Shiites burn six Sunni worshippers alive


Oh so now you say we didnt admitt to it?

Damn you really hate facts huh?

What I am saying is...I don't believe everthing I see broadcast on the news...even if they used WP so what?...Personally I would prefer this to having my head removed with a dull bladded about you? go and do a google search on how the enemy treats us!
The MSM hasn't changed a bit since VN. Based on the articles in that blog floping Aces They still get their news the same old way. Sit in their hotels and wait for stringers to bring in stories or get press releases from HQ.They don't dare leave the comfort of their hotels.

Every news organization that uses quotes from un-named or questionable sources should be investigated. Reporting false information should not be considered freedom of the press but should be considered sedition.

And once again BB and I are in full agreement.....:clink:

The MSM hasn't changed a bit since VN. Based on the articles in that blog floping Aces They still get their news the same old way. Sit in their hotels and wait for stringers to bring in stories or get press releases from HQ.They don't dare leave the comfort of their hotels.

Every news organization that uses quotes from un-named or questionable sources should be investigated. Reporting false information should not be considered freedom of the press but should be considered sedition.

And once again BB and I are in full agreement.....:clink:

and the only tattos Ms.Housewive has is maybe a flower on her buttocks...or if she was daring maybe a dragon somewhere else..I have tattos of the real version...tattos with a real story!
This is so old hat...the US military has not used Napalm or Phosphorous munitions since the Vietnam era was found to be inhumane per PC!

and for the Sunnis vs the Shiites this has been going on since day one...Sunnis are more secular in government and the Shiites are more of a Theocracy! While working Intelligence back in the eightees the Shiites were the most vile of Islam...most of the terrorist we see today ie:suicide bombers/Ransom kidnapping and beheadings come from the Shiite community...most of the warrior types such as Bin Laden come from the Sunnis!...Just the facts Jack!

Sunnis are more secular in government and the Shiites are more of a Theocracy! While working Intelligence back in the eightees the Shiites were the most vile of Islam...most of the terrorist we see today ie:suicide bombers/Ransom kidnapping and beheadings come from the Shiite community.


Yeah, I'm so sure you worked in "counter-intelligence".

Dude, Al Qaeda and the Taliban were extremist sunnis. The entire Wahhabi movement from Saudi Arabia is sunnis. Palestinian militants are sunni. Al Qaeda in Iraq and their followers are sunni. Sunni extremists are as big a threat, or bigger than the shia sect.
battleweary is a prime example of how a little knowledge can be dangerous. He doesn't know the players over there...he doesn't even know the game.
Sunnis are more secular in government and the BB: Shiites are more of a Theocracy! While working Intelligence back in the eightees the Shiites were the most vile of Islam...most of the terrorist we see today ie:suicide bombers/Ransom kidnapping and beheadings come from the Shiite community.


Yeah, I'm so sure you worked in "counter-intelligence".

Dude, Al Qaeda and the Taliban were extremist sunnis. The entire Wahhabi movement from Saudi Arabia is sunnis. Palestinian militants are sunni. Al Qaeda in Iraq and their followers are sunni. Sunni extremists are as big a threat, or bigger than the shia sect.

this is so hilarious.

Dude, your heroic tales of being a vietnam vet ("We were THREE MONTHS away from victory in Nam in 1975!") and your "counter-terrorism" career ("The Shia are resposible for most terrorism, and car bombings!") might fly on, but you just sound silly here.
Being blunt...sailor boy...

battleweary is a prime example of how a little knowledge can be dangerous. He doesn't know the players over there...he doesn't even know the game.

Your only experience was working with the UN as a observer...akin to Jimmy (build the houses) Carter...I know the players and as a matter of fact stopped a back to swabbing the decks with you..."In the Navy" 'Village People' sailor! and by all means take cypress with you...the decks are really filthy!

this is so hilarious.

Dude, your heroic tales of being a vietnam vet ("We were THREE MONTHS away from victory in Nam in 1975!") and your "counter-terrorism" career ("The Shia are resposible for most terrorism, and car bombings!") might fly on, but you just sound silly here.

