She's finished.......

Did anyone realize that @Tbird19482 was this much of an intellectual coward?

Did anyone realize that @Tbird19482 has only one response to a differing view?
NO Trump still holds that title and it will take one really BAD president to take that one away from TRUMP
Nope. Your official position, until you can give a valid example to the contrary, is that to the best of your knowledge, you are completely unaware of any way that Donald Trump fell short of "The Best President EV-AH!" considering only the execution of his official duties.
YOU ONLY conciser Inflation at a CUMULATIVE level when we have a DEM President I am still waiting to see YOU say a word about it being CUMULATIVE when there was a Republican as president,
and talk about being a "Numbnuts " YOU are at the TOP of the list on that one
Have a nice night NUMBNUTS
not my fault you numbnuts put Carter and Biden in the Oval Office.......
what is inflation when it lasts for four years?.........A DEMMYCRAT PRESIDENCY......
As I said GOUGING by large corporations , again having RECORD profits year over year .
Corporations have been using the excuse of inflation to keep their prices high and reap RECORD profits and Congress should be looking into it and IF they are do something about it to help relieve the financial problems the American people have been having.
Have a nice day
As I said GOUGING by large corporations , again having RECORD profits year over year .
yeah.....HarmUs said the same stupid thing........profit margins are actually lower than they were before Bidenflation.......besides......if the government should be looking into it, what has kept Biden/HarmUs from looking into it yesterday.....
yeah.....HarmUs said the same stupid thing........profit margins are actually lower than they were before Bidenflation.......besides......if the government should be looking into it, what has kept Biden/HarmUs from looking into it yesterday.....
IF you believe that BS go ahead.
I have already posted several links showing that corporations HAVE been making RECORD profits year after year and blaming high prices on inflation.
Why don't you do a little research into it and see for yourself.
How do you compare periods then? Since you just make up the denominator to suit your agenda. You failed statistics.
ROFL......well, if you want to compare them you could look at them next to each other.......just a suggestion of know, like the four years of Biden against the four years of Trump or the four years of Carter.....
IF you believe that BS go ahead.
I have already posted several links showing that corporations HAVE been making RECORD profits year after year and blaming high prices on inflation.
Why don't you do a little research into it and see for yourself.
profit margin static........revenues increased by Bidenflation......I wonder if that would produce record profits.......hmmmmm......
what is inflation when it lasts for four years?.........A DEMMYCRAT PRESIDENCY......

The standard measure for reporting inflation is a one year period. It has always been a one year period. It allows for measurement of how effective any anti-inflation measure are impacting prices. There is no accepted measure for ‘cumulative inflation’. It’s made up to suit your agenda. The actual rate of inflation is now at 2.5% and the price of oil is around 70 dollars a barrel. You are a complete simpleton when it comes to economics. You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground. Your messiah cannot do anything to create deflation without putting us into a recession. The fact that you don’t know that demonstrates your ignorance.

There is ALWAYS inflation during every single administration. You didn’t know THAT? Put on your dunce cap and stand in the corner.
you cunts need to give it a've exceeded your quota of stupid and I am tired of pointing it out......ignore the cost of produce at your risk, like Walz who yesterday called on voters to ask the people they meet in the produce aisle of the local grocery if they've voted for HarmUs yet........probably not his wisest choice of locations to bring that up.......
profit margin static........revenues increased by Bidenflation......I wonder if that would produce record profits.......hmmmmm......
well here asshole read this and tell us Exxon hasn't been making record profits the last couple of years
  • Exxon gross profit for the twelve months ending June 30, 2024 was $85.406B, a 18% decline year-over-year.

  • Exxon annual gross profit for 2023 was $85.657B, a 24.99% decline from 2022.

  • Exxon annual gross profit for 2022 was $114.193B, a 77.87% increase from 2021.

  • Exxon annual gross profit for 2021 was $64.202B, a 107.49% increase from 2020.
lets see a profit in 2024 of over 85 Billion a 18 over 23 % decline over 2023 but still a very large profit.
Profit of over 85 Billion in 23 a 24.99% decline over 2022
a profit of 114 Billion in 2022.
And all the time telling the American people their prices are so high because of inflation.

Congress should be looking into this but won't because the House is controlled by Republicans and they want to keep telling the American people it is all because of Biden's inflation.
even with the declines these profits are still massive.
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