She's finished.......

obviously, you fucking idiot.....and that perfectly describes what you've been doing since you got here....why did you think I put it quotes and preceded it with your name......gosh you lib'ruls are walking brains farts.....

Well, at least he doesn't think Russia invaded Croatia.
And is there any reason to vote for a felon/ a guy that wants to shut down a good part of our MSM outlets and take the guns away from some American people stomping on their First and second Amendment rights?
yes.....his track record shows he's better at running the country that VP HarmUs.....and we've been watching you lie about him for years.....
So the Governor of Ohio is a brainwashed Kamala-Nazi? The city planner? The city council?
You are a seriously gullible moron, and yes, you are a brainwashed Kamala-Nazi who is shilling for Kriminala in denying something that is easily verifiable by others. You are so brainwashed that are willing to double-down on stupid over a trivial, insignificant derailment pivot.

The overarching topic is illegal immigration. Kriminala allowed millions of illegals to pour into the country. Are you and the other brainwashed Kamala-Nazis going to deny this?

The Haitians eating pets is just one attribute of a city overrun by illegal immigrants ... which is a symptom of Kriminala's open border, which is the main issue ... and one from which I will not be allowing you to distract my attention.

Anyone, and I mean anyone, who is fucking stupid enough to believe that bullshit
I admit, anyone stupid enough to allow you to pull attention away from Kriminala's EVASION is pretty stupid.

should not be allowed to participate in the public discourse.
There's that leftist fascist Nazi brainwashing again. That's right, jump right to the censorship that we absolutely need applied to anyone who disagrees with you and who doesn't allow you to derail a conversation.

Kriminala allowed millions of illegal immigrants to flood our country, and some of them were Haitians who eat the neighbors' pets. You keep your your head stuck in the sand and remain focused on your petty denial, and I'll remain focused on expecting an explanation from Kriminala as to why she let them all just waltz on in in the first place.

It is so fucking stupid that a five year old child would laugh at you. Could you be any more fucking moronic? Don't answer. It's rhetorical.
You are a seriously gullible moron, and yes, you are a brainwashed Kamala-Nazi who is shilling for Kriminala in denying something that is easily verifiable by others. You are so brainwashed that are willing to double-down on stupid over a trivial, insignificant derailment pivot.

The overarching topic is illegal immigration. Kriminala allowed millions of illegals to pour into the country. Are you and the other brainwashed Kamala-Nazis going to deny this?

The Haitians eating pets is just one attribute of a city overrun by illegal immigrants ... which is a symptom of Kriminala's open border, which is the main issue ... and one from which I will not be allowing you to distract my attention.

I admit, anyone stupid enough to allow you to pull attention away from Kriminala's EVASION is pretty stupid.

There's that leftist fascist Nazi brainwashing again. That's right, jump right to the censorship that we absolutely need applied to anyone who disagrees with you and who doesn't allow you to derail a conversation.

Kriminala allowed millions of illegal immigrants to flood our country, and some of them were Haitians who eat the neighbors' pets. You keep your your head stuck in the sand and remain focused on your petty denial, and I'll remain focused on expecting an explanation from Kriminala as to why she let them all just waltz on in in the first place.

