rights

and I suppose you have a lot of faith in him doing almost exactly what the 2025 project says to do?
I am glad you do I don't.
I like having my CONSTITUTIONAL rights
I'm not sure why you're still complaining about this two thousand twenty five project thing That doesn't really have anything to do with President Trump at all... You should be worried about the last 3 1/2 year project thing that Kam is stuck on...
are you talking about TRUMP?
Domestic oil production has NOT gone down under Biden but has increased at a steady to good pace since Biden took over.
I have posted US oil production charts and as we know the US oil industry has been producing at RECORD amounts for the last year EVERY month for the last year has been over 13 MBPD
so if you look at the charts you will the cut in US oil production in the last 20 years only happened under your boy Trump.
Truth Denier's unite!.........your sorry excuse for a real president and his trusty Valley Girl sidekick stopped federal leases of oil fields for 21 months despite bipartisan court decisions that pointed out that he was violating the law.......illegal acts have this situation vastly increasing the cost of everything.......

just like their misguided illegal acts regarding immigration.......there the consequences include raped and murdered 12 year olds......

and you think we should let them do it for another four years........

demmycrats should be shipped away along with the deported illegal aliens they've imported.....
They have descended into madness and hate. They will believe anything. Do you think these people would hesitate to rat out their neighbors so Trumps Nazi SS squad could round them up? We are one step away from that. It’s horrifying.
perfect description of where Demmycrats went eight years ago........I wonder if real liberals will ever return......
I'm not sure why you're still complaining about this two thousand twenty five project thing That doesn't really have anything to do with President Trump at all... You should be worried about the last 3 1/2 year project thing that Kam is stuck on...
Doesn't have anything to do with Trump?????
The people that wrote it worked for him in his last cabinet and know how to pull his strings. IMO Trump will be their puppet.
and a LOT of the things he says he wants to do are the SAME things they want him to do.
and after the mess Trump left , I know you going to blame it all on COVID , Biden and Kam have got us back on track ,
again inflation down, unemployment down , gas prices coming down even if Presidents do not control the price of oil.
US oil production UP to record levels for over a year now.
Maybe IF they didn't have to clean up the COVID mess thing would have been better several years ago.
NO it is what Trump says he wants to do that really worries me.
have a nice day
90% of the debate she came off as a whiney, nassaly condescending bitch. America HATES that. She's done. And BTW,...kiss Pennsylvania goodbye. Its Trumps now....
Kamala Harris kicked Trump's ass solidly in that debate. Most of America, except for the MAGA morons, realize that, Stone.

Stop being such a fawning jerk. Trump will fuck you, and all of America, over for a buck or two in his pocket.
Truth Denier's unite!.........your sorry excuse for a real president and his trusty Valley Girl sidekick stopped federal leases of oil fields for 21 months despite bipartisan court decisions that pointed out that he was violating the law.......illegal acts have this situation vastly increasing the cost of everything.......

just like their misguided illegal acts regarding immigration.......there the consequences include raped and murdered 12 year olds......

and you think we should let them do it for another four years........

demmycrats should be shipped away along with the deported illegal aliens they've imported.....
do you have ANY idea just how many millions of acres of Federal lands oil companies have under lease already? And at the time he did this?
They have so many you could stop leasing any federal lands to them for over 5 years and they still could NOT drill on all the land they have under lease now.
and the courts stepped in and told him he could not do what he wanted, the ONLY thing he did do was stop the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, a pipeline that was only 8 % complete.
when he did that the right came out with their lie that he shut down a pipeline that was delivering oil and he did NOT.
they tried to say he shut down the Keystone pipeline when he didn't, the Keystone pipeline has ONLY ever been shut down for leaks ( a LOT of them ) and for maintenance.
and again he has since leased millions of acres of federal lands and has granted thousands of drilling permits. more land and permits then the oil companies could use for years.
have a nice day