She's finished.......

90% of the debate she came off as a whiney, nassaly condescending bitch. America HATES that. She's done. And BTW,...kiss Pennsylvania goodbye. Its Trumps now....
I'm hoping you are just kidding...and perhaps trolling.

If are insane.

Your comments are as far from the truth as possible.
This is a posting from somebody I know on FB, Cackling Kammy is an ignorant twat who knows fuck all.

There seem to be a lot of people laughing about the fact that Donald Trump brought up the consumption of pet dogs and cats during the debate. One of the people who laughed was Kamala Harris.

I imagine he has good reason to be concerned about this, considering he was the president who banned dog and cat meat in 2018. Not something I would expect the likes of Kamala Harris to know about.

He banned it for good reason. I ran an international operation for three years during Trump's presidency against the consumption of dogs and cats globally. The cruelty that these animals were subjected to would make even the most hardened person cry. Every day I would watch footage of people's pets being tortured in the most horrific ways imaginable. It was during this time that I also became involved in the campaign to ban dog and cat meat in the USA. Donald Trump signed it into law in 2018. This went unnoticed by the media.

Trump did more for animals during his term than any president, not only protecting dogs and cats, but also making online animal torture a federal offence.

So watching ignorant viewers laughing about it under videos of Sky News' coverage of the debate or, worse, watching Kamala Harris laugh about it sickens me to my stomach. I dare Harris to watch some of the footage for what they do to dogs and cats in places they are consumed. Dogs boiled and torched alive, bloodied collars splattered across the floor in slaughterhouses, owners screaming and crying when they know their dog has been taken.

This woman laughs as if it is a joke. Her minions laugh as if it is a joke. But you know what they say. You can tell a lot about someone based on how they treat animals. Her sickly sweet act fools no one.
Really hurts to have your Fuhrer getting his ass kicked as hard as she kicked it...doesn't it!

Too bad.
again, you're too partisan to look at reality. you're pointing fingers at bad things the other side did while dismissing or defending anything your party members did.
You make a gross generalization and then back pedal when challenged to show your work.

How very trump of you.
It's always the same old bullshit outta you Trumpsuckers in'nit?

Trump lies like $2 whore and when someone in the media DOES THEIR FUCKING JOB by rebutting his lies with THE ACTUAL TRUTH....

458286208-955913506578955-8154397351716561445-n.jpg diaper shitters cry foul.

Fuck you people.🖕🏼
Lmfao I love how easily agitated you assholes get. Trump was trump and Harris had her two attack dogs with her. Good for her. She obviously needed them.
I've seen even some MAGA's acknowledge that Trump had a bad night. No one really thinks he won.
He didn't have a bad night; he did plenty fine. Could he have done better? Of course! There's always room for improvement, especially during certain key moments (such as the "is she black, is she indian" question which could've been turned against her, showcasing her lack of authenticity).