She's finished.......


sure looks like 14.8 Apr 2020
Argument from randU fallacy. Random numbers used as 'data' doesn't work, moron.
Actually, he said, "Under Trump, the number was adjusted downward by half a million jobs in 2018." The "in 2018" would be connected to the number that was adjusted, not when the adjustment was made. That would make him correct both technically, and more importantly his argument is completely correct.

There was a slightly over half a million adjustment in the trump numbers. I would argue that we may never really know the 2020 numbers. That year was so screwy, it is unadjustable.
Argument from randU fallacy, Wally. Making up numbers and using them as 'data' won't work.
Yep, it is the last bastion of scoundrels and losers. I debunked his material statement, and now he wants to quibble. I was right. He was wrong. And stupid. And then doubled down on his misstatement. It is what it is. This is the character level we are dealing with. They are beneath contempt.
Mantra 1a. Assumption of victory fallacy. Lame.
She won the debate! She baited the fat fuck on a number of issues?!!

I don't like either of them - her being a Marxist and him a narcissist makes me hate her more obviously, but she is beating her chest and we know why - Trump was horrible tonight.

She baited him on several occasions and he fell for it wasting time on his own ego instead of policy.
So, Kamala is winning? She's your girl. :laugh:
No, it is a description of you. You refuse to acknowledge your error. It speaks to your lack of integrity. What's laughable is that you call yourself a Christian.

Every year there is an adjustment of the previous years employment numbers. You claimed that Trump did not need to adjust his numbers downward. In fact, the President does not revise the numbers, the BLS does so. That said, Trump had a major downward adjustment of the 2018 numbers. So you were misinformed, and when called on it, you attempted to dishonestly cite the previous years number. Does Jesus approve of your dishonesty? I'm guessing it makes him sad.
Christian lead with "we're all sinners".