She's finished.......

Prove your specious lies.

Post links proving them.

You would think that you would be too embarrassed and ashamed to attack anyone following your thrashing ("you got me") by EL and me recently.
Here is the beauty of my life. I do not need to prove anything to you inferior losers. Honestly Earl, what you think of me impacts my life exactly not at all. You didn't thrash anything. You threw spitballs like a prepubescent school kid. You have no grasp of economics. It makes me chuckle. You are the guy standing on top of the hill screaming 'I'm the King' while I'm at home enjoying a cocktail.

Earl, don't you know Concrete is a world class ECONOMIST. He is smarter than everybody, ask him.
Please remain silent when he is correcting everybody with whom he disagrees.

He also claims to be the CEO of seventeen (17) companies.

He must be the Shark Tank guy.

Never said that. I also noticed that you did not correct yourself after you claimed I posted something that I did not. Because you lack integrity. I ran three corporations. Very small. My exit strategy allowed me to profit each time. I also invested wisely. I am objectively high intelligence. I laugh at your sanctimonious grammar corrections. I did just fine, thanks. You on the other hand seem to lack any critical thinking skills. It’s an odd juxtaposition. Amusing actually.
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Here is the beauty of my life.
Lies and deceit is not a beautiful life.
I do not need to prove anything to you inferior losers.
You are not The Elite, Sybil.
Honestly Earl, what you think of me impacts my life exactly not at all.
It obviously does.
You didn't thrash anything. You threw spitballs like a prepubescent school kid. You have no grasp of economics. It makes me chuckle. You are the guy standing on top of the hill screaming 'I'm the King' while I'm at home enjoying a cocktail.
You are describing yourself.
Never said that. I also noticed that you did not correct yourself after you claimed I posted something that I did not. Because you lack integrity. I ran three corporations. Very small. My exit strategy allowed me to profit each time. I also invested wisely. I am objectively high intelligence. I laugh at your sanctimonious grammar corrections. I did just fine, thanks. You on the other hand seem to lack any critical thinking skills. It’s an odd juxtaposition. Amusing actually.
Trying to backpedal your lies, eh?
and yet that isn't true......
keeping the spray from other people sneezing on you helped so masked did help to an extent, it may not have stopped it all , really minute particles may have got through but it kept a lot of it in, keeping people from gathering and keeping a distance made sense and seemed to have helped.
as we know the states that did these things did NOT have as many cases or deaths as the ones that didn't.
NY had a high amount of cases because they were one of the first states to have thousands of people come down with it, Remember one woman came in from the EU and in less then a month over 79,000 people had it, because with all Trump's lies , disinformation, confusing information, contradictory information and lack of real leadership NOBODY at that time knew how to handle it or just what to do.
And at that time distancing, masking and keeping people from gathering was what the Mayors and Governors thought was best to do.
And shutting things down seemed like a real good way of doing it.
Have a nice day
Never said that. I also noticed that you did not correct yourself after you claimed I posted something that I did not. Because you lack integrity. I ran three corporations. Very small. My exit strategy allowed me to profit each time. I also invested wisely. I am objectively high intelligence. I laugh at your sanctimonious grammar corrections. I did just fine, thanks. You on the other hand seem to lack any critical thinking skills. It’s an odd juxtaposition. Amusing actually.
See, you can’t remember what you posted previously…,17 companies…CEO or CFO.

Objectively high intelligence…um, I objectively object.

You proved, conclusively, that you have no concept of the cumulative effect of inflation.

You did not know that there have been numerous periods of deflation. You probably don’t know what deflation is.

I want to help you, complete your Primary Education, work extra hard with grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation. Otherwise you appear to be a country bumpkin.

I am on the board at our club with several CEO’s and lawyers.

None of them speak or write with the lack of understanding of the basic rules of grammar that you display. You lack the eloquence of a learned person.

I believe EL is spot on, you deliver food for Uber, keeping in mind that all work is inspirational but all work is not aspirational.
See, you can’t remember what you posted previously…,17 companies…CEO or CFO.

Objectively high intelligence…um, I objectively object.

You proved, conclusively, that you have no concept of the cumulative effect of inflation.

You did not know that there have been numerous periods of deflation. You probably don’t know what deflation is.

I want to help you, complete your Primary Education, work extra hard with grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation. Otherwise you appear to be a country bumpkin.

I am on the board at our club with several CEO’s and lawyers.

None of them speak or write with the lack of understanding of the basic rules of grammar that you display. You lack the eloquence of a learned person.

I believe EL is spot on, you deliver food for Uber, keeping in mind that all work is inspirational but all work is not aspirational.
Concart KNEW that inflation never goes down. Just as deflation never goes up. Inflation is upward movement...deflation is downward movement. I suspect that you and your asshole buddy, EL, either did not know that...or fucked up somehow on the issue because you both were talking about periods of inflation that was going down...when ou were supposed to be talking about periods of deflation.

You and EL are jerks.

Hey...nothing wrong with being jerks. You both do an interesting form of entertaining.

I know I laugh at you both...OFTEN. I suspect there are lots of others who do, too.
thats not what the CDC currently is saying
I don't give a fuck what they are saying NOW it is common sense if you have something covering your nose and mouth then the spray from you sneezing is going to be some what contained .
helping to at least curtail the spread of colds and things like COVID.
that is why people over the centuries have covered their noses and mouths when they sneezed.
don't you cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze ?
most people that I have ever known have.
Have a nice day
I don't give a fuck what they are saying NOW it is common sense if you have something covering your nose and mouth then the spray from you sneezing is going to be some what contained .
helping to at least curtail the spread of colds and things like COVID.
that is why people over the centuries have covered their noses and mouths when they sneezed.
don't you cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze ?
most people that I have ever known have.
Have a nice day
the lies you post to this thread are boring.......I see no reason to waste any more time with your stupidity........when you realize you do NOT know more than the CDC perhaps I'll start reading your posts again.......
the lies you post to this thread are boring.......I see no reason to waste any more time with your stupidity........when you realize you do NOT know more than the CDC perhaps I'll start reading your posts again.......
WHAT LIES ????????
I never said I knew more then the CDC YOU are the lying mother fucker trying to make it look like I did.
Are you telling us people that have been covering their nose and mouth when they sneeze have been doing it for no reason for hundreds of years?
it is just common sense that if you contain the spray from your sneeze it won't fly all over anther person and possibly give them what ever you might have.
And that was the main reason why they started using masks , to try and stop the spray from peoples coughs and sneezes .
and again maybe just maybe IF Trump had been a REAL LEADER and hadn't lied, spread confusing, conflicting. distorted information and flat out lies, the Governors and mayors of the states and cities in the Northeast and gave them real FACTS about what was going on they might have been able to do something else.
But NO he lied and was a piss poor leader like he was his whole Presidency .
Again those Governors and mayors did what they thought was the best thing to do at the time and again we have seen the states that didn't do the same had a LOT more people come down with it and DIED from it.
And with NY being about the first state / major city to get it back when Trump was lying and nobody knew what to do their numbers were high just because of that FACT.
Back then they had NO idea it would spread so fast,
Over 79,000 people got it in NYC alone in LESS then a month.
And again the Governor and Mayor of NY and NYC did what they thought was best.
Well maybe if YOU had half a brain you would realize a lot of this was just common sense but you don't so have a nice day