She's finished.......

She won the debate! She baited the fat fuck on a number of issues?!!
You say that Kriminala "won" the debate? What was the final score? I saw that Kriminala provided no policy or position information whatsoever beyond insisting that she won't ban fracking.

Kriminala offered no reason for anyone to support her.
Will the Haitian gentleman with the goose remain in your home so that you can feed him when the goose is devoured?

Did you post a link proving he is not a Haitian?
Yes. Read Earl. Read. It was right there in my response to you.
They're missing the point.... That little town is overwhelmed... (Instagram is full of the traffic accidents...) I haven't seen a single person here say "just put all those lovely people on a bus and send them to us..."
Dogs and cats…. Living together…. Mass hysteria!!!!!!
She will be asked these questions again.

Was she lying about her policies before or after she has flipped on nearly every one of them, is she lying now?
Cool. She’ll answer them. You will still be a knuckle dragging moron. Rinse. Repeat. We don’t care at all about you Earl. You are pathetic losers. Bye!!!
He will grant Putin and Hammas a win, but cutting and running.

Appeasement does not work. Chamberlin taught us that.
So have Biden/Harris…Putin invaded Ukraine. Hamas invaded Israel.

Now, they want Israel to accept a two state solution so that Hamas can regroup and invade Israel again.

“From the river to the sea.” They are still screaming this.

Appeasement does not work.
This debate is Donald Trumps ‘have you no decency sir’ moment. The bully just bitch slapped.
trump took nothing but ALL of the bait. Ask Brit Hume.
I didn't see any of that, but what was Kriminala on tap to do at the debate? ... to provide We the People information or to bait Trump?

Kriminala wasted Our time. All we know about her positions is that she won't ban fracking.
When can we schedule you for a few Haitians to come to your house to feed, house, clothe , educate and provide medical care?

Friday too soon?
I’m busy Friday, I do have Sunday ticket, are they football fans? I might cook ribs. Are they okay eating pork?