She's finished.......

For now because she won't her security dogs muir and davis with her but she does have a complicit media intent on helping get the kamal elected. That was obvious last night.
It's always the same old bullshit outta you Trumpsuckers in'nit?

Trump lies like $2 whore and when someone in the media DOES THEIR FUCKING JOB by rebutting his lies with THE ACTUAL TRUTH....

458286208-955913506578955-8154397351716561445-n.jpg diaper shitters cry foul.

Fuck you people. 🖕🏼
Anyone who poin
It's always the same old bullshit outta you Trumpsuckers in'nit?

Trump lies like $2 whore and when someone in the media DOES THEIR FUCKING JOB by rebutting his lies with THE ACTUAL TRUTH....

458286208-955913506578955-8154397351716561445-n.jpg diaper shitters cry foul.

Fuck you people.🖕🏼
They call anyone who points out the truth unfair, to then truth is unfair.
This is a posting from somebody I know on FB, Cackling Kammy is an ignorant twat who knows fuck all.

There seem to be a lot of people laughing about the fact that Donald Trump brought up the consumption of pet dogs and cats during the debate. One of the people who laughed was Kamala Harris.

I imagine he has good reason to be concerned about this, considering he was the president who banned dog and cat meat in 2018. Not something I would expect the likes of Kamala Harris to know about.

He banned it for good reason. I ran an international operation for three years during Trump's presidency against the consumption of dogs and cats globally. The cruelty that these animals were subjected to would make even the most hardened person cry. Every day I would watch footage of people's pets being tortured in the most horrific ways imaginable. It was during this time that I also became involved in the campaign to ban dog and cat meat in the USA. Donald Trump signed it into law in 2018. This went unnoticed by the media.

Trump did more for animals during his term than any president, not only protecting dogs and cats, but also making online animal torture a federal offence.

So watching ignorant viewers laughing about it under videos of Sky News' coverage of the debate or, worse, watching Kamala Harris laugh about it sickens me to my stomach. I dare Harris to watch some of the footage for what they do to dogs and cats in places they are consumed. Dogs boiled and torched alive, bloodied collars splattered across the floor in slaughterhouses, owners screaming and crying when they know their dog has been taken.

This woman laughs as if it is a joke. Her minions laugh as if it is a joke. But you know what they say. You can tell a lot about someone based on how they treat animals. Her sickly sweet act fools no one.
FB post today.
A friend's dog was too scared to go outside alone this morning because they were so scared someone would turn them into stew.

Glowering felon and rapist Trump is an ignorant twit who knows fuck all.
I've heard very few conservatives today try to spin last night as any kind of win for Trump.

That was a very one-sided debate. One candidate was disciplined, and one fell apart.
Great post...
Her fellow liars will support that hour and a half of smirking and multiple memorized lies (I've never heard so many)..My goodness...She refused to answer the very first question...iit caught her off guard right away...
The rest of America will see right through that phony performance...did she drool? No...Congratulations to her for a better job than Joe (she totally threw him under the bus again)
She didn't articulate a single policy...why do you think they want a rematch to clean up her mess? She was afraid to actually answer any questions...and now that's clear....even with the help of the moderators, she couldn't get it done...
President Trump took care of business....
Which question did Trump answer?

Hey.. he has a concept of an idea for that great new health care plan to replace Obamacare that he promised 8 years ago. They guy is right on top of things.
I think it was aliens. Like the outer space kind. Yeah, that’s the ticket. We’re laughing at you Earl.

The man in the photo is not Haitian. And that photograph was not taken in Springfield. How embarrassing for you.
Post a link proving he is not Haitian and does it matter which town in that state that this man with the goose is in?

You still haven't responded with a date that he can bring the goose to your house for cooking.
Post a link proving he is not Haitian and does it matter which town in that state that this man with the goose is in?

You still haven't responded with a date that he can bring the goose to your house for cooking.
I did. I’m sorry you can’t read.

Christmas. I love me a good Christmas Goose!
This is a posting from somebody I know on FB, Cackling Kammy is an ignorant twat who knows fuck all.

There seem to be a lot of people laughing about the fact that Donald Trump brought up the consumption of pet dogs and cats during the debate. One of the people who laughed was Kamala Harris.

I imagine he has good reason to be concerned about this, considering he was the president who banned dog and cat meat in 2018. Not something I would expect the likes of Kamala Harris to know about.