It is so fucking stupid that a five year old child would laugh at you. Could you be any more fucking moronic? Don't answer. It's rhetorical.
No, the topic is how stupid you have to be to believe Haitians are eating pets. Very, very stupid.
Well they aren't since BIDEN signed a E.O. cancelling Trump's Stay in Mexico E.O. and if their case gets upheld for them. To say that bill was really bipartisan is laughable. The bill was so bad the even Sen. Lankford voted against it. Biden basically lit the immigration fire and want credit for a half-ass effort to extinguish the fire they started, It's lunch time could you bring me some wings while you are making your lunch run for Uber Eats?
^ False. He voted for the bill the first time, but said he wouldn't do so the second time.
obviously, you fucking idiot.....and that perfectly describes what you've been doing since you got here....why did you think I put it quotes and preceded it with your name......gosh you lib'ruls are walking brains farts.....
you are a fucking ASSHOLE and I would say a complete idiot but if I call you an idiot I would be insulting real idiots YOU would need at least 20 more IQ points to get up to the level of an idiot.
I see you still can't admit there is no way to know if Trump did or did not give the Russians he had in the W H or Putin any of our military secrets seeing there weren't any other Americans in those rooms.
well could he have ? it is a SIMPLE YES or NO question.
as I said we won't know for sure unless one of those Russians comes forward and tells us.
and again it is awful suspicious that not too long after Trump had these meetings there was a very large increase in our deep cover intelligence agents being found and some killed, but YOU don't care about them getting killed when Trump was in office all you want to do is defend the traitor / felon. / scumbag
Have nice day you fucking idiot
yes.....his track record shows he's better at running the country that VP HarmUs.....and we've been watching you lie about him for years.....
LOL HOW??????????
Trump let the Saudis almost totally destroy the US oil industry.
Trump is one of the VERY VERY few Presidents to have LESS people employed when he left office then when he took office.
Trump made an agreement with an entity we don't recognize as a State or an entity, gave the Taliban EVERYTHING YES EVERYTHING they had been fighting for for 20 years and then the stupid mother fucker trusted them , the people we had been fighting and KILLING for those 20 year to make sure ALL our troops got out SAFE.
How fucking stupid can you be putting the safety of our troops in the hands of the enemy you have been killing for 20 years? and IF you would take the time to read that agreement you would know that, but you are either too lazy or STUPID to.
And on top of ALL that he MAY have given the 12 Russians and Putin some of our military / intel gathering secrets to them.
And YOU can't say he didn't there is no way to tell unless the Russians come forward and tell us.
And this it the person YOU want to head this country?
OH on top of that he wants to become the USA's First Dictator.
And don't Bull Shit yourself he is following the 2025 project to a tee, and he lied when he said he didn't know any of the people that wrote it he had about 140 of then in his Cabinet when he was in office and they know how to pull his puppet strings.
Have a nice day
you mean besides inflation, job creation, tax cuts, border security?.........foreign policy........
are you talking about the Inflation that was majorly caused by COVID?
the supply chain that broke down under trump where there were empty shelves , the inflation that has been helped by large corps, making record profits year over year?
As for job creation Trump was one of the VERY few Presidents to leave office with less people employed then when he came in.
how about the US oil industry Trump almost let the Saudis destroy?
The US oil industry went to him when the Saudis started their oil price war with Russia dropping the price of oil so low that the futures went into the negative and the US oil industry could not compete. in fact over 100 US oil drilling and producing companies went BANKRUPT and out of business for good because he wouldn't help them, it wasn't till AFTER these companies went OUT of Business FOR GOOD never to return.
it wasn't till those oil companies were already out of business Trump FINALLY went to the Saudis and told them to cut their production and RAISE prices or he was going to STOP ALL Military aid to them, and they did.
US oil production DID hit a record of 13 MBPD for ONE MONTH under Trump their average production under him was in the mid 11 to low 12 MBPD and when Biden took over it was down to 9,9 MBPD and it took a few years to rebuild the industry after it was almost totally destroyed.
the US oil companies sold off a lot of their drilling rigs and scraped a lot of them so as I said it took them time to have new ones made and set up. and as of a year ago the US oil producers have been producing at RECORD RATES
every month for over a year except for one has been record months of production over 13 MBPD a LOT more then under Trump.
And how about all the companies making ridiculously high record profits year after year and telling people it is inflation?
Exxon has a profit on 99.7 BILLION an increase of I believe 14 Billion over their record profit of last year.
I am not against companies making a good and REASONABLE profit but when people are blaming high prices on inflation and companies like Exxon are bring in profits like that it is time for Congress to look into price gouging.
Exxon could cut the price of their gas a dollar and still be making record profits , and that would help drop the price of everything else and people would have more money and would be going more places and Exxon would make up some of that cut and still have record profits.
Have a nice day
.....the Biden/HarmUs administration?........of course, there is no other inflation.....

How. How did they cause the inflation that spread to every single modern economy. Spell out the specifics. You love to run your mouth, but you seem unable to back up your bullshit with any substantive arguments. It appears YOU are the one that does nothing but name call without making a single intelligent argument. Here's your chance. What caused the inflation. Be specific.
How. How did they cause the inflation that spread to every single modern economy. Spell out the specifics. You love to run your mouth, but you seem unable to back up your bullshit with any substantive arguments. It appears YOU are the one that does nothing but name call without making a single intelligent argument. Here's your chance. What caused the inflation. Be specific.
explained it to you twice already......the last time I dumbed it down so a five year old would still confused you.....not my fault,,,,,,yours.......

but hey, I'm willing to try one more time.......get in your car.......turn on the ignition......stare at your gas gauge.......(extra points if you tape all the windows in your garage shut)........when you finally figure it out get back to us......
How. How did they cause the inflation that spread to every single modern economy. Spell out the specifics. You love to run your mouth, but you seem unable to back up your bullshit with any substantive arguments. It appears YOU are the one that does nothing but name call without making a single intelligent argument. Here's your chance. What caused the inflation. Be specific.
they only want Trump to be able to say COVID caused this or that and when it caused shortages and inflation it was ONLY when Trump was in office it didn't have anything to do with running inflation up under Biden.
that is the way the MAGA and right wingers roll everything is somebody or something else's fault it is NEVER Trumps fault.
Have a nice day