She's finished.......

guess you can't believe Politifact.......THEY claimed it was adjusted by 16,000 in 2018......
Actually, nowhere in the article does it say anything like that. It actually said:
The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that, according to preliminary data, 501,000 fewer jobs had been created between March 2018 to March 2019 than officials had initially estimated.

In other words, you were off by 485,000 jobs.
When the fuck did we start doing inflation an a CUMULATIVE basis?
it has always been year by year,
What was it under Trump? 10% and most of that was without the effects of COVID.
What is the matter with you and the stupid MAGA?
When Trump was in everything was COVID, COVID , COVID you people blamed everything on COVID and IF you think about it the effects of COVID have been very long lasting some we are still feeling,
But as soon as Biden took office you morons all of a sudden forgot about COVID and it's long lasting effects and it became Biden, Biden , Biden.
And as I want to remind you OIL is a product sold on the world market and at world prices and when Trump left office the US oil industry had STILL not recovered and since Biden took office there is now over 2 MBPD of US oil on the market.
One more thing as I said before we should be having Congress look into the MASSIVE record profits some of these large corporations have been making year over year.
Is this really inflation or is it gouging because large corps think they can get away with it and blame it all on Biden?
One of them they really should be looking into is EXXON, what is their profit so far this year 97.9 BILLION dollars?
And it was something like 85 or 86 Billion last year?
Right there is a company not only making outrageous profits year over year , but one that could cut the price of gas 1 dollar a gallon and still be making a profit of about 85 Billion about the same as last year.
And that cut alone would effect the cost of everything else people buy .
I have to ask why aren't YOU and the other MAGAS looking into this and saying something about it?
OH I forgot it is easier and sounds better just to blame it ALL on Biden.
It is time we ALL start calling and writing our Congressmen and ask them to take a look at this, IF it is gouging they should do something about it and make SURE the morons that are putting all the Blame for high prices on Biden KNOW it was GOUGING.
Have a nice day
You're a raging imbecile.
Actually, nowhere in the article does it say anything like that. It actually said:

In other words, you were off by 485,000 jobs.

The inability to admit you are wrong is a major character flaw. It means you lack integrity. Never trust a person who cannot admit a mistake. That’s PMP in a nutshell. No integrity. Dishonest to his rotten core.
Caused by DEMOCRATS.

again do you ever think?
maybe if Trump had not lied, made up shit ( more lies ) said shit like it was going to be gone in a couple of days shit like that and had not spread LIES, misinformation, confusing and contradictory information and had put out the real info the mayors and Governors may have had an idea what to do, but NO he lied and with all this disinformation and lies they had NO idea what to do.
And when the one woman came to NYC from the EU and in early march with COVID and over 79,000 people had it in LESS then a month they had to do SOMETHING and they thought if they kept people from gathering and shut thing down it might stop or at least slow the spread and it did.
Trump had not shut down people coming into the east coast yet., I guess he isn't smart enough to know that the air plane was invented and it CAN fly from China to the EU, then to the USA .
Have a nice day
more of the same........the highest it got in 2020 was 8.1% not 14.8%


sure looks like 14.8 Apr 2020
The inability to admit you are wrong is a major character flaw. It means you lack integrity. Never trust a person who cannot admit a mistake. That’s PMP in a nutshell. No integrity. Dishonest to his rotten core.
He is now looking for some technicality to call you wrong, refusing to admit there was a downward adjustment of over half a million under trump.
you said it was the 2018 wasn't.....cope, mother fucker.......
Actually, he said, "Under Trump, the number was adjusted downward by half a million jobs in 2018." The "in 2018" would be connected to the number that was adjusted, not when the adjustment was made. That would make him correct both technically, and more importantly his argument is completely correct.

There was a slightly over half a million adjustment in the trump numbers. I would argue that we may never really know the 2020 numbers. That year was so screwy, it is unadjustable.
He is now looking for some technicality to call you wrong, refusing to admit there was a downward adjustment of over half a million under trump.

Yep, it is the last bastion of scoundrels and losers. I debunked his material statement, and now he wants to quibble. I was right. He was wrong. And stupid. And then doubled down on his misstatement. It is what it is. This is the character level we are dealing with. They are beneath contempt.

sure looks like 14.8 Apr 2020
cool, now we know which month everyone was told they couldn't go to their jobs any more.....
the definition of lib'rul......

No, it is a description of you. You refuse to acknowledge your error. It speaks to your lack of integrity. What's laughable is that you call yourself a Christian.

Every year there is an adjustment of the previous years employment numbers. You claimed that Trump did not need to adjust his numbers downward. In fact, the President does not revise the numbers, the BLS does so. That said, Trump had a major downward adjustment of the 2018 numbers. So you were misinformed, and when called on it, you attempted to dishonestly cite the previous years number. Does Jesus approve of your dishonesty? I'm guessing it makes him sad.