He banned it for good reason. I ran an international operation for three years during Trump's presidency against the consumption of dogs and cats globally. The cruelty that these animals were subjected to would make even the most hardened person cry. Every day I would watch footage of people's pets being tortured in the most horrific ways imaginable. It was during this time that I also became involved in the campaign to ban dog and cat meat in the USA. Donald Trump signed it into law in 2018. This went unnoticed by the media.

Trump did more for animals during his term than any president, not only protecting dogs and cats, but also making online animal torture a federal offence.

So watching ignorant viewers laughing about it under videos of Sky News' coverage of the debate or, worse, watching Kamala Harris laugh about it sickens me to my stomach. I dare Harris to watch some of the footage for what they do to dogs and cats in places they are consumed. Dogs boiled and torched alive, bloodied collars splattered across the floor in slaughterhouses, owners screaming and crying when they know their dog has been taken.

This woman laughs as if it is a joke. Her minions laugh as if it is a joke. But you know what they say. You can tell a lot about someone based on how they treat animals. Her sickly sweet act foolsí no one.
More Tarot reading from Stoney Baloney?

Talking about fat fucks!!!
I've heard very few conservatives today try to spin last night as any kind of win for Trump.

That was a very one-sided debate. One candidate was disciplined, and one fell apart.

I don't like either of them - her being a Marxist and him a narcissist makes me hate her more obviously, but she is beating her chest and we know why - Trump was horrible tonight.

She baited him on several occasions and he fell for it wasting time on his own ego instead of policy.
Since the state-controlled-media is on her side, all she had to do was make it through the debate without committing a major gaffe (IOW, simply do better than Biden did) and she accomplished that much last night. The closest that she came to committing a gaffe was almost calling Trump something very nasty, but she barely managed to stop herself from doing so.

The fact that she lied through her teeth throughout the entire thing (without being "fact-checked" on any one of her lies) doesn't matter. The state-controlled-media now have their "she baited him" narrative that they can run with for the next few weeks or so, and that's all that they wanted to get out of the event. It was obviously a pre-planned media response to the event because they all started parroting the exact same words immediately afterward.

The state-controlled "polling" (which is really just DNC press releases intended to manipulate public opinion) will now use this "she baited him" narrative in order to push out "polls" (manipulative press releases) that show Kamala "pulling comfortably ahead of Trump". They already set the stage up for it by presenting a "tightening polls" situation just before the debate, to give them more room to show a "post-debate bump" in the coming days and weeks. It's all manipulative BS, but too many people still gobble it up and discuss it in a manner that assumes legitimacy.

I'd say that Trump's major highlight of the night was his closing statement in which he asked out loud: "why hasn't she done any of these things?" (seeing that she's already been in office for almost four years now). There were some other lesser highlights too, but it was ultimately a typical debate that doesn't drastically affect anything outside of the state-controlled-media now getting their "she baited him" talking point to hammer into people's heads for the upcoming weeks, which is a win for Harris. On matters of policy (e.g. oil pipelines, illegal alien invasion, etc) as well as visuals/appearance (e.g. Harris's overly-dramatic facial expressions and her overall "bitchy woman" tone), Trump won hands down.

Regardless, I'm still voting for Trump. This debate changed nothing for me.
Putin has already eaten Heels Up Harris and Slow Joe for lunch.

He invaded Ukraine.
He wanted a second Trump term because he knew Trump would've just handed it over to him on a silver platter.

Right before he backed us out of NATO.
I did. I’m sorry you can’t read.

Christmas. I love me a good Christmas Goose!
Will the Haitian gentleman with the goose remain in your home so that you can feed him when the goose is devoured?

Did you post a link proving he is not a Haitian?
On matters of policy (e.g. oil pipelines, illegal alien invasion, etc) as well as visuals/appearance (e.g. Harris's overly-dramatic facial expressions and her overall "bitchy woman" tone), Trump won hands down.
So, you hate and resent women.

Got it.

Most incels feel that way.
Regardless, I'm still voting for Trump. This debate changed nothing for me.
We already know you're an idiot.

No need to reinforce the idea.
He will grant Putin and Hammas a win, but cutting and running.

Appeasement does not work. Chamberlin taught us that.
Post a link proving he is not Haitian and does it matter which town in that state that this man with the goose is in?

You still haven't responded with a date that he can bring the goose to your house for cooking.
They're missing the point.... That little town is overwhelmed... (Instagram is full of the traffic accidents...) I haven't seen a single person here say "just put all those lovely people on a bus and send them to us..."