She's finished.......

odd that Trump dealt with Covid through 2019 and 2020 and had inflation under 2%.......Biden took over and raised gas prices and a month later it started climbing and didn't slow down till two and a half years later.......almost as if he fucked up or something......

Covid in 2019? ROTFLMFAO!! Was that before or after the Russian invasion of Croatia? What a dumb fuck.
odd that Trump dealt with Covid through 2019 and 2020 and had inflation under 2%.......Biden took over and raised gas prices and a month later it started climbing and didn't slow down till two and a half years later.......almost as if he fucked up or something......
Odd that inflation went up drastically around the world at the same time huh? Was Biden responsible for that too?

And presidents don't raise gas prices you idiot.
OH you conveniently keep forgetting about the Saudi oil price war where US refineries bought up Billions of barrels of oil and stored them in anything and everything that could hold it,
Storage tanks, ships, RR tanker cars. and it just so happened that they started running out of that stored oil in mid Dec and it started going up even faster.
gas prices started going up Apr 23 2020
so don't try and blame raising oil prices all on Biden they were already going up almost a YEAR before he took office
and after the US oil industry got back on its feet from the mess Trump and the Saudis put them in US oil production has been at record levels for over a year.
Let's not forget that before that happened, Wall St. refused to fund the restart of the drilling post Covid. They demanded ROI after an ass beating due to lowered demand, so they drove the price up with the help of OPEC+.

Let's also not forget that trump threatened the Saudis if they did not cut production in an attempt to garner the vote from the oil industry.
And yet, she hasn't addressed Any of these issues yet with specific workable plans...she just keeps talking about how she grew up and people's lawns...that doesn't pay bills or help families...
She offers Nothing...People can clearly see that...
She's got the salad bar set up...and that's all she's got...
She has a concept of a plan.
You are a seriously gullible moron, and yes, you are a brainwashed Kamala-Nazi who is shilling for Kriminala in denying something that is easily verifiable by others. You are so brainwashed that are willing to double-down on stupid over a trivial, insignificant derailment pivot.

The overarching topic is illegal immigration. Kriminala allowed millions of illegals to pour into the country. Are you and the other brainwashed Kamala-Nazis going to deny this?

The Haitians eating pets is just one attribute of a city overrun by illegal immigrants ... which is a symptom of Kriminala's open border, which is the main issue ... and one from which I will not be allowing you to distract my attention.

I admit, anyone stupid enough to allow you to pull attention away from Kriminala's EVASION is pretty stupid.

There's that leftist fascist Nazi brainwashing again. That's right, jump right to the censorship that we absolutely need applied to anyone who disagrees with you and who doesn't allow you to derail a conversation.

Kriminala allowed millions of illegal immigrants to flood our country, and some of them were Haitians who eat the neighbors' pets. You keep your your head stuck in the sand and remain focused on your petty denial, and I'll remain focused on expecting an explanation from Kriminala as to why she let them all just waltz on in in the first place.

It is so fucking stupid that a five year old child would laugh at you. Could you be any more fucking moronic? Don't answer. It's rhetorical.
You do? Holy shit, I didn't think anyone was fucking gullible enough to believe that Haitians were eating peoples pets. I suppose you believe Democrats are executing babies too huh?
You do? Holy shit, I didn't think anyone was fucking gullible enough to believe that Haitians were eating peoples pets. I suppose you believe Democrats are executing babies too huh?

Of course they do. As we get close to the election and it becomes more and more obvious that their cult leader is losing they WILL resort to violence. They are Nazis. They will act like like Nazis.
And yet, she hasn't addressed Any of these issues yet with specific workable plans...she just keeps talking about how she grew up and people's lawns...that doesn't pay bills or help families...
She offers Nothing...People can clearly see that...
She's got the salad bar set up...and that's all she's got...
She need to address the boarder thing , Inflation is down, unemployment is down , price of gas is dropping , that is a world market product where prices are set by that world market is and what people around the world are willing to pay,
Oil production in the USA has been at record levels for over a year, and without new drilling rigs and other equipment being built there isn't much she can do about that.
we are finally getting over the effects of the COVID mess and things are getting back on track.
and with Trumps plan to put a 100% tariff on Chinese goods and a 15 to 20% on all other imports you haven't seen prices go up yet.
I have no idea why people are so stupid to think this isn't going to drive up prices, when tariffs are put on imports it isn't the exporting country that pays them it is the US consumer,
Yes to an extent prices will go up on all those products and US manufactures will take advantage of their higher prices and raise theirs to a level just below those of the imports and increase sales and their profits, it is then up to the US manufactures if they reinvest those profits into new equipment and infrastructure so they can stay competitive.
It is the same old thing increase production ability or ROI to investors, then you have to figure in company BUY BACKS,
These are things a President has no control over.
Then we should be having Congress looking into if some of the large corps. are using inflation as an excuse for high prices that are resulting in record profits year over year in these economic times.
Have a nice day
Let's not forget that before that happened, Wall St. refused to fund the restart of the drilling post Covid. They demanded ROI after an ass beating due to lowered demand, so they drove the price up with the help of OPEC+.

