She's finished.......

Well, no, Concarty.

Trump exposed Heels Up Harris for her flip flopping on multiple issues. She would not answer when asked about her previous positions that she has now changed, a few weeks before the election and said what most of us knew...that she has flip flopped and will do so again if elected.

It was a 3-1 with ABC fact checking Trump but not Heels up Harris. FOX commentators did acknowledge this. Heels Up Harris could not explain why she has not solved the issues of open borders, crime and inflation. He told her that she should go back to D.C. after the debate and have an Executive Order initiated to close the border, as he did when president. She did not respond.
Losers cry about the moderators. Winners laugh at the other guy.
Well, no, Concarty.

Trump exposed Heels Up Harris for her flip flopping on multiple issues. She would not answer when asked about her previous positions that she has now changed, a few weeks before the election and said what most of us knew...that she has flip flopped and will do so again if elected.

It was a 3-1 with ABC fact checking Trump but not Heels up Harris. FOX commentators did acknowledge this. Heels Up Harris could not explain why she has not solved the issues of open borders, crime and inflation. He told her that she should go back to D.C. after the debate and have an Executive Order initiated to close the border, as he did when president. She did not respond.
that is the third time you posted the same BS can't post a coherent reply?
Are your dogs okay? Did the Haitians get them. Were you able to fend them off, teach?

Your candidate was unmasked last night. It was the most embarrassing performance in the history of debate performances. That you are not embarrassed and humiliated by your support speaks to the depth of your brainwashing. You are a cult member. Your leader is a deranged lunatic. Now everyone knows.
Toxic did not watch the debate, nor did she watch Harris' and Walz's CNN interview. She passes out by 7 or 8pm. She just goes by what she gleans from her masters on Reichwing media. Notice how she's totally avoiding any mention of Fox's talking heads giving the debate to Harris. Instead, she's dutifully repeating the same old tired lies and opinions-based-on-fantasy as always. We watched about half the debate ourselves. It was clear from the gate that Harris controlled the stage, the narrative, and was the intelligent adult LEADER behind the podium. She ripped the mask off of Trump and exposed him for the petulant angry poo-throwing toddler that he is.
Toxic did not watch the debate, nor did she watch Harris' and Walz's CNN interview. She passes out by 7 or 8pm. She just goes by what she gleans from her masters on Reichwing media. Notice how she's totally avoiding any mention of Fox's talking heads giving the debate to Harris. Instead, she's dutifully repeating the same old tired lies and opinions-based-on-fantasy as always. We watched about half the debate ourselves. It was clear from the gate that Harris controlled the stage, the narrative, and was the intelligent adult LEADER behind the podium. She ripped the mask off of Trump and exposed him for the petulant angry poo-throwing toddler that he is.
I think we can stop caring what they say now. The title of last nights debate; ‘Honey I shrank the candidate’
90% of the debate she came off as a whiney, nassaly condescending bitch. America HATES that. She's done. And BTW,...kiss Pennsylvania goodbye. Its Trumps now....
She also came across as 'fake' (the forced over-acted facial expressions). People generally hate that too.
pEarl and Toxic operate on the Goebbels Principle. Keep repeating a lie and eventually someone, somewhere will believe it. Unfortunately for both of them, this is not that place. lol
YEP that seems to be what most MAGA and Trumpers do.
Just like Trump.
lie lie and lie some more somebody will believe it .
Have a nice day
Trump exposed Heels Up Harris for her flip flopping on multiple issues. She would not answer when asked about her previous positions that she has now changed, a few weeks before the election and said what most of us knew...that she has flip flopped and will do so again if elected.

It was a 3-1 with ABC fact checking Trump but not Heels up Harris. FOX commentators did acknowledge this. Heels Up Harris could not explain why she has not solved the issues of open borders, crime and inflation. He told her that she should go back to D.C. after the debate and have an Executive Order initiated to close the border, as he did when president. She did not respond.
90% of the debate she came off as a whiney, nassaly condescending bitch. America HATES that. She's done. And BTW,...kiss Pennsylvania goodbye. Its Trumps now....
never underestimate the idiotic ability of the masses to vote against their best interests in the name of 'at least they aren't (insert name here)'
Next time a woman accuses your Gropingfuehrer of assaulting her, I'm going to quote you on this. E. Jean Carroll agrees with you, and so did the jury.
looks like he is so bummed out he can't even think, but then again when has he ever been able to think,
It seems like a really bad day for him.
Have a nice day