She's finished.......

Have you ever notice that when Trump was in the MAGA
MAGA isn't a person.
kept using the excuse COVID, COVID, COVID?
They can't admit that COVID has had a long lasting effect on our economy and it has taken several years to get back on track from it and Biden has finally got things turned around and back on track.
DEMOCRATS caused the Covid Hoax and the current economic depression, idiot.
Ever notice they NEVER talk about the good things that have happened under Biden
...such as...?
or the bad things that happened under Trump?
...such as...?
More people working then under Trump, but then again Millions of people lost their jobs when Trump was in office.
Because of DEMOCRATS causing the Covid Hoax, twit.
Trump was one of the very few Presidents to leave office with LESS people working then when he took office.
Inflation was effected by COVID and they blame COVID for it when Trump was in office
but it can NOT be an excuse when Biden is in office.
Biden is not in office. He is not President. He was never elected.
Can't say a word about how the supply chain broke down under Trump
and caused inflation because as we all know if there is a shortage of anything the price of that product will go up, and that supply chain break down under Trump caused shortages of many many products.
And again when prices go up they never seem to come down and when the cost of making goods go down prices don't, and large companies rake in massive profits.
Blatant lie.
And again over the last few years there have been many companies raking in massive profits and telling stupid people that their prices are up because of inflation.
They are up because of inflation.
YEP COVID was a good excuse
The DEMOCRAT Covid Hoax is not an excuse.
when Trump was in office but the lasting effects of it can NOT be an excuse when Biden took office, and as we see it is finally under control.
High inflation and shortages caused by Democrats is 'not under control'.

Stop lying.
low unemployment levels we haven't seen in YEARS.
A random number.
over something like 5 million more people employed then under Trump.
Another random number.
US oil production at record levels NEVER seen before.
Another random number.
Inflation getting under control from the effects of COVID.
36.1% inflation since Biden was installed (updated numbers just came in) is not 'under control'. Source: Federal Reserve
and that is just a few.
Have a nice day
Keep trying.
A random number.

Another random number.

Another random number.

36.1% inflation since Biden was installed (updated numbers just came in) is not 'under control'. Source: Federal Reserve

Keep trying.

False. Link to the Federal Reserve source you are claiming. It is total bullshit.
You have never asked me for Trumps top five lies. What a pile of horseshit.

Of course number one is 'the election was stolen'.
Not a lie.
It is the biggest lie ever told by a President of the United States.
Not a lie.
He also lied about declassifying documents,
Not a lie. Trump can declassify any documents he wishes as President.
and instead stole them and most likely sold them to the Saudis. Should I go on?
A lie. Trump did not steal anything or sell them to anyone.

Biden DID steal documents and exposed them to agents from Ukraine and China. That's an act of treason, Sybil.
The Federal Reserve authorizes the creation of money through Congress. It is the ONLY authoritative reference on the value of the dollar. See M2.

You appear confused. I asked for a link, not some random post about the money supply. Can you link to the Federal Reserve information that supports your claim that 'the dollar has been devalued by 36%? You don't actually have to bother. It is a lie.
You need to speak for yourself. Once you learn to read, you'll be able to understand my posts too ... well, at least the ones I have dumbed-down sufficiently.

How do you decide when you are going to spam with your ITN persona? Is it when you have been caught in a lie and want to cover it up? Kinda looks that way. Interesting approach.
You appear confused. I asked for a link, not some random post about the money supply. Can you link to the Federal Reserve information that supports your claim that 'the dollar has been devalued by 36%? You don't actually have to bother. It is a lie.
I guess you don't know how to access the federal reserve website. Oh well.
How do you decide when you are going to spam with your ITN persona? Is it when you have been caught in a lie and want to cover it up? Kinda looks that way. Interesting approach.
You are obviously confused. He is not me. DON'T TRY TO BLAME YOUR PROBLEM ON ANYBODY ELSE, SYBIL!



YOU ask "
you ask Why?
well if these companies ARE ripping off the American people because they think they can and call it INFLATION that is NOT right.
IF it is actually inflation then you can go ahead and blame it on who ever is President if you want BUT if it is these companies making massive profits ( like they HAVE BEEN ) and blaming it on inflation then that is WRONG, ripping off the American people year over year is NOT right especially if you are blaming it all on inflation and inflation is only a small part of it .
YES Congress should INVESTIGATE it , the sooner the better
Oh THIS again...

A corporation is a business structure, nothing more.

ANY business can only stay in business by serving it's customers.

Sure, anyone selling wants the highest price possible. However, anyone buying wants the lowest price possible. In any market, the price is determined by price discovery (market forces).

You don't seem to understand this. You don't seem to understand that the lifeblood of any business is profit. It's the reason someone goes into business.

Corporations don't cause inflation. The Federal Reserve does.

Go learn about 'price discovery'.

Price controls never work. They always cause the same thing: shortages. Figure that out, fascist.
Hay MORON I have said MANY of times I am NOT against companies making a profit but when you are making MASSIVE RECORD profits and blaming your high prices on inflation and GOUGING the American people that is WRONG.
that would be true if it wasn't an outright lie.......Trump's unemployment levels were lower and you know it.....the rest are bullshit as well.....
you are the liar here,
MILLIONS of people lost their jobs when Trump was in office.
And it is a FACT there were LESS people working when Trump left office then when he took office.
Have a nice day you lying moron