She's finished.......

Right next to Trump, Vance and Rudy. How embarrassing for them.
I just caught her comment about trump/Putin/NATO from last night. That was worse than a kick in the balls.

After declaring that NATO and our other allies are relieved that trump isn't in the White House right now, she painted a picture of Putin in Kiev, advancing on Poland, and the cherry on top..."Putin would be eating your lunch".

I never understood why anyone believed that muted microphones would be a detriment to Harris? She put him in the corner with a dunce cap.
you need to go back further than that. people have been stupid about elections and their candidates since the election of bill clinton
That just shows how badly Reaganomics affected the nation. Bush Sr. bore the brunt, and Clinton simply took advantage. He really stepped in shit when the internet was born during his tenure, which created a booming economy.
90% of the debate she came off as a whiney, nassaly condescending bitch. America HATES that. She's done. And BTW,...kiss Pennsylvania goodbye. Its Trumps now....
Never underestimate the stupidity of the American public. I was disappointed that neither of them really didn't answer the questions asked with a direct response. The first question out of the box to her was are you better off now than three years ago and all we got was "I grew up with a single mother in a middle class family". Trump had the chance to end the J6 shit by saying "yes, I wish it had never gotten so far out of hand. When asked if he wanted Ukraine to win the war, I would have liked to hear, 'There are no winners in wars. Unlike the democrats and many republicans, I am against wars which is why so many of them hate me.'
That just shows how badly Reaganomics affected the nation. Bush Sr. bore the brunt, and Clinton simply took advantage. He really stepped in shit when the internet was born during his tenure, which created a booming economy.
and in typical fashion, a leftist comes in to defend their piss poor party politics by blaming everything on their predecessors...............

presidents do not have that much influence over the economy, that is congress/senate power. Clinton did every bit as much damage to our nation as reagan, GW, GWB, Obama, and trump. But I can see that you are not ready to accept that reality
90% of the debate she came off as a whiney, nassaly condescending bitch. America HATES that. She's done. And BTW,...kiss Pennsylvania goodbye. Its Trumps now....
Going into the debate, the majority of men were voting for Trump and the majority of women were voting for Kamala.

You just offered an opinion from the mans perspective - a man that was voting for Trump before the debate - and nothing could of possibly transpired in the debate for you to change your mind

^just some context to add here^

Elections are more about turnout - and conservatives are lying to themselves if they do not see how this debate might of helped one side in the turnout game more than the other.
Just because it was not reported to the police does not mean it did not happen.

Perhaps this Haitian gentleman with the goose can come to your house, Concarty.

You can help him prepare it. Will tomorrow be too soon?

Poor Concarty.
I think it was aliens. Like the outer space kind. Yeah, that’s the ticket. We’re laughing at you Earl.

The man in the photo is not Haitian. And that photograph was not taken in Springfield. How embarrassing for you.
and in typical fashion, a leftist comes in to defend their piss poor party politics by blaming everything on their predecessors...............

presidents do not have that much influence over the economy, that is congress/senate power. Clinton did every bit as much damage to our nation as reagan, GW, GWB, Obama, and trump. But I can see that you are not ready to accept that reality
Specifics are in order. Did he crash the S&L industry? I think not. He did give us a new colloquialism for a blowjob, though.
Great post...
Her fellow liars will support that hour and a half of smirking and multiple memorized lies (I've never heard so many)..My goodness...She refused to answer the very first question...iit caught her off guard right away...
The rest of America will see right through that phony performance...did she drool? No...Congratulations to her for a better job than Joe (she totally threw him under the bus again)
She didn't articulate a single policy...why do you think they want a rematch to clean up her mess? She was afraid to actually answer any questions...and now that's clear....even with the help of the moderators, she couldn't get it done...
President Trump took care of business....
Kamala aborted a 78 year old full term baby last night.
For now because she won't her security dogs muir and davis with her but she does have a complicit media intent on helping get the kamal elected. That was obvious last night.
Maybe they all had Springfield pussy-cat sandwiches during the ads break.

Haw, haw.................................haw.
Specifics are in order. Did he crash the S&L industry? I think not. He did give us a new colloquialism for a blowjob, though.
again, you're too partisan to look at reality. you're pointing fingers at bad things the other side did while dismissing or defending anything your party members did.