She's finished.......

So you pick your denominator and I pick mine. See how stupid the 'cumulative' measure is? It can be used to prove anything you want it to. So we economic gurus use a measure that is widely accepted and has been in common use for decades. You fucking morons invent your own.
Have you ever notice that when Trump was in the MAGA kept using the excuse COVID, COVID, COVID?
They can't admit that COVID has had a long lasting effect on our economy and it has taken several years to get back on track from it and Biden has finally got things turned around and back on track.
Ever notice they NEVER talk about the good things that have happened under Biden or the bad things that happened under Trump?
More people working then under Trump, but then again Millions of people lost their jobs when Trump was in office.
Trump was one of the very few Presidents to leave office with LESS people working then when he took office.
Inflation was effected by COVID and they blame COVID for it when Trump was in office but it can NOT be an excuse when Biden is in office.
Can't say a word about how the supply chain broke down under Trump and caused inflation because as we all know if there is a shortage of anything the price of that product will go up, and that supply chain break down under Trump caused shortages of many many products.
And again when prices go up they never seem to come down and when the cost of making goods go down prices don't, and large companies rake in massive profits.
And again over the last few years there have been many companies raking in massive profits and telling stupid people that their prices are up because of inflation.
YEP COVID was a good excuse when Trump was in office but the lasting effects of it can NOT be an excuse when Biden took office, and as we see it is finally under control.
Have a nice day
Yes. That is not what you said. Negative inflation is deflation. You should know this since you tried to divert the conversation using that term. You really need to focus, Earl.
Give it up, Concarty.

You admitted to being gotten.

Live to fight another day…it’s far better to be leave the battlefield dragging your shield behind you than on your shield.
Give it up, Concarty.

You admitted to being gotten.

Live to fight another day…it’s far better to be leave the battlefield dragging your shield behind you than on your shield.

I accept your unconditional surrender. Good call. You are out of your depth.
Have you ever notice that when Trump was in the MAGA kept using the excuse COVID, COVID, COVID?
They can't admit that COVID has had a long lasting effect on our economy and it has taken several years to get back on track from it and Biden has finally got things turned around and back on track.
Ever notice they NEVER talk about the good things that have happened under Biden or the bad things that happened under Trump?
More people working then under Trump, but then again Millions of people lost their jobs when Trump was in office.
Trump was one of the very few Presidents to leave office with LESS people working then when he took office.
Inflation was effected by COVID and they blame COVID for it when Trump was in office but it can NOT be an excuse when Biden is in office.
Can't say a word about how the supply chain broke down under Trump and caused inflation because as we all know if there is a shortage of anything the price of that product will go up, and that supply chain break down under Trump caused shortages of many many products.
And again when prices go up they never seem to come down and when the cost of making goods go down prices don't, and large companies rake in massive profits.
And again over the last few years there have been many companies raking in massive profits and telling stupid people that their prices are up because of inflation.
YEP COVID was a good excuse when Trump was in office but the lasting effects of it can NOT be an excuse when Biden took office, and as we see it is finally under control.
Have a nice day

Inflation, which was a worldwide phenomenon, was caused by supply chain issues, pent up demand, an increase in the money supply and was then exacerbated by the war in Ukraine. Every economist in the world knows that these were the factors that caused inflation worldwide. In fact, the US economy has performed much better than other industrialized nations. Growth has been steady, unemployment has been low, and inflation has been brought under control without a recession. It is an amazing success story, but on Earth two, where facts do not matter, it is the worst economy in the history of the country. They are ignorant, uneducated rubes. It's laughable.
I accept your unconditional surrender. Good call. You are out of your depth.
You are, of course, absolutely correct. Inflation never goes down. By its very nature and only goes up.

Deflation is what is meant when someone erroneously says that inflation went down. (Some people erroneously use negative inflation.)
Inflation means to go up, moron. The rate of inflation can decrease however.

Inflation is the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time.
It’s a lost cause, EL

These loons are proven wrong, admit they are wrong and then say they are not wrong.

It’s akin to arguing with Biden, the vegetable.

They can not remember what they posted a few minutes ago…especially the 90 year old loon.
wait.....there was a good thing under Biden?......what was it......
low unemployment levels we haven't seen in YEARS.
over something like 5 million more people employed then under Trump.
US oil production at record levels NEVER seen before.
Inflation getting under control from the effects of COVID.
and that is just a few.
Have a nice day