She's finished.......

cool, now we know which month everyone was told they couldn't go to their jobs any more.....
and AGAIN maybe IF Trump hadn't lied so much and had NOT put out disinformation , confusing, conflicting
information and had been a REAL LEADER mayors and Governors may have known what to do and we MIGHT not have had to shut down.
But NO he lied and lied and lied and as I said when that woman came in to NYC from the EU on, I believe it was Apr. first and by the 30th there were 79,000 people in NYC alone with it, they may have known how to handle it but NO trump lied so they had to do what they thought best and that was to try and keep people apart , and shutting down was one of the best ways they could think of.
And as we have seen the states that didn't shut down or kept people from gathering had the most cases and deaths.
I guess you would have rather ed to have another couple million Americans DEAD then have them shut things down.
Now we know that you don't give a shit about Americans lives just Trump's economy.
Have a nice day hadn't lied so much for the last eight years you would still have some credibility.......

except we now know that all that shut down and masks bullshit had zero impact on contagion.......
sorry that you think they didn't help stop the spread as we saw in states where they shut down, wore masks and distanced themselves they didn't have as many cases or deaths as the ones that didn't.
And here are just some of Trumps lies.
again maybe if TRUMP had been a REAL LEADER and NOT lied about it and actually gave people the true information about it we wouldn't have had to do what we did BUT he didn't
It’s a lost cause, EL

These loons are proven wrong, admit they are wrong and then say they are not wrong.

It’s akin to arguing with Biden, the vegetable.

They can not remember what they posted a few minutes ago…especially the 90 year old loon.
You are the loon who has been proved wrong...and you just do not have the ethical wherewithal to acknowledge it.

Okay. You are a that shortage is expected.

Try again. How did you not know this?

You should read your links before you post them so you don’t look so fucking stupid. From YOUR article:

“The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that, according to preliminary data, 501,000 fewer jobs had been created between March 2018 to March 2019 than officials had initially estimated.”

Holy fuck, what a moron.
Stop making shit up, Sybil.
again I never said it wasn't COVID what I AM saying is COVID was used all the time as am excuse when things went bad
Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
because of all Trumps lies about it
No lies. Stop making shit up.
and it's effects lasted for several YEARS after Trump left office
Covid does not kill, moron. Your Covid Hoax started the current economic depression.
and you MAGAS don't want to admit that.
MAGA isn't a person, moron.
And with it taking several years to get over it it took Biden several years to get us back on track,
Biden does not control Covid.
it was alright for you MAGA to use it as an excuse for everything Trump fucked up
MAGA isn't a person. Trump didn't fuck up.
but the Dems can't use it for Binden.
Why would you want to?
The inability to admit you are wrong is a major character flaw. It means you lack integrity. Never trust a person who cannot admit a mistake. That’s PMP in a nutshell. No integrity. Dishonest to his rotten core.
Assumption of victory fallacy. You don't get to declare 'integrity' for anyone, Sybil. DON'T TRY TO BLAME YOUR PROBLEMS ON ANYBODY ELSE!
Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.

No lies. Stop making shit up.

Covid does not kill, moron. Your Covid Hoax started the current economic depression.

MAGA isn't a person, moron.

Biden does not control Covid.

MAGA isn't a person. Trump didn't fuck up.

Why would you want to?
LOL you are as stupid as they come.
again do you ever think?
Mantra 1a. Lame.
maybe if Trump had not lied,
Void argument fallacy.
made up shit ( more lies ) said shit like it was going to be gone in a couple of days
He never said any such thing. DEMOCRATS did.
shit like that and had not spread LIES, misinformation, confusing and contradictory information
Void argument fallacy.
and had put out the real info the mayors and Governors may have had an idea what to do, but NO he lied and with all this disinformation and lies they had NO idea what to do.
The Covid Hoax was by DEMOCRATS, moron.
And when the one woman came to NYC from the EU and in early march with COVID and over 79,000 people had it in LESS then a month they had to do SOMETHING
Why? Covid does not kill. Stop making shit up.
and they thought if they kept people from gathering and shut thing down it might stop or at least slow the spread and it did.
That is DEMOCRATS, moron. You caused the current economic depression.
Trump had not shut down people coming into the east coast yet.,
No real need.
I guess he isn't smart enough to know that the air plane was invented and it CAN fly from China to the EU, then to the USA .
He was. So?