She's finished.......

you ask Why?
well if these companies ARE ripping off the American people because they think they can and call it INFLATION that is NOT right.
Your assertion is absurd. Consumers retain all the power. Consumers can decide to not patronize any business ... and put it out of business. Businesses cannot require any consumers to do any business with them at all.

IF it is actually inflation then you can go ahead and blame it on who ever is President
Nope. You should know that leftists are undereducated and they almost always conflate the President with Congress. That is an error. The President is not Congress. You can't blame4 inflation on the President.

if you want BUT if it is these companies making massive profits
Companies making massive profits means that the economy is really good. It would be very bad if the economy were to suc k.
Your assertion is absurd. Consumers retain all the power. Consumers can decide to not patronize any business ... and put it out of business. Businesses cannot require any consumers to do any business with them at all.

Nope. You should know that leftists are undereducated and they almost always conflate the President with Congress. That is an error. The President is not Congress. You can't blame4 inflation on the President.

Companies making massive profits means that the economy is really good. It would be very bad if the economy were to suc k.
Trump supporters are uneducated. Democrats are not. This is a fact.
90% of the debate she came off as a whiney, nassaly condescending bitch. America HATES that. She's done. And BTW,...kiss Pennsylvania goodbye. Its Trumps now....
Your fucking dumb as trump

You can’t change peoples perceptions by just fucking saying the opposite happened

What a mega loser you are
Your assertion is absurd. Consumers retain all the power. Consumers can decide to not patronize any business ... and put it out of business. Businesses cannot require any consumers to do any business with them at all.

Nope. You should know that leftists are undereducated and they almost always conflate the President with Congress. That is an error. The President is not Congress. You can't blame4 inflation on the President.

Companies making massive profits means that the economy is really good. It would be very bad if the economy were to suc k.
and IF it is a product you need you will pay the price they charge,
and if they are telling you the price is high and you people like you saying it is all inflation then stupid people like you believe that shit.
I am saying seeing there are a lot of companies raking in huge profits some record profits and putting the blame on inflation that Congress should investigate and if the find out these companies HAVE been GOUGING they should fine the hell out of them
Have a nice day
Your assertion is absurd. Consumers retain all the power. Consumers can decide to not patronize any business ... and put it out of business. Businesses cannot require any consumers to do any business with them at all.

Nope. You should know that leftists are undereducated and they almost always conflate the President with Congress. That is an error. The President is not Congress. You can't blame4 inflation on the President.

Companies making massive profits means that the economy is really good. It would be very bad if the economy were to suc k.
you say leftists are under educated can you back that BS up?
most people with a college education or higher are Dem.
Education. Democrats lead by 22 points (57%-35%) in leaned party identification among adults with post-graduate degrees. The Democrats’ edge is narrower among those with college degrees or some post-graduate experience (49%-42%), and those with less education (47%-39%). Across all educational categories, women are more likely than men to affiliate with the Democratic Party or lean Democratic. The Democrats’ advantage is 35 points (64%-29%) among women with post-graduate degrees, but only eight points (50%-42%) among post-grad men.
Have a nice day
This is a posting from somebody I know on FB, Cackling Kammy is an ignorant twat who knows fuck all.

There seem to be a lot of people laughing about the fact that Donald Trump brought up the consumption of pet dogs and cats during the debate. One of the people who laughed was Kamala Harris.

I imagine he has good reason to be concerned about this, considering he was the president who banned dog and cat meat in 2018. Not something I would expect the likes of Kamala Harris to know about.

He banned it for good reason. I ran an international operation for three years during Trump's presidency against the consumption of dogs and cats globally. The cruelty that these animals were subjected to would make even the most hardened person cry. Every day I would watch footage of people's pets being tortured in the most horrific ways imaginable. It was during this time that I also became involved in the campaign to ban dog and cat meat in the USA. Donald Trump signed it into law in 2018. This went unnoticed by the media.

Trump did more for animals during his term than any president, not only protecting dogs and cats, but also making online animal torture a federal offence.

So watching ignorant viewers laughing about it under videos of Sky News' coverage of the debate or, worse, watching Kamala Harris laugh about it sickens me to my stomach. I dare Harris to watch some of the footage for what they do to dogs and cats in places they are consumed. Dogs boiled and torched alive, bloodied collars splattered across the floor in slaughterhouses, owners screaming and crying when they know their dog has been taken.

This woman laughs as if it is a joke. Her minions laugh as if it is a joke. But you know what they say. You can tell a lot about someone based on how they treat animals. Her sickly sweet act fools no one.
Then why is he lying about who’s eating pets?
you are the liar here,
MILLIONS of people lost their jobs when Trump was in office.
And it is a FACT there were LESS people working when Trump left office then when he took office.
Have a nice day you lying moron
/yawn.......and it was demmycrats who closed the businesses......people didn't lose jobs under Trump........the doors were locked while they were on the outside......