She's finished.......

Some of the truest words I have read here is "There is no point." We are losing the point in even talking to the alt right.
.............alt opposed to the lunatic left?

I think you might be confusing Concart with me, and what exactly I posted. I have been one of the founders of several companies at once. Not the CEO of 17 companies, but involved with up to a dozen companies at once. I have been CTO of several companies, but never CFO.

I am not active in as many companies as I once was, but have retained stock in more companies than I can count. Most will not pay off much, but some have and others will in the future.

A lawyer used to mow my lawn. He is doing better now, but being a lawyer really does not mean as much as you think.
.....founder of several once nonetheless.....

The genesis of the conversation about inflation was this: I asked how trump’s drilling policy would lower inflation and then asked what impact it would have on inflation going forward. I then pointed out that it was currently under 3%. Rather than answer that question (which you, Doofy Howser, and prophet are not capable of) you turned the conversation to ‘cumulative inflation’ and you played the gotcha game. Why? Because you have absolutely no understanding of economics. You then played King of the hill. You think that your change of the subject and my resistance to that was some kind great victory. It wasn’t. You are a simpleton Earl.
I don't like either of them - her being a Marxist and him a narcissist makes me hate her more obviously, but she is beating her chest and we know why - Trump was horrible tonight.

She baited him on several occasions and he fell for it wasting time on his own ego instead of policy.
here is where the derp stick got triggered and made this about me

the retard became so triggered they feared I would vote for the marxist. fucking idiots
I think you might be confusing Concart with me, and what exactly I posted. I have been one of the founders of several companies at once. Not the CEO of 17 companies, but involved with up to a dozen companies at once. I have been CTO of several companies, but never CFO.

I am not active in as many companies as I once was, but have retained stock in more companies than I can count. Most will not pay off much, but some have and others will in the future.

A lawyer used to mow my lawn. He is doing better now, but being a lawyer really does not mean as much as you think.
Pretending isn't going to work, Wally.
He attributed a quote by someone else to me the other day.
He won’t acknowledge that because he lacks integrity.
You don't get to declare 'integrity' for anyone, Sybil. Omniscience fallacy.
He won’t acknowledge this mistake either. Like his cult leader, he thinks acknowledging mistakes makes him weak. Quite ironic.
I never said it did stop anything,
I said it is only common sense that contain the spew people throw out when they sneeze will at least keep it form getting on somebody and they may not get it from you.
wearing a mask did that and just might have kept other people from getting something.
Paradox M.
and it is still a fact that the states that didn't distance and didn't keep people from gathering in large groups had more cases and deaths then the ones that didn't.
Blatant lie. Covid does not kill. Making up numbers won't work, moron.
and I have had other people say well look at NY they had a lot. well they did and they were one of the first states to get it and nobody had any idea how to treat it, contain it or keep it from spreading.
You can't 'contain it' or 'keep it from spreading'. It's an airborne virus.
The genesis of the conversation about inflation was this: I asked how trump’s drilling policy would lower inflation and then asked what impact it would have on inflation going forward.
By alleviating the shortages caused by Biden and the Democrats.
I then pointed out that it was currently under 3%.
The dollar has been devalued by 36.1% (so far) since Biden was installed.
Rather than answer that question (which you, Doofy Howser, and prophet are not capable of) you turned the conversation to ‘cumulative inflation’ and you played the gotcha game.
Denying cumulative inflation won't work, Sybil.
Why? Because you have absolutely no understanding of economics. You then played King of the hill. You think that your change of the subject and my resistance to that was some kind great victory. It wasn’t. You are a simpleton Earl.
You are describing yourself again, Sybil.