Is not Gay pride week comming up? This is more your forte! Take the silly sailor with you...Mr.Maineman!
Do you have any idea what a military observer/crisis mediator in Lebanon DID in 1981-82 and what sorts of daily interactions we had with all of the political and religious sects? Don't insult me battleweary. You are a Vietnam vet and then you were a cop. You have NEVER been anywhere near the middle east or interacted with any arabs or muslims. YOu think that the shiites are the extremists when the guys who attacked us were ALL sunnis..... yhou are blowing smoke out of your ass. Go back to collaring speeders... and shut the fuck up.
hey battlefag.... you are all hat and no cattle.... you talk like a big tough cop, but you don't know what the fuck you are talking about....and folks on here who DO have called you on it....

you are wrong and uninformed.

just admit it.

hey battlefag.... you are all hat and no cattle.... you talk like a big tough cop, but you don't know what the fuck you are talking about....and folks on here who DO have called you on it....

you are wrong and uninformed.

just admit it. remind me of the two star admiral in the movie "Up Periscope" and cypress was the Lt...who was thrown off the sub...two peas in a go swab the decks...You have no real experience in the ME...just bs'n your way in here...and sorry Charlie Tuna...I do have experience in the ME working as a Intel bite me Commander of BS... aking to the Peanut Farmer Jimmy the Commie!
FACT: Anyone with ten years experience in "counter intelligence" knows that sunni extremists - Taliban, Al Qaeda, Wahhabists, Palestinian militants - have been responsible for most of the terrorisms, bombings, and car bombings for the last decade.

YOu don't know what the fuck your talking about BB. People may have bought your invented online persona on FreeRepublic, but not here.

FACT: Anyone with ten years experience in "counter intelligence" knows that sunni extremists - Taliban, Al Qaeda, Wahhabists, Palestinian militants - have been responsible for most of the terrorisms, bombings, and car bombings for the last decade.

YOu don't know what the fuck your talking about BB. People may have bought your invented online persona on FreeRepublic, but not here.

My personna on who I am...not attached to any other web site...gimmee a break Lt...wannabbe the Taliban thats rich...they were and still are a Theocracy form of is Iran...and for your info 'stupid cupid' even Bin Laden told em' to back off the beheadings and such...but I suppose this was missed by you and the Commander!
He is a moron. I LIVE in the middle east working in Southern Lebanon and Beirut for two years breaking up fights between these very groups and it's ME who is just BSing????? whilst battleweary, who has never been anywhere NEAR the middle east and proves it with every idiotic statement he makes is somehow the arbiter of truth? Is he living in DIXIE land?

He is a moron. I LIVE in the middle east working in Southern Lebanon and Beirut for two years breaking up fights between these very groups and it's ME who is just BSing????? whilst battleweary, who has never been anywhere NEAR the middle east and proves it with every idiotic statement he makes is somehow the arbiter of truth? Is he living in DIXIE land?

You sorry one worked in Lebabon 1982-1984 as a weak observer attached to the UN so called mission...this does not qualify as experience...a Pollywog out of water maybe...I would not in my dreams try to debate you on shipboard I was Army(Ground Pounder) up close and please don't try to snow the room about your so called two years attached to the UN as a observer...this was Lebanon...a Christian led government and dealing with the idiots of Hamas albeit they are supprted by Iran...which you run from on this angle...take a shower and two asprin and see the Doc in the in Morning Star"
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My personna on who I am...not attached to any other web site...gimmee a break Lt...wannabbe the Taliban thats rich...they were and still are a Theocracy form of is Iran...and for your info 'stupid cupid' even Bin Laden told em' to back off the beheadings and such...but I suppose this was missed by you and the Commander!

do you really think that the term "shiite" is synonymous with "theocrat"?

The fact is: taliban are sunnis.... wahabbists are sunnis.... al qaeda are sunnis.

you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

My wife doesn't have a lot of background in the middle east and wanted to become more familiar with the terminology and obtain a basic understanding of the issues and the players. I got her a book entitled "Islam for Dummies". I highly recommend it for you battleweary.... it was written with guys like you in mind.
Just so others will see and maybe actually read this. The accuracy of the original report is, at best, questionable...

It appears that there are a lot of reports that are suspect from what I was reading. Another good blog spot. i bookmarked it for future reading.

do you really think that the term "shiite" is synonymous with "theocrat"?

The fact is: taliban are sunnis.... wahabbists are sunnis.... al qaeda are sunnis.

you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

My wife doesn't have a lot of background in the middle east and wanted to become more familiar with the terminology and obtain a basic understanding of the issues and the players. I got her a book entitled "Islam for Dummies". I highly recommend it for you battleweary.... it was written with guys like you in mind.

Do I feel sorry for your wife....married to a closet Commander who belittles her at every turn...sorry idiot Commander...where did I say that the Taliban and Usama were not Sunnis as well as a matter of fact I said Usama scolded the Shiite as well as the mixed alQaeda (Sunni&Shiites) and Taliban for the beheadings and attacks on their own people...sorry but the fact still remains that IRAN and Sadr are a Theocracy in Iraq...
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