She's finished.......

Perhaps Trump shouldn't lie about everything.
Whenever I ask you for Trump's top 5 lies, instead of you having too easy of a time answering with examples of major whoppers that affected the country while Trump was executing official duties as President, you have to make up things that weren't even false, but are simply being taken out of context, and that have nothing to do with any execution of official duties as President.

You keep claiming that Trump lies about everything, and you can't even come up with five genuine, substantive examples. It's almost as if Trump never lies at all. Hmmmmm.
As I said GOUGING by large corporations, again having RECORD profits year over year .
Oh THIS again...

A corporation is a business structure, nothing more.

ANY business can only stay in business by serving it's customers.

Sure, anyone selling wants the highest price possible. However, anyone buying wants the lowest price possible. In any market, the price is determined by price discovery (market forces).

You don't seem to understand this. You don't seem to understand that the lifeblood of any business is profit. It's the reason someone goes into business.
Corporations have been using the excuse of inflation
Corporations don't cause inflation. The Federal Reserve does.
to keep their prices high and reap RECORD profits
Go learn about 'price discovery'.
and Congress should be looking into it and IF they are do something about it to help relieve the financial problems the American people have been having.
Price controls never work. They always cause the same thing: shortages. Figure that out, fascist.
Whenever I ask you for Trump's top 5 lies, instead of you having too easy of a time answering with examples of major whoppers that affected the country while Trump was executing official duties as President, you have to make up things that weren't even false, but are simply being taken out of context, and that have nothing to do with any execution of official duties as President.

You keep claiming that Trump lies about everything, and you can't even come up with five genuine, substantive examples. It's almost as if Trump never lies at all. Hmmmmm.

You have never asked me for Trumps top five lies. What a pile of horseshit.

Of course number one is 'the election was stolen'. It is the biggest lie ever told by a President of the United States. He also lied about declassifying documents, and instead stole them and most likely sold them to the Saudis. Should I go on?
Of course number one is 'the election was stolen'.
The election was stolen quite brazenly. The entire country watched it happen. There are many thousands of sworn affidavits detailing the specifics of the steal. None of the sworn affidavits have been refuted whatsoever. There is video of the steal. Nobody voted for Biden in the first place.

You need to come up with something that is actually a lie, not merely some delusion you desperately need to tell yourself.

He also lied about declassifying documents
Trump had full executive authority over those documents, per Article II of the Constitution.

Should I go on?
You never started.
The election was stolen quite brazenly. The entire country watched it happen. There are many thousands of sworn affidavits detailing the specifics of the steal. None of the sworn affidavits have been refuted whatsoever. There is video of the steal. Nobody voted for Biden in the first place.

You need to come up with something that is actually a lie, not merely some delusion you desperately need to tell yourself.

Trump had full executive authority over those documents, per Article II of the Constitution.

You never started.

Nope. Both are lies. You are just a complete fucking moron. I can't help you there. Maybe one of your socks can rush in and rehabilitate your phony arguments.
I said once in the last 100 years. I stand corrected. The Great Depression. So it has happened exactly zero times in the last 75 years. Better? I don't give a fuck about the 19th century. Your attempt at obfuscation is an utter fail.

Wages have grown faster than inflation since May of 2023, over a year. So Americans buying power has INCREASED over the last year. Thank you President Biden and Vice President Harris.

So nothing about the massive inflation under Reagan? Didn't think so.
You are making shit up again, Sybil.
Biden isn't President. He was never elected. Kamala is not Vice-President. She was never elected.

The dollar has been devalued (so far) by 35% since Biden was installed.
So you pick your denominator and I pick mine. See how stupid the 'cumulative' measure is? It can be used to prove anything you want it to. So we economic gurus use a measure that is widely accepted and has been in common use for decades. You fucking morons invent your own.
You can't change the math, Sybil.
So your statement that it goes up and down on an annual basis has not been true for 85 years. But you got me Earl.

Now, how about addressing the 'cumulative inflation' under your hero Ronald Reagan. What happened there?
Stop wandering from year to year looking for a special pleading. That's a fallacy, Sybil.

The dollar was devalued by 35% (so far) since Biden was installed. Deal with it.
Source: Federal Reserve
You are making shit up again, Sybil.
Biden isn't President. He was never elected. Kamala is not Vice-President. She was never elected.

The dollar has been devalued (so far) by 35% since Biden was installed.

Right on cue, your socks step in to support your bullshit. Against what currency has the dollar been devalued. Be specific.
Nope. Both are lies. You are just a complete fucking moron.
You are the most dangerous kind of idiot, i.e. a know-nothing who believes he's an omniscient genius who gets to declare reality.

So, no, Trump is not the liar; you are. You lied about Trump being a liar. You cannot offer any examples of Trump lying yet I can find many of you lying on JPP.