Shiites burn six Sunni worshippers alive


Staff member
By QAIS AL-BASHIR, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 23 minutes ago

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Shiite militiamen grabbed six Sunnis as they left Friday worship services, doused them with kerosene and burned them alive near Iraqi soldiers who did not intervene, police Capt. Jamil Hussein said.

The savage revenge attack for Thursday's slaying of 215 people in the Shiite Sadr City slum occurred as members of the Mahdi Army militia burned four mosques, and several homes while killing an unknown number of Sunni residents in the once-mixed Hurriyah neighborhood of Baghdad.

Gunmen loyal to radical anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr began taking over the neighborhood this summer and most of its Sunni residents already had fled.

doused them with kerosene and burned them alive near Iraqi soldiers who did not intervene


I don't understand why, if iraqi soliders won't stop the madness, Dixie expects american solider to.
Just In...

Reported by MSN that Iraq Special Forces supported by US advisors and attack Choppers are attacking SADR City...bout' time!
And WE SUPPORT the Shiites? The Shiites are committing BARBARIC things like this...?

What the heck?

How can we support the shiites when they just let their KINFOLK do these type of SAVAGE killings?

jimminnee christmas, what the heck do we do? Stay or leave? How can we stop this... UNLESS we put our soldiers in there to stop these barbaric things and make them SUBJECT to having the same type violence done to them?

man, we are in such a mess...a big ass mess!

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Its not a civil war? Still?

What will it take, the south to attack the north and general Abu Lee to lead a rag tag group from the south wile Bin Lincon leads the north?
Its not a civil war? Still?

What will it take, the south to attack the north and general Abu Lee to lead a rag tag group from the south wile Bin Lincon leads the north?
Sectarian violence is not the same thing as civil war.
Widespread sectarian violence, is just a subset of a civil war. Some civil wars are fought over political ideologies, some are fought over sectarian religious differences, some are fought over sectarian ethnic differences. It really doesn't matter. Only white house Press Secretary Tony Snow is interested in parsing the words. To him "sectarian violence" is just the polite way of saying "civil war". The Bush admin will never admit to igniting a civil war.

Civil war, by defintion, is people within the same country warring for political power and influence.
Except I don't think most of them are fighting over who will rule, most are just answering the last attack by the others and escalating...

Shiite blows up people, Sunni answers by burning some alive, etc...

So, it walks like a cow but quacks like a duck... It ain't a duck.
So the Lebanese civil war between christian, sunni, and shia militias was not a civil war at all, but it was sectarian violence?

There was a difference there. They were attempting to take control, each faction. In this case they are only escalating in vengeance, not attempting to take control specifically.
Except I don't think most of them are fighting over who will rule, most are just answering the last attack by the others and escalating...

Shiite blows up people, Sunni answers by burning some alive, etc...

So, it walks like a cow but quacks like a duck... It ain't a duck.

Thank you Tony Snow. You've done your job running interference for Bush.

You naive if you don't think sunnis and shia militias are positioning themselves for power and influnce. Revenge is just one component of war.
Iraqi Health Ministry says 150,00 people have died in the violence.

By any measure, that's a civil war. Its understandable that Bush fans don't want to admit that there president has ignited a civil war, but word parsing won't keep George Bush from going to Hell.
Thank you Tony Snow. You've done your job running interference for Bush.

You naive if you don't think sunnis and shia militias are positioning themselves for power and influnce. Revenge is just one component of war.
I think that some are positioning themselves for power, I just don't think those doing these attacks are. There are those who will use such chaos in order to position themselves for greater power, that doesn't make the attacks "Civil War" by your definition, it makes those doing it power seekers...
Iraqi Health Ministry says 150,00 people have died in the violence.

By any measure, that's a civil war. Its understandable that Bush fans don't want to admit that there president has ignited a civil war, but word parsing won't keep George Bush from going to Hell.
I'm unworried at all about Bush's soul. I just call them as I personally see them. If you still forget that I wasn't for this war to begin with and pretend that I am working to justify it by this opinion then you simply cannot remember even two days past and I wonder how we can even hold conversations at all with such a short memory of personal history.
Henry Kissinger calls it a civil war.

Its got all the elements of a civil war. The dictionary defintion fits. The level of violence fits. Just like Lebanon and Bosnia did.

I don't know why people are afraid to call a duck a duck. Most people in the world see it for what it is, and call it a civil war. I can see no reason to run away from calling it, what it is.

Bush fans have spent this whole war trying to redefine words. First, it wasn't an insurgency - it was just a few dead enders. Now, its not a civil war, its sectarian violence.