She's finished.......

"When the fuck did we start doing inflation an a CUMULATIVE basis?"

Inflation increases or decreases daily, monthly. annually...The nearly four (4) year cumulative increase since Biden/Harris took office is nearly 20%.

That means that the items that most Americans buy...gas, groceries, homes, auto insurance, home insurance etc. have increased in cost by nearly 20%.

The cumulative increase or decrease is what affects Americans.

See Spot run.
yeah.....HarmUs said the same stupid thing........profit margins are actually lower than they were before Bidenflation.......besides......if the government should be looking into it, what has kept Biden/HarmUs from looking into it yesterday.....
Don't expect him to understand profit margin.

He still does not understand that inflation accumulates.
"When the fuck did we start doing inflation an a CUMULATIVE basis?"

Inflation increases or decreases daily, monthly. annually...The nearly four (4) year cumulative increase since Biden/Harris took office is nearly 20%.

That means that the items that most Americans buy...gas, groceries, homes, auto insurance, home insurance etc. have increased in cost by nearly 20%.

The cumulative increase or decrease is what affects Americans.

See Spot run.

Your post is complete bullshit. A sixth grade student could destroy your argument. Inflation never decreases annually. It has happened once in the last 100 years (1939) Deflation is a disaster for the economy. Prices under Ronald Reagan increased over 30%.

Your post is complete bullshit. A sixth grade student could destroy your argument. Inflation never decreases annually. It has happened once in the last 100 years (1939) Deflation is a disaster for the economy. Prices under Ronald Reagan increased over 30%.

Well golly gee, Concarty, you posted that inflation never decreases annually and then posted that it did.

See, if you had completed your Primary Education, you wouldn't make a stupid, uneducated mistake like that one.

you cunts need to give it a've exceeded your quota of stupid and I am tired of pointing it out......ignore the cost of produce at your risk, like Walz who yesterday called on voters to ask the people they meet in the produce aisle of the local grocery if they've voted for HarmUs yet........probably not his wisest choice of locations to bring that up.......
Did he really do that? He's a bigger idiot than I thought....
Your post is complete bullshit. A sixth grade student could destroy your argument. Inflation never decreases annually. It has happened once in the last 100 years (1939) Deflation is a disaster for the economy. Prices under Ronald Reagan increased over 30%.

You lied, Concarty:

"Inflation never decreases annually."

"There have been several deflationary periods in U.S. history including from 1815 and 1860 and again between 1865 to 1900. One of the most dramatic deflationary periods in U.S. history took place between 1930 and 1933 during the Great Depression."

From the same link:

"Deflation is a decrease in the general price level of goods and services. It's the opposite of inflation which occurs when the cost of goods and services is rising."

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You lied, Concarty:

" Inflation never decreases annually."

"There have been several deflationary periods in U.S. history including from 1815 and 1860 and again between 1865 to 1900. One of the most dramatic deflationary periods in U.S. history took place between 1930 and 1933 during the Great Depression."

From the same link:

"Deflation is a decrease in the general price level of goods and services. It's the opposite of inflation which occurs when the cost of goods and services is rising."


I said once in the last 100 years. I stand corrected. The Great Depression. So it has happened exactly zero times in the last 75 years. Better? I don't give a fuck about the 19th century. Your attempt at obfuscation is an utter fail.

Wages have grown faster than inflation since May of 2023, over a year. So Americans buying power has INCREASED over the last year. Thank you President Biden and Vice President Harris.

So nothing about the massive inflation under Reagan? Didn't think so.
I said once in the last 100 years. I stand corrected. The Great Depression. So it has happened exactly zero times in the last 75 years. Better? I don't give a fuck about the 19th century. Your attempt at obfuscation is an utter fail.

Wages have grown faster than inflation since May of 2023, over a year. So Americans buying power has INCREASED over the last year. Thank you President Biden and Vice President Harris.

So nothing about the massive inflation under Reagan? Didn't think so.
Well, no, Concarty...your exact post..."Inflation never decreases annually."

That's a lie and you do stand me.

You're welcome, I am pleased as punch that I was able to educate you.

Compound sentence…a sentence with more than one subject or predicate.

A compound sentence is a sentence that connects two independent clauses,

I do believe there are two independent clauses in that compound sentence.

“Perhaps you could just take a few of them into your trailer and allow them to live there, will Friday be too soon?”

A sentence fragment is a sentence that is missing either its subject or its main verb.

There is no missing subject or main verb (predicate).

“She did not cheat on the test, for it was the wrong thing to do.” an example of punctuation for a compound sentence.

I said that it could reasonably be argued that one of the sentences was a fragment. I stand by that.

Actually, fragment sentences are used all the time...and often are productive. But one thing a fragment sentence a sentence.

Your run on sentence, with what is possibly a fragment, was a sentence that was poorly constructed and poorly punctuated. It WAS a sentence even if it was one that looked to be written by a moron.
Of course, it Depends.
That is so cute. I bet the other inmates think you are very clever.
I said once in the last 100 years. I stand corrected. The Great Depression. So it has happened exactly zero times in the last 75 years. Better? I don't give a fuck about the 19th century. Your attempt at obfuscation is an utter fail.

Wages have grown faster than inflation since May of 2023, over a year. So Americans buying power has INCREASED over the last year. Thank you President Biden and Vice President Harris.

So nothing about the massive inflation under Reagan? Didn't think so.
From April 2021 til Jan. 2023, inflation was higher than wages...the "cumulative effect" dummy.