Let's also not forget that trump threatened the Saudis if they did not cut production in an attempt to garner the vote from the oil industry.
also like I said a LOT of US oil drillers and producers went Bankrupt because of Trumps inaction when the US oil producers and drillers went to him the first time and told him what was going on.
and when they went Bankrupt and out of business they sold off a lot of their equipment and scraped a lot of it and it took several years to make new rigs and get them on line and people on the right don't seem to understand this.
have a nice day
She need to address the boarder thing , Inflation is down, unemployment is down , price of gas is dropping , that is a world market product where prices are set by that world market is and what people around the world are willing to pay,
Oil production in the USA has been at record levels for over a year, and without new drilling rigs and other equipment being built there isn't much she can do about that.
we are finally getting over the effects of the COVID mess and things are getting back on track.
and with Trumps plan to put a 100% tariff on Chinese goods and a 15 to 20% on all other imports you haven't seen prices go up yet.
I have no idea why people are so stupid to think this isn't going to drive up prices, when tariffs are put on imports it isn't the exporting country that pays them it is the US consumer,
Yes to an extent prices will go up on all those products and US manufactures will take advantage of their higher prices and raise theirs to a level just below those of the imports and increase sales and their profits, it is then up to the US manufactures if they reinvest those profits into new equipment and infrastructure so they can stay competitive.
It is the same old thing increase production ability or ROI to investors, then you have to figure in company BUY BACKS,
These are things a President has no control over.
Then we should be having Congress looking into if some of the large corps. are using inflation as an excuse for high prices that are resulting in record profits year over year in these economic times.
Have a nice day
She has no plans to help the average Americans who are struggling now... Not in any category... Not inflation....Not schools... Not national security... Not healthcare... And of course The border is a disaster... She's simply not Presidential material... People can recognize that...
She has a concept of a plan.
Oh...That's right...that concept of an opportunity
She has no plans to help the average Americans who are struggling now... Not in any category... Not inflation....Not schools... Not national security... Not healthcare... And of course The border is a disaster... She's simply not Presidential material... People can recognize that...

Oh...That's right...that concept of an opportunity
Hey. A concept is a concept.

Why do you hate concepts?
She has no plans to help the average Americans who are struggling now... Not in any category... Not inflation....Not schools... Not national security... Not healthcare... And of course The border is a disaster... She's simply not Presidential material... People can recognize that...

Oh...That's right...that concept of an opportunity
and you think Trump really does?
lets take half the federal government apart, Dept. of education, fire thousands of federal worked and replace them with people that are loyal to Trump over the Constitution, and more.
again inflation is down, Unemployment is down a lot, Trump was one of the very few Presidents to leave office with less people working then when he took over.
and YES I know you are going to try to put all the blame on COVID well maybe if Trump hadn't lied so much about it and fucked up and made a real mess of it it just might not have been so bad,
the blame for a lot of that mess has to be put right on Trump.
most everything except the border are now better then when Biden took over.
also like I said a LOT of US oil drillers and producers went Bankrupt because of Trumps inaction when the US oil producers and drillers went to him the first time and told him what was going on.
and when they went Bankrupt and out of business they sold off a lot of their equipment and scraped a lot of it and it took several years to make new rigs and get them on line and people on the right don't seem to understand this.
have a nice day
keeping supply off limits as environmentalists desire causes fuel to be expensive due to supply constriction.

econ 101.
and you think Trump really does?
lets take half the federal government apart, Dept. of education, fire thousands of federal worked and replace them with people that are loyal to Trump over the Constitution, and more.
again inflation is down, Unemployment is down a lot, Trump was one of the very few Presidents to leave office with less people working then when he took over.
and YES I know you are going to try to put all the blame on COVID well maybe if Trump hadn't lied so much about it and fucked up and made a real mess of it it just might not have been so bad,
the blame for a lot of that mess has to be put right on Trump.
most everything except the border are now better then when Biden took over.
Let's be clear. It was sad that McCain needed a terminal diagnosis to finally morph into a human being. His 'nay' vote saved the ACA.

The only reason trump's backers want the ACA gone is due to the 3.8% cap gains tax on investments that kicks in after $200k in cap gains profits.

This money funds the Medicaid expansion.

To recap:

Billionaires can pay what is now a reduced cap gains tax on their first $200,000 in earnings, but anything over that is subject to an additional 3.8%.

All so that the elderly/low income U.S citizens can see a doctor.
and you think Trump really does?
lets take half the federal government apart, Dept. of education, fire thousands of federal worked and replace them with people that are loyal to Trump over the Constitution, and more.
again inflation is down, Unemployment is down a lot, Trump was one of the very few Presidents to leave office with less people working then when he took over.
and YES I know you are going to try to put all the blame on COVID well maybe if Trump hadn't lied so much about it and fucked up and made a real mess of it it just might not have been so bad,
the blame for a lot of that mess has to be put right on Trump.
most everything except the border are now better then when Biden took over.
I absolutely have more faith in him... I have zero faith in her...
She need to address the boarder thing , Inflation is down, unemployment is down , price of gas is dropping , that is a world market product where prices are set by that world market is and what people around the world are willing to pay,
Oil production in the USA has been at record levels for over a year, and without new drilling rigs and other equipment being built there isn't much she can do about that.
we are finally getting over the effects of the COVID mess and things are getting back on track.
and with Trumps plan to put a 100% tariff on Chinese goods and a 15 to 20% on all other imports you haven't seen prices go up yet.
I have no idea why people are so stupid to think this isn't going to drive up prices, when tariffs are put on imports it isn't the exporting country that pays them it is the US consumer,
Yes to an extent prices will go up on all those products and US manufactures will take advantage of their higher prices and raise theirs to a level just below those of the imports and increase sales and their profits, it is then up to the US manufactures if they reinvest those profits into new equipment and infrastructure so they can stay competitive.
It is the same old thing increase production ability or ROI to investors, then you have to figure in company BUY BACKS,
These are things a President has no control over.
Then we should be having Congress looking into if some of the large corps. are using inflation as an excuse for high prices that are resulting in record profits year over year in these economic times.
Have a nice day
a president can refuse to bomb a pipeline that supplies oil to all of Europe.

Nordstream attack eco-terrorism.
