She's finished.......

This is a posting from somebody I know on FB, Cackling Kammy is an ignorant twat who knows fuck all.

There seem to be a lot of people laughing about the fact that Donald Trump brought up the consumption of pet dogs and cats during the debate. One of the people who laughed was Kamala Harris.

I imagine he has good reason to be concerned about this, considering he was the president who banned dog and cat meat in 2018. Not something I would expect the likes of Kamala Harris to know about.

He banned it for good reason. I ran an international operation for three years during Trump's presidency against the consumption of dogs and cats globally. The cruelty that these animals were subjected to would make even the most hardened person cry. Every day I would watch footage of people's pets being tortured in the most horrific ways imaginable. It was during this time that I also became involved in the campaign to ban dog and cat meat in the USA. Donald Trump signed it into law in 2018. This went unnoticed by the media.

Trump did more for animals during his term than any president, not only protecting dogs and cats, but also making online animal torture a federal offence.

So watching ignorant viewers laughing about it under videos of Sky News' coverage of the debate or, worse, watching Kamala Harris laugh about it sickens me to my stomach. I dare Harris to watch some of the footage for what they do to dogs and cats in places they are consumed. Dogs boiled and torched alive, bloodied collars splattered across the floor in slaughterhouses, owners screaming and crying when they know their dog has been taken.

This woman laughs as if it is a joke. Her minions laugh as if it is a joke. But you know what they say. You can tell a lot about someone based on how they treat animals. Her sickly sweet act fools no one.
:sleep: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were going to GTFU and actually deal with the FACT that your Orange God parroted an absurdly FALSE posting by some MAGA mook .... a false posting that was readily parroted by MAGA politicians, media mouth pieces and general cult members.

Sorry Dippy, but that dog of yours just won't hunt.

Deal with reality, will ya please? For your education:
Worth noting that Harris wanted the mics to not be muted.
You don't know what Kamala wanted. Kamala didn't know what Kamala wanted. Kamala's team attempted the negotiating.

In any event, it doesn't matter. It was what it was.

She wanted trump to ramble, and not be cutoff.
I recognize this as your attempted spin. Trump debated Kamala and ABC.
Well if you scan your own Fox website you’ll see a whole lot of Trump talking heads do, if fact, Fox infotainment is now is using 9/11 services to avoid talking about the debate, even NewsNation, Fox light, is admitting the reality
Who told you this nonsense? I turned it on to see what they were talking about and it has been all debate all the time.
90% of the debate she came off as a whiney, nassaly condescending bitch. America HATES that. She's done. And BTW,...kiss Pennsylvania goodbye. Its Trumps now....
This is a posting from somebody I know on FB, Cackling Kammy is an ignorant twat who knows fuck all.

There seem to be a lot of people laughing about the fact that Donald Trump brought up the consumption of pet dogs and cats during the debate. One of the people who laughed was Kamala Harris.

I imagine he has good reason to be concerned about this, considering he was the president who banned dog and cat meat in 2018. Not something I would expect the likes of Kamala Harris to know about.

He banned it for good reason. I ran an international operation for three years during Trump's presidency against the consumption of dogs and cats globally. The cruelty that these animals were subjected to would make even the most hardened person cry. Every day I would watch footage of people's pets being tortured in the most horrific ways imaginable. It was during this time that I also became involved in the campaign to ban dog and cat meat in the USA. Donald Trump signed it into law in 2018. This went unnoticed by the media.

Trump did more for animals during his term than any president, not only protecting dogs and cats, but also making online animal torture a federal offence.

So watching ignorant viewers laughing about it under videos of Sky News' coverage of the debate or, worse, watching Kamala Harris laugh about it sickens me to my stomach. I dare Harris to watch some of the footage for what they do to dogs and cats in places they are consumed. Dogs boiled and torched alive, bloodied collars splattered across the floor in slaughterhouses, owners screaming and crying when they know their dog has been taken.

This woman laughs as if it is a joke. Her minions laugh as if it is a joke. But you know what they say. You can tell a lot about someone based on how they treat animals. Her sickly sweet act fools no one.
Thailand has a pedophile for a King.

That sums things up nicely...but she did lie a lot-she unloaded all the hoaxes knowing the mods would support her and let her get away with it..........She got a DEI kind of "debate"...didn't answer a single question...
Two sets of you know who won last night? Not America....
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60% of the independent voters sided with Trump after the debate, and only 30% sided with camela
It's all over but the crying from the radical leftists across the nation.
It is time that Germany prosecute him. You do know that he hates Thailand, and lives in Germany?
Agreed. Yes, he shits on his own people and has them locked up if they disagree.

If Thais had any balls, they'd revolt and throw Rama into a shark-infested bay. What a bunch of poorly educated, cowards live in Thailand...and criminals. Who else would choose to live there except criminals, pedos and drug lords?
and yet, he didn't between 2016 and 2020.....he snacked on Ukraine in 2022 and Croatia in 2012.....
No he didn't but why would Putin?
Trump was giving him blow jobs and a bunch of our military secrets.
in their meeting where there wasn't another American , let alone a Russian speaking American in the room.
Have a nice day
which is sadder, the fact you are willing too repeat something so obviously a lie or the fact you thought no one would notice......
well AGAIN just HOW do you know for SURE Trump didn't give Putin or those 12 Russian diplomats any of our military secrets?
were YOU there?
if you were then you are a Russian because there wasn't ONE American in the room either time, let alone a Russian speaking American.
and is it just a coincident that not long after these meetings some of our deep cover agents started coming up missing and some found killed?
Deep cover agents that had been working for us for years.
So tell us just how does anybody know for SURE that Trump didn't give them some of our military secrets?
have a nice day
which is sadder, the fact you are willing too repeat something so obviously a lie or the fact you thought no one would notice......
and another thing ASSHOLE prove it is a lie.
There wasn't any other American in either of those rooms during their meetings so how do YOU know Trump didn't give Putin a BJ or some of our military secrets?
have a nice day